Justin left to go to his hotel a little before the storm had come. He said that he wanted to get back before it got too bad. To his surprise, when he got to the hotel, Chris, Joey, and Lance were all sitting in the lobby, in the dark. Justin used the little light from outside to find his way over to them.

"Did the electricity cut off?" Justin asked as he found an empty seat near the others.

"Umm…let me think…" Chris started jokingly. "Well, normally hotels like to keep all of their power off all over the hotel. It helps business." He laughed a little and then said, "So, when there's a real power failure, it's kind of hard to tell the difference."

"Haha, very funny!" Justin commented back, nonchalantly. "So, where have you guys been all day?"

Joey answered for all of them. "We were checkin' out the women here."

"Huh, that's funny. I was checkin' out the women too today and I didn't see you guys there."

"We went to a club, not some chicks hotel room," Lance said trying to imply something.

Justin defended himself. "All we did was watch a movie. I'm not like that man." Justin glanced around the dark room and then said, "So, where's JC?"


JC sat patiently while Rebecca thought about the question that had just been asked to her. 'Why did I come here?' she thought. At first she couldn't remember, but then it all flooded her head at once.

"Umm…I came to ask you if we were just friends and if you said no, to tell you that all I wanted to be was friends, but I guess that since you didn't even bother to tell me that you were leaving tomorrow that we aren't even that." Rebecca finished all in one breath.

JC was so shocked. "Well, I was kind of hoping that we could be more than friends, but I wasn't sure if it would work being as we're leaving tomorrow and I don't even know where you live." JC dropped his head into his hands so that he could muffle his emotions. He was glad that it was dark in the elevator so that Rebecca couldn't see the look on his face.

Rebecca, finally, sat slowly down. She stayed on the opposite side of JC. "Well, I don't want to be anything but friends, that is if you want to be."

'Friends…' the word repeated itself over and over in JC's head. 'Friends, friends…' He covered his ears with his hands but the word wouldn't stop swimming inside of his head. He reached up and wiped his eyes clear of tears. Never before had he cared so much for someone in all of his life. He wanted so badly to be more than friends, but if that's not what Rebecca wants than he wasn't going to act like it was a big deal. "That's…" His sentence started with a much higher tone than usual and his voice cracked. He cleared throat and said, "That's cool. If that's how you feel."

Rebecca nodded her head and said, "That's what I want." As of right now, Rebecca didn't feel much emotion and she wasn't sure how JC was reacting. She couldn't see JC's face. All of a sudden the lights in the elevator came back on and the elevator descended the rest of the way and stopped in the lobby. The doors opened and JC ran out. Rebecca never saw him again.

'N Sync left the following day and as expected, Sarah and Justin spent the whole day together. They exchanged addresses and on-line screen names. Both promised to stay in touch. The last thing they exchanged was a kiss. This signed the mental contract of the couple to stay together 'till the next time that they met.

Rebecca never said 'goodbye' to JC. She had tried to call him, but no one answered at their hotel. Rebecca sent a package with Sarah to pass on to Justin. Justin would then give it to JC when they left.


When Justin finally met back up with the rest of 'N Sync at the studio he handed JC the package. "Here, Sarah told me to give this to you."

JC took it but didn't open it. They all grabbed their bags and the rest of the equipment and loaded the bus. They quickly left before a mob swarmed them.

JC put the package in his bunk and took out the card. On the front was a picture of Yoda and above that it said, "FEAR"

JC opened the card and on the inside it said, "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to destruction. Don't let me destroy you; I'm sorry if I made you mad."

Dear JC,

I'm not sure what I did. Do you not like me, if not well then I guess a friendship wouldn't work after all. If you're mad at me PLEASE tell me. I don't want you to destroy yourself on the inside. I'm pretty confused right now. You had said before that you liked me and all and now you're completely avoiding me. You didn't even say 'goodbye'. What did I do? Please write me back. I want to know what I said to cause all this.


PS If you want to write me an e-mail you can send it to becca35@aol.com
Once again, please tell me what's wrong! I'm here for you!

JC put the card back on his bed and opened the paper bag that had obviously been thrown together quickly. He reached in and pulled out a framed picture of Rebecca. On the glass that covered her face was a sticky note.

It read:

In case I've hurt you too much for you to stay in touch with me, at least this way you can remember what I look like. I'll always remember you.

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