Rebecca was lying in bed trying her best to go to sleep when she heard some footsteps come in and quiet little whispers. She rolled her eyes when she realized that it was her friends. 'Why can't they just leave and let me be alone?' she thought to herself. She rolled over on her stomach and buried her head into her pillow so that she could block out the mumbles of voices that filled the outside room.

After a minute she rolled over onto her side. "Ow…" she said aloud to herself. She reached under back and pulled out the double light saber that JC had given to her. She smiled at the thoughtfulness that went into the gift. She untaped the orange envelope that had been secured to the saber.

Rebecca sat up in bed and carefully opened the envelope. She pulled out the card and looked at the picture on the front. It was a picture of R2D2, which she had told JC was her favorite Star Wars character. Above the droit it said, "Thank You". Rebecca was a little confused as to why JC was giving her a "Thank You" card. She opened the card and began to read the typed print. It said, "for everything!" Then she looked on the opposite side of the card and read the hand written words.

Hey Rebecca,

I just wanted to tell you 'Thank You' for a great time last night! I really enjoyed being with you and I can't wait until we all go out for that sight seeing tour. It's not very often that I get to hang out with a beautiful girl who likes my personality and not my fame and all. I was wondering something else too. Why did you run this morning when we saw you in front of our hotel? Well I'm going to get ready now to come over and get you. I just want you to know that I'm so excited about getting to know you more and I hope that we can do a lot of things together! I'll talk to you later and once again Thanx so much for the wonderful time last night!!

Love, JC

Rebecca dropped the card into her lap. She thought JC was very nice, but there was no way she could ever be his girlfriend. She liked him a lot but there was no way. She got out of bed and put on a pair of khakis and blue denim shirt open to a white tank top. She exited the bedroom and was immediately greeted by many smiling faces. Rebecca was a little surprised and glad that they were still there.

Sarah looked up at her friend from were she was seated on the couch. "We couldn't leave you here all by yourself, so we decided to stay here and watch a movie instead." Sarah looked to her right at Justin and smiled.

"Yeah," Justin said in a little kid tone of voice. "We wanted all of us to be together."

Rebecca gave a short smile and then went into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and a soda. JC got up from the couch and followed in behind her.

"So, are you feeling better now?" JC asked to her back. Rebecca was in the refrigerator getting out a soda.

"Do you want a drink?" she asked JC as if not even hearing the question.

"Umm…sure. Whatever you're having. So, are you feeling better?" JC asked again.

Rebecca handed JC a coke and then went to the pantry to get the box of "Apple Jacks" out. "Sure." She answered, nonchalantly. "Oh, thank you for the light saber and card. It meant a lot to me too," she said being very careful not to dig herself into a whole. She didn't want to JC to get the wrong impression. She liked him a lot but after the incident with Donny, she really didn't want to get too personal with him.

"You're welcome. I just wanted to make sure that you understood that I had so much fun with you last night! It's been a very long time since I've been able to just hang with a girl or even get into a relationship with her."

Rebecca quickly looked at the floor. "JC, I don't think I'm the type of girl you want to get into a relationship with. I'm not…" JC cut Rebecca off by putting his hand over her mouth. He stepped a little closer to her and quietly said, "How can you be the judge of who my type of girl is? I know what kind of girl I want and I also who I want."

JC slowly leaned his face down to Rebecca's. Without even thinking, Rebecca wrapped her arms around JC's neck as their lips locked together. JC pulled her waist closer to him and fell into the fullness of their kiss. After a minute or two they pulled apart and JC looked deep into Rebecca's brown eyes and said, "Thank You."

Rebecca looked confused up at JC. "What for?" she questioned.

"For allowing me to experience the best kiss I've ever received. I don't get kissed very often by true love." And with that JC walked back into the TV room leaving Rebecca just standing there.

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