Rebecca wasn't exactly sure where she was going. All she knew was that she had to think. She was so confused about a lot of things. She didn't know exactly how JC felt about her, but she had to make sure that he understood that she didn't want to be anything more than friends.

Rebecca drove to the hotel that 'N Sync was staying at and parked her car. She went into the lobby and asked the women behind the desk, "What room is 'N Sync staying in?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not aloud to give out information like that to just anyone. Are you a family member or have a special invitation?" The women had to make sure that 'N Sync didn't care if Rebecca went and saw them.

"I'm a friend of 'N Sync's. They won't mind seeing me, I promise."

"Well, let me send someone up to their room to make sure."

Rebecca was growing impatient. "Never mind!" she said. "Just pass a message to JC that Rebecca needs to talk to him later. I'm going to go do some other things now."

"Alright, I'll pass that message along to them. Oh, miss, Rebecca," the women called for Rebecca as she was half way to the exit door.

"'N Sync is leaving tomorrow. They have to continue on their tour. Perhaps you can go ahead on up now. If I pass a message on to them, they might not get it in time."

Rebecca turned around. Her face had lost all color. "Ex…excuse me? They're leaving tomorrow?"

The women checked the schedule. "Yes mam. It says here that they checked into suite 205 a couple days ago and that they're checking out tomorrow around 1:00."

"Ok, thanks. Room 205, you said?"

"Yes, mam. That's right."

"Thanks again." Rebecca turned and headed toward the elevator. She pressed the button that pointed up. When the doors opened she stepped inside. She was glad that no one else was on with her. She wanted to be alone for a little longer. As she was about to press the button for the second floor someone called out to her, "WAIT! HOLD THAT ELEVATOR!"

Annoyed and upset as she was with everything that had happened recently she held the doors anyway. A man wearing a raincoat and a backward baseball cap ran into the elevator. He was slinging water everywhere.

"Umm…what floor, sir?" Rebecca asked, annoyed at how wet she was becoming. She didn't even know it was raining outside.

Without even looking up the stranger next to her said, "Two."

Now Rebecca had lost it and was tired of growing wetter and wetter. "Excuse me, sir! Could kindly stop throwing all of that water everywhere. Although it's raining outside I'd like to think that it doesn't have to rain inside."

The stranger turned around to throw a come back at that statement. "Well, I'm sorry, your majesty, but I don't think a little water will make anyone melt." Just then both froze stiff. "Uh…I'm sorry," JC tried to fix his mistake. "I didn't realize who was standing next to me."

Rebecca was shocked for a minute. Then she said, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have blown up like that. I've had a lot on my mind right now."

"That's ok. I understand."

The elevator doors opened and the two walked out and down the hall to room 205. JC slid his key card through the scanner and attempted to open the door. It didn't work. He tried it again and it still didn't work. "I guess this key isn't working. I hate this. At every hotel I go to I always get a bad key…it's so annoying."

Rebecca knocked on the door. "It's ok, someone inside will let us in." They stood for a minute and Rebecca knocked again. All of a sudden there was a big crash of thunder and the lights went out. A second later they came back on.

"I don't think they're in there." JC thought where they might have gone. "They might be at the studio."

"Justin's at our hotel. He was watching a movie with Sarah."

"Then I guess they're all kind of doing there own thing and all since…" JC didn't finish his sentence.

Rebecca did though. "Since it's your last day here."

JC looked surprisingly at Rebecca. "How did you know?"

"The women behind the desk told me you guys are checking out tomorrow around 1:00 or so." Rebecca turned around and walked back to the elevator.

JC followed behind her. "Yeah, I guess I should have told you."

Rebecca pushed the button to call the elevator and said, "It doesn't matter. It's not like we were anything special or anything."

As they stepped in JC asked, "What do you mean?"

Rebecca pushed the button to go to the lobby and the doors closed. "Never mind. Forget what I just said. Since your leaving it's useless to tell you what I came here to tell you."

The elevator stopped on level one to let out the stranger who was in the elevator with them. Now JC and Rebecca were alone again. The doors to the elevator closed and proceeded to head down to the lobby. All of a sudden there was another loud crash of lightening, much louder than before. The electricity went out and the elevator came to screeching halt.

For a minute Rebecca and JC just stood there in the dark. Finally, JC spoke. "So, why did you come here today?"

* * * * *