Chapter 3

Rebecca was so surprised to see this person from the theater. She was also surprised to see Justin Timberlake who she so adored, but at the moment she could care less who Justin was. She had found the guy from the theater, JC.

"Hello, are you guys listening to me?" Justin questioned as he waved his hand in front of their faces.

"Huh…yeah…what did you say?" JC asked as he snapped out of the daze he was in. Rebecca laughed on the inside at how absent minded JC was appearing to be.

"I was just commenting on how both you and Rebecca love Star Wars so much, but it appears as if you two already know each other so we'll just go now, if that's ok with everyone," Justin said eager to leave. They were starting to draw the stares of young girls and already two girls had come up and asked for Joey, Chris, and Lance's autograph. They waited until Justin and JC were done talking before asking for their's.

"Can we…umm…please have you're autograph?" The girls stumbled over the words and their hands were shaking slightly when giving the paper to Justin.

"Sure. What's your name?" Justin asked sweetly to the shorter of the two girls.


"OK, here ya go Jessica," Justin said as he and JC switched papers to sign the other.

Rebecca and Sarah chuckled slightly at the girl's nervousness. Both Rebecca and Sarah had always thought that Justin was hott, but they never really knew the other member's of 'N Sync. They had heard a couple of their songs on the radio, but neither had the album.

When the girls left the five members of 'N Sync, their two bodyguards and Sarah and Rebecca all walked out to where the bus had parked. They all climbed in and sat down in the lounge/kitchen area.

"So," JC directed to Rebecca, "you think you might be a bigger Star Wars fan than I, huh? Is that possible?"

"I don't know, how big a fan are you?" Rebecca returned.

"Huge, not only do I watch the movies, but I read the books and all the background facts about the movie."

"Well then, give me a fact and then I'll give you a fact," Rebecca said amused at the conversation she was having. She never has conversations like this with Sarah.

"Why do I have to start?" JC complained.

"Because you started the conversation, duh," Chris chimed in. He never lets a fun-filled dispute pass by without being apart of it.

"Who said you had any say, Chris?" JC asked Chris.

"I'm saying now that he has say," Rebecca said, siding with Chris. She already liked Chris. To Rebecca, he seemed like an energetic, fun-loving, high-spirited, guy who you could just have fun with.

Chris smiled at Rebecca while the others all listened with interest.

"OK, fine. If you're going to be a baby about it, then I guess I'll go first." JC said pretending to be annoyed.

"Good," Rebecca said while sucking her thumb.

"OK, here's the first one," JC said with a spark if excitement in his eyes. "Darth Vader is bad."

"Really?" Rebecca replied with a fake surprise. "I guess you're the bigger fan 'cause I never knew that 'till just now."

"Wow, JC, you're good! I always knew you were a big Star Wars fan, but…wow…you just blow me away." Chris fell backwards onto Sarah's lap, pretending to have been blown over.

"No, I'll do one for real this time." JC sat there for a minute while he thought. Rebecca and Chris started singing the Jeopardy song as JC sat longer. "Alright, I got one. You guys can stop singing now," JC said while trying to get his friends to stop singing.

"Let's hear it then," Rebecca replied with an artificial annoyed look on her face.

JC rolled his eyes and then said, "What race of force sensitive people was Darth Maul from?"

"Hey, I said facts not questions," Rebecca complained while sticking out her bottom lip.

"If you don't know the answer you could always just admit that I'm the bigger fan." JC was amused by this conversation. She obviously wasn't a crazed, obsessed, fan like many others he encountered day after day.

"Oh no, I'll never admit to that." Rebecca leaned back in her seat, pretending to think. "Alright, could it be…oh I don't know…say, the Sith?" Rebecca answered with a grin on her face.

JC was surprised. "OK." He didn't think that she would know the answer.

"Now it's my turn!" Rebecca was all excited about asking her question to JC.

All the other members of 'N Sync and Sarah were enjoying listening to their conversation. They had all been introduces at the theater and were becoming fast friends.

"Fine," JC said. "Go ahead."

Rebecca thought for a minute and then asked, "What determines the color of the light saber?"

JC smiled, "That's an easy one, the crystal."

"That's correct," Rebecca said.

"I can't believe how much you two know. I don't know any of this stuff," Joey said.

"Whatever, it's my turn again. How many years had the Jedi's been alive up to the time of Episode 1?" JC asked sure of himself. 'There's no way she knows this one,' JC thought.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and said, "25,000 years. You're going to have to do better than that little man. Alright, here's another. What is it that allows a Jedi to move objects?"

"Now I even know that," Justin laughed.

JC giggled at how simple the question was. "The force."

"Yes, but what specifically?" Rebecca returned with an evil grin on her face.

JC's smiling face dropped instantly. He sat quietly for a few seconds to think. Everyone else sat silent as well and then after a minute or two Chris jumped up and cheered, "Rebecca's the bigger fan. Rebecca's the bigger fan."

Everyone started to laugh at the whole situation. JC tried to protect himself by saying, "Yeah, well if you're so smart, what is it?"

Rebecca smiled sweetly at JC and said, "Telekinesis. It's a more specific name." Rebecca glanced around at all the people on the bus who were, by now, dying of laughter. Rebecca couldn't hold t in any longer. She started laughing just as much as everyone else.

"Oh." JC just sat there not finding any of this amusing.

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