"Are you serious? I can't believe you?" Sarah was so surprised from the story that Rebecca was telling her.

"Yeah…he really did and I let him do it." Rebecca was a little excited, but at the same time a little worried as to what was going to happen next.

"I can't believe you let him kiss you!!" Sarah said still very surprised.

Rebecca and Sarah were talking for a very long time about everything that happened earlier that morning. Both Rebecca and Sarah had stories to share. "Well, do you want me to tell you now about what happened to me?" Sarah was very excited to tell her friend her story.

"Ok, tell me the story." Rebecca wanted to get off the subject of her self anyways.

"Ok, here it goes. Well, yesterday, Justin and I were sitting next to each other and all, as you already know. So Justin got up and had me follow him outside to the balcony. He wanted to tell me something. Actually, first we started talking about you because he was a little worried for both you and JC. He doesn't want either of you to get hurt and he's afraid that it will probably end up being JC who gets hurt…"

"What?" Rebecca cut in. "How can he get hurt? We're not together or anything so it's impossible for him to get hurt."

Sarah rolled her eyes at Rebecca. "Must I teach you everything? JC REALLY likes you. It's obvious and he's already put moves on you and you seem to have accepted them."

Rebecca thought for a minute. "No, we're only friends. I know that's what JC thinks we are." Rebecca had to talk to JC later to make sure that he understood that she didn't want to be anything but friends.

"Whatever, n-e-who, Justin and I walk outside and sit down in the chairs and he says to me,

"Hey, Sarah. I know we don't really know each other that great, but I've really enjoyed hanging out with you. You're so cool and fun to be around." Justin was looking at the ground as he spoke to Sarah because he wasn't sure how she would react.

Sarah reached her hand over to Justin and placed it on his forearm. Justin brought his head up and looked Sarah straight in the eyes for the first time that evening.

"Wow, your eyes are gorgeous!" He said bluntly to Sarah.

Sarah blushed a little and turned her face away. Justin put his hand on her cheek and gently turned her face back to him. "Sarah, I want to start doing things together. I want to be able to call you up and have you be there willing to just go hang with me. Do you think that would be ok?"

"I don't see a reason why it wouldn't be." Sarah was very excited. When she was with Justin she forgot who he was and that before she had loved him because he's so hott, but now she just enjoyed his personality and company.

Justin smiled at her and then looked at the ground again. "Umm…" Justin wiped his hands on his pants. "Do you think we could even maybe date and stuff?"

This time Sarah pulled his face up to hers and said, "I would like that a lot." For a minute the two sat there looking into each other's eyes. Finally, Justin pulled Sarah's hands out of her lap and gently placed two soft kisses on the top of her hands. He then stood up and helped Sarah to her feet. Together they walked into the house.

"Aww, that is so sweet!" Rebecca was listening so intently to Sarah tell the story that she didn't even notice the phone ringing.

"Are you going to get it?" Sarah questioned after it had already rung twice.

"Oh, yeah." Rebecca ran out of the room and into the kitchen and picked up the phone. "Hello?" she said into her end.

"Rebecca?" The voice on the other end said.

"This is she."

"Oh, good. Hey honey, this is mom. I need you to come pick me up. My car broke down and I don't have anyone to tow it right now."

"Ok, I'll be there in a sec." After jotting down the information and location of how to find her mom she hung up the phone.

"Sarah," Rebecca said as she went back into the room. "I have to go pick up my mom. Her car broke down somewhere and I have to go save her."

"Ok, that's cool. I'm just going to hang around here. Justin or JC or someone like that might call."

Rebecca smiled at Sarah and then left the hotel room. She got into the elevator and exited the building to go to her car. As she was opening her door to get in she heard someone call her name.

"Rebecca!! Wait a second!"

* * * * *

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