"Hurry up or we're going to be late!" Rebecca Tyler yelled up the stairs to her friend.

"I'm coming! Don't have a cow!" came the response from an opened bedroom on the second floor.

"I'm fine, it's just you know how mad my mom gets when I make her wait in the car with the engine running for longer then 5 seconds."

"Then tell her it was my fault and you'll be fine." Sarah Hemmingway replied as she descended down the stairwell. She is approximately 5'3" with shoulder length, bleached blond hair.

"Looks like that dye that you used didn't take hold to your roots." Rebecca said as she realized what a waste of time that was. Rebecca had spent all afternoon working on Sarah's hair and a lot of good that did. For some reason the dye didn't dye her roots (the sole purpose for redyeing her hair).

"I know, shut up!! I'm so mad. I hope there's no cute guys at this theater that we're going to."

"Oh well, if there is who cares. It's not like guys notice stuff like that anyway." Kidded Rebecca.

The two girls ran out of the house so as not to keep Rebecca's mother waiting anymore. "It's about time you two decided to grace me with your presence. You know you're not going to make it in time for the movie. Especially Star Wars considering everyone and their mothers have tickets already."

"We already have tickets. They came in the mail last week. It's just a matter of finding the theater, that's all. Do you have the map, Becca?" Sarah questioned.

"Somewhere around here. The problem is we never cleaned out the car from the drive up here."

Mrs. Tyler and Rebecca had been planning to come to Memphis, Tennessee for as long as they can remember. Rebecca didn't want to grow bored so she invited her best friend Sarah Hemmingway to come along. They both were crazy about coming because to the girls it's a landmark. The reason for that is because it's the birthplace of their heartthrob, Justin Timberlake from 'N Sync. Because they had just gotten there the day before, they still weren't sure how to get around very well.

"Hey, it's right here." Mrs. Tyler said as she pulled into the Memphis Town Theater parking lot. "So, I'll pick you guys up at 7:30?" she joked.

"Very funny, mom! The movie starts at 7:15 so I guess we'll call you when it's over or we decide to come home." Rebecca stated to her mom through the car window.

"OK, I'm going to the travel agency to figure out the money situation so I guess if I'm not home by then just wait around and I'll be home eventually."

"Whatever. There's plenty that we can find to do around here." Sarah said as she looked around the theater area.

"We'd better get going considering our movie start in like 5 minutes." Rebecca said panicking.

"Fine, bye you guys. Have fun." Mrs. Tyler yelled as she drove off.

"We will!" the girls said in unison.

"Thank You, theater seven to your left." The ticket person said as he handed the girls their ticket stub.

"OMGoodness!! I can't believe we're going to get to see Star Wars, finally! I've waited forever to see this. I LOVE Star Wars so much!" Rebecca said with much excitement in her voice.

"You're such a nerd. I've never known anyone who loves Star Wars as much as you do." Sarah commented as they walked into the darkened theater.

"Do you see any seats together?" Sarah asked after their eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"I only see two seats left in this whole theater and I guess those two seats would be ours. It looks like the only two that are left are up there in that corner. The only thing is they're not together. In fact they're in separate rows." Rebecca said, disappointedly.

"Oh well. You're not supposed to talk anyway. Remember, 'Silence is Golden'" Sarah joked. Rebecca and Sarah always made fun of that stupid saying and almost always broke the rule.

As they reached the seats that they would soon be sitting in they noticed a lot of cords and stuff lying around on the floor. "What's all this crunk?" Rebecca asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Shh…" came a voice from behind them. "The movie is about to start." Complained a grumpy old man with a bald head.

"Sorry, we're trying to find our seats," explained Rebecca.

"Looks like these are the seats. We're not going to be sitting in the same row."

"That's 'ok' at least we'll be able to see the movie" Rebecca said reassuringly.

Rebecca and Sarah took their seats. The rows they were sitting in were the smaller ones on the side of the theater. One of the rows had four seats and the one behind it had three. Sarah sat in the first row. She had to climb over three other guys who were already seated.

"Ow," came a voice from the seat that Sarah was about to sit next to.

"I'm sorr…" Sarah started to say, but just then she lost her balance. Her foot had tripped on the stranger's leg and she fell forward on top of him. Her head hit his and they both just sat there holding onto their heads.

"I'm so sorry. I was just trying to get to my seat and obviously I can't do that real well." Sarah said nervously. 'Gosh, can't I get through at least one day without making a fool out of myself!' Sarah thought to herself.

"That's OK," came the voice of the guy she was sitting on. She sat with her face towards him and both the guy and Sarah were trying to figure out what each other looked like. He wrapped his arms around her waste so that she wouldn't fall backwards. "I don't really like Star Wars anyway. I was sort of pressured to come."

