"Don't." He replied. "But…" She began, almost tearfully. "Amber, look, I know how you feel and all, so please, just don't do this to me." He finished for her, before he got up to leave. She followed him, and finally spoke without interruption. "Look, Joey, I always considered you a friend, nothing more. I was surprised, that's all. That's why I ran. I just--I don't know-- I had to have time to think." He turned to face her. "About what?" At that moment, she saw the pain in his eyes, and realized he truly had meant what he had told her before. "About my feelings for you, what else?" She responded. "And?" He prompted her. "And… I don't know." She said helplessly. "It's been what, 10 days since I first met you? I just don't know." He turned his back to her and walked towards the car. "Are you ready to go?" he gruffly said. "Yes, almost. I'll be there in a minute." She said, and walked down to the shoreline, hating herself for what she had just done. "I hate you!!" She screamed out at the black oblivion in front of her. She could no longer control her anger. "Why do you always do this to me?" She half-sobbed, half- yelled. Somehow, in the midst of all of her yelling, she heard Joey's soft voice. "Amber?" he said. She hurriedly attempted to brush the tears from her eyes, but to no avail. "Yes?" She inquired. "It's Amee. And Justin. They were cornered by a gang, and are beat up pretty bad." He answered. Her eyes grew huge, and without a second thought, she jogged towards the car, Joey lagging behind.

"How is it, doctor?" JC asked, anxiously. He had been in hospitals way too much lately. This was just as bad as Amber's accident, if not worse. Justin and Amee, of all people. Jasmine sat quietly next to him, holding his hand. That was really all she could do. He was off in his own world, and she knew why. Justin was one of his best friends, and he was so young. They couldn't reach Kristen and Chris, but Lance and Katy were there. Katy's eyes were red from crying, and you could tell Lance felt the same way. The doctor cleared his throat, and answered. "To my knowledge the young man should be fine. He is in a coma, but his chances are good. The young lady, on the other hand…Well, I'm not too familiar with her case, but she's on the operating table, and it doesn't look good." He finished grimly. Katy burst into tears. Lance hugged her and comforted her as best she could. "I have to go call Amber." She finally managed to choke out. She needed to talk to someone who actually knew Amee, someone who could help her through this. She got Joey's cell phone number and went to the nearest pay phone, trying to see through her tears as she punched in the number.

The drive back to Orlando was a quiet one. Joey felt like he was the one that had been beaten up. He loved Amber. She didn't love him. It was as simple as that. They never had anything, and never would. Amber meanwhile, was staring out into the nothingness, miserably. She had hurt Joey, and Amee and Justin were injured. She thought about the last time she had seen them that night. They looked so uncomfortable around each other. She couldn't help but wonder how the actual date had been. Suddenly, Joey's cell phone beeped. She reached down to answer it, and she heard Katy's voice. "Wait, wait, calm down. I can't hear what you're saying. Katy, slow down. Tell me what's wrong." She said into the phone. The voice was so distant, but she could still feel Katy's pain. "Katy, please. Calm down. How's Amee? She's WHAT?!?" Inside her mind she was screaming, but she managed to keep it under control. "We'll get there as soon as possible. How's Justin? OK. Well, look, the reception is getting kind of scratchy, so I'll call you once we get in better range, ok? All right. Bye, Katy." She whispered the last part into the phone as she put it away. She couldn't cry anymore. This past night had dried up all of the tears she would've cried for her friend. "How are they?" Joey's voice finally interrupted her thoughts. "Not good." She answered in a monotone voice, praying that the hour they had left wouldn't last as long as the previous two hours had. She closed her eyes, and hoped for the best.


It was around 3 in the morning when Amber and Joey finally arrived in the hospital's parking lot. They hurried inside and saw all of their friends in the very back corner of the waiting room. Katy was asleep, with her head resting on Lance's shoulder. His head was leaning against the wall, and his eyes were red from crying. JC was so tired he barely acknowledged them coming in, and Jasmine was fast asleep in his embrace. Suddenly Katy woke up, and Amber saw the pain that entered her eyes when she realized she was still here. "I was hoping it had all just been a dream." She mumbled. "Hey, Kates," Amber gently said. "How are they?" "Justin is doing fine, but Amee..." Lance trailed off, and looked over at JC. "She might not make it, Amber." JC finished, as a look of shock came over her face. The news hit her full force. She sank down in a seat next to Katy, who was now crying softly. "Has anyone seen them yet?" Joey asked. "They haven't let any of us in yet, so it looks pretty bad." JC grimly responded. "You know what, I haven't had anything to eat all day, and I think I'll go down and get something. You wanna come, Kate?" Amber asked, trying to distract her. When she shook her head, Amber spoke again. "Well, at least go on a walk with me. We haven't talked since this afternoon." Amber insisted, and Katy pulled herself up. As they walked out of the room, Joey sank down and leaned his head back against the wall. "Whoa, what's wrong, Joey?" Lance asked worriedly. "Everything," he replied, sadly....


"Katy, it will be ok," Amber tried her best to comfort her friend, but to no avail. "Amee has always been a fighter, and she won't stop now." She reasoned. "I know, I know -- I just--Well, why aren't you upset, Amber?" Katy inquired. "I am, but my eyes are a little too dry right now." Amber confessed. "And just why is that?" Katy asked, curiously. "Because, well, after Joey and I dropped off JC and Jas, we drove all the way out to the beach, and, well, JoeytoldmehelovedmeandItotallyblewhimoff." She rushed her words purposely, mainly because she still felt bad about what she had done. "You WHAT?!?! Amber, how could you? You knew he loved you, and--" Katy began, but was cut off. "Nonono, I NEVER for one millisecond knew how he felt." Amber interrupted. "Oh, come on. Don't give me that. Joey had it bad, and everyone knew." Katy smirked. Amber inwardly both grinned and frowned. She had gotten Katy's mind off Amee, even if she brought up a painful subject. "Whatever." She replied, playfully pushing her. As the two just sat and conversed, Joey slowly came up behind them, accompanied by Lance. "Hey, uhm, Katy? You can go inside and see Amee now." Lance quietly spoke. Instantly Katy remembered why she was there, and her whole mood changed. She looked at Joey, and even though Amber knew what she was thinking, she had an unreadable expression on her face. Joey, not wanting to be out there with Amber, quickly walked in with Katy, leaving her alone outside with Lance. "Uhm, I guess I should go in and see Ames," she said, and tried to rush off. "Hold it." Lance firmly replied, and Amber, unused to him talking to her like that, stopped dead in her tracks.

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