Chapter 9

As Joey walked in to Amber’s apartment, he was unsure of how the night would go. However, he knew that it wasn’t going to go well, once he saw the look on Amber’s face. As soon as he entered he saw her throwing some sheets on her couch. He already knew what they were for, so he sat down and did the only thing he could think of. He tried to apologize. “Look, Amber, I am really sorry for doing this to you.” He said. Amber thought about what he had said. He seemed sincere, but he wasn’t going to soften her up that easily. “Well, then, why are you doing this?” She replied. “That’s an easy one. Because JC would kill me otherwise. You’ve known him for about a week. His behavior towards you is nothing unusual to us. We all need his maturity to make up for our immaturity. But don’t let it get to you. That’s his way of showing he cares.” To this, Amber responded by cracking a small smile. “ Besides, you still haven’t remembered anything about the accident, and that isn’t a good sign. We all care about you way too much to travel by yourself.”

Amber thought about his words and suddenly she smiled. “What?” Joey said, as he smiled back. He couldn’t help it, her smile was contagious. “Nothing, I just realized that this is the first time you’ve ever said more than a total of two words to me. But I’m really tired, so I’ll go and get some rest.” With that, she finished making up his bed, and went back into her own room, where she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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