Rebecca and Mrs. Tyler walked up to their hotel room together. On the way they talked a little about different things, one of which was JC.

"So," Mrs. Tyler began, "are you and JC, you know, together, dating, going out, whatever it is that you guys call it today?"

Rebecca turned sharply to her mother. "JC and I are friends. That's all. Nothing more nothing less. I've thought about a lot of things and I don't want to be more than friends with him."

"But, Sarah was saying how you kissed him during Star Wars and all…"

Rebecca cut her mom off. "I know, but I regret all that. I don't want to be anything more with him. I just want to be friends."

As Mrs. Tyler unlocked the hotel door, she said, "Whatever." The two opened the door to find Justin and Sarah sitting on the couch together watching a movie.

"Hey guys!" Mrs. Tyler called as she went into the bedroom to take a nap.

Rebecca gave Sarah the "I want to talk to you right now in the kitchen" look.

Sarah turned to Justin and said, "I'll be right back. I'm going to go get a drink. Do you want one?"

"Umm…why don't you let me go and get it?" Justin said as he started to get up.

"NO!" Sarah beat him to her feet. "I'll get it. Besides I know where everything is."

"OK, I'll just have whatever you're having," he said and then sat back down.

Rebecca was already in the kitchen when Sarah finally popped in.

"So, what's up?" Sarah asked lightly to Rebecca.

"What's Justin doing here?" Rebecca asked a little confused. "Are you two going out?"

"Well," Sarah was a little unsure. "He called earlier like he said he was going to do and asked me if I wanted to go over to his house to watch a movie. He said that everyone was there except for JC. He wasn't sure where JC had gone. I told him that there was no one over here and that if he wanted he could come and watch it over here. So, here he is."

"Oh," Rebecca was still a little confused. "Well, has he kissed you?"

"No." Sarah sounded a little disappointed when she said that. "Anyway, I'd better get us some sodas or something now. I don't want to be in here very long." Sarah grabbed to Pepsi's out of the refrigerator and headed back out to the TV room.

"Umm…I'm going to go for a drive. I need to think," Rebecca said just before Sarah left.

She turned around and smiled. "Thank you."

When Sarah had gone and sat back down Rebecca left the hotel altogether.

Justin asked, "Where's she going?"

"She said that she needed to go and think. She's just going for a drive."

Justin nodded, understandingly. The two turned back to the television set. Sarah opened her soda and took a sip of it. Justin set his unopened soda down on the coffee table that sat in front of the couch.

Sarah put hers on the end table next to the couch.

All of a sudden, as if out of no where, Justin asked, "So where are we?"

Sarah turned a confused expression towards him. "What do you mean?" Sarah had a good idea of what he was talking about, but she wanted him to say it so that she could be sure.

"I mean like in our relationship. What stage are we in? Are we officially going out?" Justin was no longer paying attention to the screen in front of him. He no longer pretended to be. He was having a hard time anyway watching it when a beautiful girl was sitting next to him. Especially one that he liked… a lot.

"Well, I would like to think of it like that. Is that ok with you?" Sarah was getting excited about where their relationship was headed.

Justin smiled and said, "I was hoping it would be ok with you if I thought that. That's why I was asking. So," Justin cleared his throat and wiped his hands on his pants to dry them off. "So," he started again.

Sarah smiled at Justin and reached her hand over and took one of his. He calmed down a little and then tried to say again. "So…" this time he was stopped purposely. Sarah had reached up and put her hand over Justin's mouth. She nodded in agreement. "I know exactly what you're trying to say. Here let me help you out a little."

Sarah looked directly into Justin's blue eyes and without any hesitation, before she could even think about what she was doing, she leaned towards Justin and kissed him. At first Justin was shocked. He didn't expect her to make the first move like that. Sarah stayed locked to Justin for another second, when she didn't get a response she pulled apart from him.

Sarah was confused. She thought that's what Justin was trying to ask her, if they were on the stage where they could kiss. "Justin I…"

This time Sarah was cut off. Justin smiled and aimed directly for Sarah's lips. He pulled Sarah closer to him and wrapped his arms around her. Sarah was relieved and kissed Justin back with more passion then the first time. The two finally realized exactly how they felt about each other.

* * * * *
