Beep…beep…beep… As Joey walked into Amber’s room, all he could hear was the sounds of all of the machines she was hooked up to. He looked down at her, and through the masses of tubes surrounding her he could make out the she had shoulder length red hair, and was very slender, even though she would have only been about 5’6’’ or so in real life. He knew his time was running out, but he wasn’t sure what to say to her. So he just said what was on his mind. “Hi, Amber, it’s me, Joey. I know you don’t know me or anything, but I was in the bus that hit you and I want you to know that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything.” Lance quietly walked in the room and sat down next to him. “C’mon, Joey your time is up. You need to go get something to eat. Chris is already down in the cafeteria, so why don’t you go and join him?” Since Joey knew he had no other choice, he reluctantly got up to leave. But as soon as he did, Amber moved. Both guys looked down at her in surprise, and, to their astonishment, her eyelids fluttered opened and she gazed up at the two men standing above her.

Twists of Fate
Let's Get 'N Fanfiction