The ringing of the phone was the only sound in Amee's deserted house, and Joey looked disgustedly at the phone. It rang 12 straight times, Joey finally hung up, but continued to look frustratingly at it. "Geez, Jace, I knew you were a heavy sleeper, but…" he muttered under his breath. He could only guess what Jasmine and JC were doing. It was so unfair. Why did his friend get to have all of the luck? Amber and I would be like that, it only… STOP!!!!! He commanded his brain. It was totally unfair. JC didn't know how good he had it. He immediately felt guilty for thinking of his friend in that way. It wasn't anyone's fault. This was just the way it would have to be.


Chris anxiously drummed his fingers on his lap, and waiting for the 20 minutes of car ride to end. What if Justin was really hurt bad? Would he be all right? "Justin, god. Why Justin?" he said aloud. He needed to vent out his anger, but he couldn't do it here. JC was patiently driving along, staring straight ahead. How in the hell does he manage to be so calm? He thought to himself. "I just can, that's all." JC smiled at his friend through the rearview mirror. The reply angered Chris even more. How had he known… Whatever. Suddenly the sign for the hospital came into view. As JC slowed the car down, both Chris and Kristen jumped out of the car immediately, and rushed in through the doors. JC and Jasmine shook their heads in amazement. They walked in a couple minutes later to find both of them slumped in chairs, relieved. "He's awake!" Chris yelled. He was already half-asleep. It was noon, and he hadn't slept in over twenty-four hours. "What?!" JC yelled, shocked. "And no one told ME?!?!" He set off angrily to find Lance.

"Amber?" Katy questioned her friend, once they had stopped crying. "Justin's awake." She finished, trying to add some good news to the barrage of bad ones. Amber's eyes did brighten up when she heard that. "Maybe I should go and see him!" she said, then the cloud came back. JOEY. "Well, maybe later." She replied. I'm just not ready to confront him yet, she thought to herself, glumly. Katy was feeling guilty. She knew why Amber didn't go, and she felt really bad. But right now was just not the time to tell Amber about the kiss, or to even try and comfort her. At that moment, Katy saw a glimmer of something in Amber's eyes. There was no mistaking the love she saw there. Amber really does love Joey. Katy's eyes widened as the thought entered her head. "Oh, god, why me?" She cursed herself under her breath. She hated not telling her friend what was on her mind, and what she had done.

"LANCE?" JC yelled, as he walked into the room, making Justin and Lance jump. JC's tone and eyes softened, however, when he saw Justin's eyes looking back at him. "Hey, Ju." He whispered. "Hey." Justin weakly responded. Lance quickly left the room, to give both of them some time to talk. Besides, he was wondering what place Chris had been where he had not taken his cell phone. He had seen Kristen amble by a few minutes ago, so he knew his friend was there somewhere. The hard part would be finding him.

**8 Hours Later**

"You know what?" Amber suddenly blurted out. "I really need to go see Justin." She announced, unable to wait around anymore. Who even cared if Joey was there? She needed to see her friend. "Go, on then!" Katy encouraged her. They were both in better moods. The doctors had looked Amee over, and said that she would make a fast recovery once she came out of her coma. Things were looking up. Amber took one last look at her comatose friend, then steeled herself towards Justin's room. Nothing would stop her now.


Jasmine and Kristen, in spite of all that was going on, still managed to find themselves walking around the courtyard, just talking. They had been friends ever since the first time they had met, which was a long time ago. But even though they had met around the same time, that was all they had in common. Jasmine was the quiet, calm and logical person, who could always sort her way through any kind of situation, and do it with ease. Kristen, however, had enough energy in one day to supply the whole Earth with it for one year. Remember that old saying, opposites attract? That describes their relationship perfectly.

But anyway, as they walked along the grounds, talking about school (Both were almost finished) and Jasmine's acting career (It had just gotten off the ground.) Jasmine suddenly remembered something she had wanted to ask. "Hey, Kris?" Jasmine spoke up. "Exactly where were you and Chris last night?" she finished. Jasmine watched in surprise as Kristen's face turned a bright shade of red. "Uhmm, well, I was somewhere….. Do you really want to know?" she asked Jasmine hesitantly, not sure if she was really ready to tell her…..


Joey walked around the hospital grounds, but quickly sank down into the nearest bench he saw. It was next to a huge oak tree. Even though the hospital was small, he was amazed at the size of their courtyard. It was night, but was unusually cool for Florida at this time of year. As he laid back on the bottom of the bench, he couldn't help but look up at the beautiful sky up above him. There weren't very many stars, but there was a full moon, and that very nearly took his breath away. As the breeze slowly went through the trees, it made the leaves softly rustle, as he finally began to close his eyes…


As Amber walked into Justin's room, she was immediately met by his alert and wandering eyes. She was so relieved that he was awake, and she hoped that soon Amee's eyes would be as alert as his were. Even though she felt happy for Justin, deep down she wished that Amee was the one that was looking up at her. "How is she?" Justin asked automatically, knowing where she had just been. Once she broke eye contact with Justin, she looked around, and not seeing Joey, she relaxed. But how do you answer the question? Amber thought to herself. "She's stable." Amber answered, telling the truth. Well, as much of it as she could. She couldn't add any more pain to his already unbearable weight. Just then, Katy came running in the room. "AMBER!! IT"S AMEE!" she screamed, sobbing. Justin perked up. "OHMIGOD!" he yelled. "What's wrong?" he demanded of the tear stricken girl standing in front of him.

* * * * *