"That was the best movie I've ever seen in my whole life!!" Rebecca stated to her friend as they exited the theater.

"I've seen better. Rebecca you're not going to believe who I sat next to in the theater." Sarah almost screamed to Rebecca. "Justin Timberlake," she said, answering her own question.

"You're kidding?!?" Rebecca exclaimed not exactly caring at the moment. She was thinking about…about… "OH MY GOODNESS!!! I don't know his name!" she screamed. "How could I be so stupid?!? How could I not ask him what his name was?!?"

"You know his name, it's Justin Timberlake. You know who he is. Our most favorite guy in the whole world." Sarah couldn't believe how absent minded her friend was being. Didn't she know who Sarah was talking about?

"No, not him! The guy that I kissed during the movie. I didn't ask him his name!"

"You kissed a guy!?! During Star Wars!?! You of all people who swore you weren't going to take your eyes away from the screen for one second?" Sarah was mocking her friend but she didn't care. It was fun to do.

"Yes, but it wasn't a real kiss. It was just a little peck that was very light and sweet." Rebecca said, trying to defend herself.

"Well since you're telling me about your little romantic movie, then I'm going to tell you about mine," she said anxiously waiting to tell her friend all about what happened between her and Justin.

"Fine, go ahead. I'm listening." Rebecca said hoping that she wouldn't have to hear another soap opera from her friend.

"OK, here it goes. When I first walked into the isle, I tripped on Justin's foot or leg or something like that. Anyways, I fell on his lap and we hit heads. We just sat there like that for a few minutes just trying to figure out what happened. Finally, I got up and sat down in my seat and he held my hand, helping me sit down and all."

"Is this going to be much longer? I'd really like to try and look for the guy that I was sitting next to, if you don't mind," Rebecca said getting a little annoyed at Sarah's long story.

"Yes, I'm almost done; just hold on! Anyways, a little while later he leaned over to tell me something and when I turned my head we hit our noses against each other. Then he kissed my nose and then my cheek and we just held hands the rest of the time." Sarah sighed as she recalled the details just two and a half hours earlier.


Sarah jumped out of her daze and looked around to see who was calling her.

"Sarah, do you need a ride?" It was the same person from the theater. It was Justin. He was approaching with four others who looked similar to him and two big, black men. Justin and his friends were wearing hats and sunglasses as if trying to hide their faces. The two big men followed on the outside of the group.

"Well actually Rebecca's mom was going to pic…" Sarah was cut off in the middle of her sentence by Rebecca, "I already tried calling her and she's not home yet. My guess is she's still at the Travel Agency or wherever she was planning on going." Rebecca said.

"Oh…well then I guess we do need a ride," Sarah said excitedly. Justin turned to Rebecca. "So you must the reason Rebecca had to come tonight." Rebecca turned a confused expression towards Sarah. "She said that you love Star Wars so much and that she didn't want to stay home with nothing to do so she was kind of obligated to come."

"Yeah, but I'm glad now that I came." Sarah said hinting her comment towards Justin. Justin smiled slightly so that none of the guys would catch it.

"Sarah said that you absolutely love Star Wars and you would see this movie twenty times if you had enough money." Justin said to Rebecca.

"Yeah, I would go everyday if I could."

Justin grabbed one of the guy's arms behind him and said, "My friend, JC, loves Star Wars too. Do you think you love Star Wars more than him?" Justin questioned trying to get a perspective on Rebecca's love for Star Wars.

Rebecca smiled at Justin's comment and then looked up at JC's face. Her smiling face quickly changed into a surprised one when she realized who was standing in front of her. Obviously JC was surprised too because he mirrored Rebecca's expression.

* * * * *