Chapter 4

The whole bus ride to the girls' hotel went very well. Everyone was enjoying each other's company. Justin especially enjoyed Sarah. He loved her personality and witty sense of humor.

When they got to the hotel that the girls were staying at each member of 'N Sync said "goodbye" to the girls along with a hug.

"So, Justin, isn't this your hometown?" Sarah said pretending to not know.

"Actually it is. How did you know that?" Justin asked a little surprised. From the way the girls talked to them it didn't seem like they were "teeny-boppers". In fact they barely knew who 'N Sync was.

"Well, Rebecca and I watch MTV and we learned on an episode of TRL that you were from Memphis." Sarah chuckled a little at the thought that she already knew a little about this guy and he barely knew her at all. "So, I was thinking sice you know where everything is and all, do you want to show us around or something. I mean, Rebecca and I are terrible with directions. We get lost walking out to the lobby of our hotel."

Justin looked at JC wondering if he liked that idea. He then glanced around at the others. They all silently said "yes" and so Justin turned back to Sarah and said, "How could someone refuse to travel around with two beautiful girls all day?" He smiled sweetly and looked deep into Sarah's eyes.

Sarah blushed a little and looked at the ground. "Ok, well what time should we be ready?"

"Umm…" JC came into the conversation. "Actually we have a radio interview tomorrow. You know we aren't on vacation here."

Rebecca turned saddened eyes toward JC.

"Although that's in the morning and then we have the afternoon off…I think." JC turned to Lance to make sure he was right.

Lance thought for a second. "Yeah, that's all we have planned for tomorrow. Actually we aren't working too hard while we're here. We have a concert that evening, but that's it. After 1:00 we're free until about 5 or 5:30."

JC and Justin were excited. "So, we'll pick you up about 1:15 out here in front of the building? Or would you rather we meet you in the lobby?" Justin asked.

Sarah and Rebecca looked at each other. "I don't care." Rebecca said. Sarah rolled her eyes at Rebecca's response. "You never care." Sarah turned to the others. "She can't make a decision for the life of her. In the lobby is fine."

"That's cool! Plus I can't wait to hear about all the other ways Rebecca can make JC look like a dork!" Chris stated excitedly as he, Lance, Joey, and Justin walked back to the bus. Justin turned around once more to wave goodbye to Sarah.

Sarah waved and then motioned for her friend to hurry as she walked into the hotel lobby.

"I'll be right there," both JC and Rebecca yelled after their friends.

They turned back to each other and laughed. "So," JC started. "Umm," he tried again.

"What?" Rebecca helped him along.

"I was just wondering. Umm…you remember the question I asked you?" JC asked nervously.

"What question?" Rebecca wasn't sure what he was talking about.

"The one I asked you during the movie. You never answered my question." JC hoped she remembered what he was talking about because he was very nervous right now and he didn't want to repeat the question.

"Oh yeah! I remember." Rebecca stared at the ground for a second. "I don't know. Is it possible?"

"I think it is. I'm pretty sure it is." JC was staring straight into Rebecca's deep brown eyes. Her soft brown hair was resting gently on her on her shoulders. He moved a little closer to her as she did the same.

'Oh my goodness! What am I doing?' Rebecca thought to herself. Never did she move this fast with anyone. There was something different about this guy. She didn't know what but she could tell just by looking into his glistening blue eyes. She moved a little closer and JC leaned down to her. She lifted her face to his and their lips locked together. This time it was longer and deeper than before. Rebecca reached her hands up and placed them behind JC's neck. She softly stroked his short brown hair.

JC pulled Rebecca closer and rapped his arms around her waist. Just as the kiss was deepening JC felt a warm, wet substance fall onto the top of his head. He pulled away from Rebecca and reached his hands up to feel his head.

"What's the matter?" Rebecca asked.

"A stupid bird left me a present as it flew by!" JC was so mad that this ruined the wonderful kiss he had just experienced with Rebecca.

Rebecca drew her hand to her mouth in an attempt to smother the laughter that she felt rising up inside of her. Soon she couldn't take it any longer. Her smile reached her eyes and then she bellowed over in laughter.

"I'm glad you find this so amusing!" JC said trying to sound upset. He was irritated that he was interrupted, but at the same time he was glad that Rebecca had such a good sense of humor.

"Hurry up!" Joey yelled out of the bus to JC.

"I've got to go inside and get to bed if I'm going to get up tomorrow morning." Rebecca said while commenting on her love to sleep in, especially during the summer.

"Yeah, well I'm being summoned also. I'll see you tomorrow around 1:15. Bye," JC called back over his shoulder as he ran off in the direction of the bus. He glanced over to Rebecca one more time before entering the bus.

Rebecca hurried upstairs to her room. She found Sarah already in bed and her mother wasn't back yet. She quickly got changed and then went to bed.

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