"Are you almost ready to go?" Sarah questioned to her slow moving friend.

"Just a little longer…I'm not quite ready to go yet," was the response from the closed bathroom door.

"Well, you need to hurry, they'll be here any minute now!" Sarah paced back and forth in front of the bathroom. 'Normally I'm the one who's extremely slow. What's taking Rebecca so long to get ready this morning?' Sarah was growing very anxious to leave.

"So, what are you two girls up to this morning?" Mrs. Tyler asked when she came out of her bedroom.

"We're going on a site seeing tour. These guys we met at the movies last night have offered to show us around. You've probably heard us talk about one of them…have you ever heard the name Justin Timberlake?" Sarah went on and explained the situation to Rebecca's mom when finally the bathroom door opened and a distraught looking figure fell out of the bathroom.

"Rebecca…you're not even dressed…you're hair isn't brushed! Aren't you planning on going? Do you know what time it is?" Sarah was exasperated. Just then there was a knock on their hotel door.

Rebecca turned to Sarah and barely got the words out, "I'm not going. I don't feel well."

Sarah looked closely into Rebecca's black, droopy eyes. It looked as though she had been crying. "But…wait…" Sarah tried to stop Rebecca but she went into the bedroom and closed the door.

::Ring Ring:: This time they rang the door bell since no one responded to the knock. "Just a minute…" Sarah called out just before she opened the door. A bouquet of flowers was thrusted into her hands by a curly, blond haired guy. "Are these for me?" Sarah questioned.

"No, I'm the door to door flower man. I go door to door handing out flowers for people to look at then I take them back again," Justin kidded. "Hey, Sarah." He gave her quick hug and said, "We were waiting down in the lobby for a second, but then JC and I decided to come and meet you up here. We asked the lobby specialist what room you all were in." The guy standing next to Justin then asked, "Where's Rebecca? I brought her this new double light saber."

Sarah looked down at the sweet present JC was holding. Wrapped around the light saber was piece of red ribbon with a card attached. "Umm…" Sarah didn't want to be the one to bring on the bad news, but she had to tell them, "actually, Rebecca isn't feeling too well at the moment. I don't thing she'll be able to make it today."

JC's glowing face quickly faded. "I knew something was wrong. I moved too fast or something…" JC mumbled out loud to himself.

"What are you talking about?" Sarah questioned.

"Can I go in and give these to her?" JC was persistent in seeing Rebecca. He had to make sure everything was cool.

"Sure…" Sarah watched JC leave and then she turned back to Justin. "Do you know what he was mumbling about?"

Justin thought for a minute and then remembered this morning. "He might have been talking about what happened this morning. Early this morning…around 6:00 or so, we were all getting on our bus to go to the interview we had planned today."

"Ok, sounds cool so far," Sarah wasn't sure what this had to do with anything.

"Well, as we were getting on Rebecca approached. She was out jogging or something like that." Sarah's eyes grew wide when she heard this. Rebecca was one to be dead until after lunch. "Anyways," Justin went on, "Chris saw her and made some comment about her being JC's girl and she got all mad and ran off. It was very confusing."

"Oh my gosh…it's because of Donny!"

"Who?" Justin was puzzled.

"Donny…" Sarah filled him in on the highlights of the relationship and how she hasn't been close with another guy until now.


"Rebecca?" JC whispered softly as he tapped gently on the door. "Rebbeca?" He asked once more before proceeding to open the door.

"Ugh…Sarah, I haven't changed my mind," Rebecca responded without even looking up from where she was. She was lying on her bed with her face buried deep into her pillow.

"Hey sleepy head. I brought this for you. I figured everyone brings flowers so why not bring something different, huh?" JC sat on the edge of the bed and placed the gift next to Rebecca.

Rebecca rolled over to see who was there. When she saw JC a light smile came to her face, but then it faded. "Umm…JC, I'm sorry for running away like that this morning." Rebecca was still a little scared about being in another relationship.

"That's ok…actually it took me by surprise." JC chuckled to himself. "I'm always used to girls running UP to me and screaming, but not running AWAY and screaming. It was a good change."

Rebecca smiled slightly. "Well, I'm not going to go out with you guys today, I'm sick," she said faking a stuffy nose.

"Well that's ok, I can stay here and we can watch a movie together and I'll make you some dinner later and we can just…" JC was cut off in the middle of his sentence.

"NO!" Rebecca screamed the word so loud that Justin and Sarah came running into the room.

"What did you do to her?" Sarah was very upset. "Did you hurt her?" She asked with an angry tone in her voice.

"What? No, I would never hurt her…"

JC was cut off again. "Come on JC we'll wait down stairs for Sarah," Justin said as he dragged him out of the room.

Once the two were gone Sarah turned back to Rebecca and said, "You know, Sarah, you can't live the rest of your life afraid of guys. You and JC had fun last night and I think that if you got to know him better you'd find that guys are not bad things. You had bad luck with Donny and if you think about it, he was never very gentlemanly at all. He never did something as sweet as bring a light saber." Sarah smiled and looked over at the present that was lying next to Rebecca. "You sure you don't want to come? I think you would have fun and plus I don't want to be the only girl!" Sarah pretended not to want to be the only girl with five other males and not just any males…'N Sync.

"No, I really would rather just stay here."

"Ok, if that's how you want it…" Sarah stood up and smiled devilishly to herself. She quickly walked downstairs to where the members of 'N Sync waited patiently in the lobby. She went up to an understanding Justin and a confused JC.

"Hey, guys. Come here." Sarah motioned for everyone to come a little closer. "I have an idea. Who really needs site seeing?" She smiled at Justin and he nodded in agreement.

* * * * *

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