Amber looked at the slowly rising sun, and began her trek inside the hospital. She had to tell Joey how she felt. But as she entered the atmosphere, guilt hit her full force. Here she was worrying about her problems, and Amee and Justin were critically injured. She rushed into the waiting room, but saw no one. Then she heard something, and turned around to see Lance running towards a room, with Joey following him. She saw where they had come out of, so she went in that direction. Katy had her head in her hands, and Amber's heart broke. She knew that the news couldn't be good. As she walked in the room, Katy looked up at her, and the two of them looked tearfully down at their friend. Even though she thought her she couldn't possibly cry anymore because of all the tears she already HAD cried, Amber still found some extra tears, and the two of them began weeping openly over their comatose friend, and praying with all of their might.

As Joey looked down at his friend, he felt both guilty that he hadn't been there to protect him, and relieved that Justin was still alive. Even though he was listed in critical condition, being awake was a really good sign. He hated seeing his friend in that much pain. And the pain wasn't all physical. Joey had seen the torment that was added to Justin's eyes when he was informed of Amee's condition. Even though he had only known Ames for a little while, Justin was falling for her. Joey remembered... NO. He couldn't remember his feelings for Amber. It hurt too much thinking about it. But it was an unavoidable subject. She was everywhere, and even if she didn't love him in return, he would always feel something for her. Just stop thinking about it! he commanded himself. He walked out of the room, leaving Lance alone with Justin. "Where are you going?" Lance called. "To go call Jace and Jas and tell them the good news." He mumbled. He needed to go out for a while.

"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!!!!!" Chris screamed, jolting both Jasmine and JC awake. "Chris?" JC growled, squinting under the bright lights. "Remind me to kill you." "What'd I do?" he said innocently. "You know damn well what you just did. We've only had 3 hours of sleep." Jasmine grumbled. She didn't like being disturbed from slumber anymore than JC did. But on the plus side, it was a wonderful feeling to have his arms wrapped around her. "Where were you guys, anyway?" JC questioned him. "Justin and Amee were almost killed, and we couldn't find you anywhere." "We were-WHAT?!?!" Kristen stopped, astonished. Chris felt the same way. "How are they?" He asked, anxiously. "I don't know. No one's called us, so I guess their conditions haven't changed." Jasmine replied. "Well, then what are you here for? Let's go! HURRYHURRYHURRY! We need to see how they are!" Chris yelled, and within 5 minutes (Thanks to Chris and his prompting) they were in the car and riding to the hospital.

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