"Donny, wait up!" Rebecca called to her boyfriend as she ran through the crowded halls of her high school.

A senior about 5 feet 6 inches turned at the sound of his name. He had dirty blond hair and green eyes. "What do you want?" he asked when Rebecca had caught up with him.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" she asked rather enthusiastically. "I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie or something tonight. We haven't really done anything together in a couple of days."

Donny looked over at his friends whom he was just talking with. He smiled faintly at them and then looked back at Rebecca. "Well I was kind of hoping that you would come over tonight and I would cook you dinner or something. You know, something different for a change."

"Well, ok. If that's what you want to do that's cool," Rebecca said a little unsure. She had only been going out Donny for a month and lately it seemed as though all he wanted to do was talk to his friends about something and then whenever Rebecca came around they would immediately stop talking.

"Cool, be over around 5:30. I have to go now…see you then." Donny ran off in the opposite direction towards his friends.

Later that evening Rebecca arrived at Donny's house and soon discovered that his parents weren't home. This made Rebecca a little nervous. "Hey, babe." Donny said after letting Rebecca in. "Do you want to eat first or play first?"

"Excuse me?" Rebecca wasn't sure what Donny meant by that comment.

"You heard me. What do you want to do first?" Donny said it this time with more force in his voice and this made Rebecca extremely uneasy.

"Umm…I probably should be getting home. There was something important my mom needed me to do for her," Rebecca stated. There was a little quaver in her words and her eyes were almost screaming to leave.

"No, don't leave. Let's at least have dinner." Donny was very persistent in his words and it almost seemed as though he didn't truly care about Rebecca.

Rebecca was practically scared to death by now. "I'm not really hungry. I'm just going to go home." As Rebecca turned to head toward the door, Donny ran in front of her. Je locked the door and pulled the key out of the deadbolt. He placed the key in his pocket and then turned around to face Rebecca. He walked closer to he.

"Please, don't do this!" Rebecca pleaded. She stepped backwards away from Donny.

"Why not?" Donny walked right up to Rebecca and placed a cold, hard kiss on her lips. Rebecca pulled her arms up in between her and Donny and pushed him away. Donny reached back and grabbed her arm. With his free hand he struck her across her face. "Don't ever push me away. When I want something I get it!" Donny's words were harsh and uncaring. He swung Rebecca around and threw her on the couch. Donny laid down on top of her and pushed roughly on her chest.

"OW!" She almost screamed.

"Shut up. If you cooperate it won't hurt." Donny was very mad. He slapped her across the face again and proceeded to rip off her shirt.

Rebecca just sat there for a second. She thought about what was happening and then that she was being raped. The very thought of this enraged Rebecca. She hit Donny across his face as hard as she could. Then she kneed him in the chest and threw him on the floor. "You worthless son of…" her words trailed off. She quickly ran out the backdoors and drove home as quickly as possible.

Rebecca sat straight up in bed. She was drenched with sweat and she was shivering. She looked over at the clock. It read 3:27am.

'Oh my gosh. I thought I had forgotten about that!' Rebecca thought about the whole dream to her self. She wondered why she had dreamt about that. Donny had long since been over, for almost two years now. Rebecca hadn't allowed herself to get close to any other guys. The only person who even knew about what happened with Donny was Sarah.

Rebecca sat in bed for a second and then layed back down. She tossed and turned for nearly an hour. When it was about 4:30 she gave up and went out onto the sofa. She watched TV for awhile. Around 5:15 Rebecca got dressed and left to go jog. She jogged down the street a little way and then turned around and went back the other way. By the time 6:00 came around the sun was beginning to rise. As she passed a nearby hotel she saw a familiar bus pull up and stop in front of the hotel.

As Rebecca got closer she recognized the bus as the one from the night before. She stopped when she reached the hotel. Five familiar faces emerged from the hotel and proceeded to the bus. None of them seemed to recognize her. They all walked by all tired and droopy eyed, except for Chris. Chris seemed to have a never ending supply of energy.

"Hey, guys, look!" Chris said. He turned around and headed back towards Rebecca. "It's JC's girl!"

At the sound of his name, JC immediately came alive. He turned around and smiled when he saw who was standing there.

"JC, look!" Chris said again, as if no one heard him the first time. "It's your girl!"

Rebecca became angry. "What? What are you talking about? I'm no one's girl!!" Rebecca was very scared. She wondered how she had gotten semi-involved with a GUY. "I'm no one's anything!!" Rebecca turned around and ran as fast as she could back to her hotel.

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