“ AMBER!!! HAPPY GOING HOME DAY!!!!” Chris yelled as he walked into her hospital room, accompanied by Lance. Amber was on the phone, and she glared at him from where she was sitting. “Whoa, on the phone, are we? That’s a good sign.” Chris mumbled, as she gave him a threatening glance. “Look, Jesse, I’m going to have to go. I’ll call you later, and tell you more.” As she hung up the phone, Chris knew what was coming. He managed to dive behind the nearest chair and barely missed getting bopped on the head with a very big, very heavy pillow.

It had been one week since she had first gotten to the hospital, and even though she had made a swift recovery, she still had no memory of the accident. She knew that she was hurt very badly, but nothing else rang a bell. “Come on, kiddo. Your chariot awaits.” Lance said, as he gestured to the wheelchair. “I still don’t understand why I can’t walk out of this place like all the regular people.” Amber grumbled. But she did as she was told. “Well, that’s an easy one,” Chris said sweetly. “They won’t let you walk out of here because you’re NOT a normal person.” “OWWW!!” Chris yelped as Amber kicked him in the shins. “What’d I ever do to you?” he said, and half-walked, half-limped out to the car, while Lance pushed her from behind.

Twists of Fate
Let's Get 'N Fanfiction