Though the kiss was very long passionate, Amber and Joey didn't think so. They were both breathless, and though they both yearned for more, they both didn't tell the other. All Amber could say was "Whoa." In her mind she was thinking: Tell him. TELL HIM NOW! But her tongue wouldn't form the words. Instead, her eyes searched his, and their lips met for another kiss.

"Amee?" Justin whispered, looking down at her. He had never been so happy as the moment when her brown eyes opened. The hint of a twinkle was beginning to form in her eyes. "Hi, Justin." she murmured softly. "How are you doing?" he asked. "Worse then good, but better than bad." She managed to reply. Slowly, she began to smile. Justin had never seen anything so beautiful. "You're going to be just fine, Ms. Pham." The doctor spoke. Amee and Justin simultaneously smiled again, in relief. As she began to close her eyes, Justin remained near her, his hand holding hers. The doctor left the room, and her breathing became steady. Justin stayed rooted to the spot, unable to take his eyes off of her. "Good night, my angel." He looked down at her, and gently kissed her on her forehead.

"Jasmine, what was that about?" JC asked, his eyes two question marks. "Oh, uhm, that was just my agent." She said quickly. "He was calling me about the audition that I just went to. And-well, I got the female lead." She looked away. "Really? That's wonderful!" JC picked her up, and swung her around. "What's the name of--" he realized he didn't know the name of what she was doing. "It's a movie, but I don't' exactly know what the title is. I just know it's a real romantic, tear jerker type thing." This time JC caught on to why she seemed so hesitant. "So there's a male lead?" He could tell by the look on her face that he had hit the nail on the head. "So, who is it?" he inquired. "Ryan Phillipe." Her voice was barely heard.

"Kristen, we need to talk. About the engagement." Chris said in total seriousness. Kristen could detect the dread in his face, and she knew right then that she wasn't going to like what he was going to say. "Maybe we need a little more time to think about this. We're young, and I barely see you. Right now, I just don't see marriage working for us." "But Chris, we can do it. We've done it now, and it's worked great. Chris, I love you." She said, her eyes filling with tears. "I love you too." Chris answered. "But I think we should postpone the engagement." Kristen said nothing. She just got up, and walked away. Her heart had just been torn to pieces. Chris watched her go, and then sat their, head in his hands. "You did the right thing." He told himself over and over again. Then why did it feel so wrong?

Amber couldn't believe what she was doing. But it felt so right. She never should have pushed Joey away. But sometimes you can't help your past. Everything was perfect. There was no denying now. She was head over heels in love. As she looked into Joey's eyes, their calmness seeped into her, and she gave Joey what she had given almost no one: her trust.

Joey looked down at the person wrapped up in his arms. It felt to good to be true. And the fact that it WAS true made it even better. Something kept buzzing in his head. The thought was flying through his mind. SAY IT. NOW! So he did what he thought was best. Ever so gently, he put one hand under her chin, and tilted it so that her eyes gazed into his. "I love you." He said earnestly. He had never meant anything more. A shy smile spread over her face. Joey basked in the sweetness and innocence of it all. "I love you, too." She replied, with certainty.

* * * * *