Sarah grinned uneasily. "That's kind of like me. My friend, Rebecca, loves Star Wars so much. I came because I didn't want to be left at the hotel by myself with nothing to do."

"You're staying in a hotel? Which one?" questioned the guy. Sarah could almost make out his face now. He had light colored eyes. She couldn't really tell what color, but she could tell that they weren't brown or gray. His hair appeared very curly and almost the same color as her own.

"I'm not sure what the name of it is. I'm not even sure where it's located. We just got here yesterday."

"Oh, I see." The guy looked deeply into her eyes studying her every feature. He had just met this girl and it seemed as though he had known her for a long time. Her hair smelled spring fresh and when the light hit it, it shined.

"Umm, the movie is about to start." Sarah said uneasily.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry." The guy took his arms out from behind Sarah's back and held her hand. He helped her stand up and sit back down in the seat next to him. After she sat down, the guy leaned over and said, "You never told what your name is."

"Oh yeah. Umm…my name is Sarah. What's yours?" she asked back.

"Justin," the voice said into her ear. "Do you have a last name?" he asked again.

"Hemmingway. My name is Sarah Hemmingway. And you? Do you have a last name?" she questioned.

"Well…umm…my name is Justin Timberlake."

All of a sudden Sarah froze where she was sitting. Maybe she heard him wrong. "Excuse me?" she said weakly.

"Justin Timberlake. Perhaps you've heard of me?"

"Yeah. You're in 'N Sync, right?"

"Yeah, that would be me."

Just then the words started going up the screen and everyone cheered in unison. Everyone that is, except for Sarah. She just sat there in shock.


"Are you okay? You haven't said a word in over an hour. Don't tell me you actually follow that dumb rule." Justin joked as he leaned over to her.

Just then Sarah turned to look at him and her nose hit his. "Ow!" the two said in unison. "I'm sorry!" Sarah said while holding her nose.

"No, don't be sorry it's no one's fault. Are you okay?" Justin asked sympathetically. "Here let me kiss it and make it feel better." Justin reached over and pulled her hand off her nose. Justin continued to hold her hand while he leaned in and placed a light, delicate kiss on the tip of her nose. "Better?" he asked.

"Much, thank you!" Sarah replied, breathless.

Justin hadn't drawn his face back yet. The two remained inches apart from one another. Their hands held tight to each other as Justin said, "Good; if you need anything else, let me know." And with that he kissed her cheek and then they both leaned back in their chairs still holding hands.

(Meanwhile with Rebecca)

"What's with this big pile of cords and why are there so many cameras?" Rebecca mumbled to herself as she climbed over two male bodies to get to her seat in the row behind Sarah.

"People like to video us when we go out for some strange reason that I've never been able to figure out yet," a male voice whispered, jokingly as she sat down.

"Excuse me?" Rebecca replied in surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just answering your question as to why there are so many cameras and cords and stuff like that," the young man sitting next to Rebecca replied.

"I didn't realize anyone was listening to me," Rebecca said a little embarrassed.

"Well how could someone ignore a pretty girl like you?" he responded, flirtatiously.

"People tend to do it all the time and besides how would you know what I look like?" She thought for a moment to herself. People didn't generally tell her she was pretty although she didn't consider herself ugly. She was short, like her friend Sarah, only about an inch taller. She contained natural brown hair cut in long layers, which she had discussed with Sarah about getting high lighted. Rebecca had brown eyes and a large smile. She joined in on the flirting by saying, "I can hardly make out your silhouette in this dim light." Now as she thought about it, she was feeling a little lightheaded from the fact that a guy was actually flirting with her.

"Well, for one thing, you smell like flowers on a pleasant spring day, and I can see your big, bright eyes shine from the excitement of getting to see Star Wars." He replied enjoying this girls company, even though he didn't know her name.

"What if I said I didn't like Star Wars?"

"Then I'd have to say that you're a liar and if you weren't lying than that you sure do get a lot of excitement from just coming to the movie theaters." He added.

"What if I said it was just because I'm sitting next to gorgeous young man who likes to talk incessantly about nonsense and use cheesy pick-up lines like 'How could anyone ignore a pretty girl like you?'" she mimicked.

"How would you be able to tell what I look like in this dark theater?" he mocked, jokingly. " And besides I don't use pick-up lines," he said. "I just say the first thing that pops into my head." His voice lowered and his face came closer to hers. "I always tell the truth." His voice lowered again and now there mouths were just inches apart. "There's just one question I need to know."

"And what's that?" Rebecca asked. She was grateful that it was dark so that this man couldn't see how red her face was.

"Is it possible to fall for someone you don't even know?" And with that their lips brushed lightly against one another.

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