Day 1
‘ God what am I going to get Justin?’ I thought to myself as I walked through the mall. “ Hey Ashley…earth to Ashley…come in Ashley…”

“ What, what… Oh hey Jarred.”

“ Oh I feel loved, you sound so excited to see me.”

“ I’m sorry, I’m just stressing over what to get my cousin and the rest of the guys for Christmas. I should know what to get Joey ‘cause he loves everything and he’s my cousin. And Lance or J.C. or even Chris isn’t that picky either. Justin and I have been going out for about two years, by now I should know what to get him even without asking. God”

“ I see what you mean, I don’t know what to get Lindsey and we have been going out longer then you two.” As we walked through the mall window-shopping I realize that they were flying in for Christmas and New Year. “Hey Jarred, what are you doing tonight?” “ Nothing” “ Good, get everyone over to my house at 6:00 for the guys welcome back party.”

“ That’s a great idea!”

“ Oh yeah, it will be a surprise so make sure everyone is over there before 7:00.” “ Okay see you tonight.”

“ Okay, everyone be quite, I just heard a car in the driveway. Turn off the lights.” A turn of the key unlocked the door and a hand turned the handle to open it. “ Why is it so dark. Ashley!!! Are you home!” then I turned the light on and everyone jumped up and yelled ”SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!” And as usually we heard a scream from Chris, but he was just playing around.

“ Omigod” J.C. says as he drops his bags on the floor. “ You scared us have to death.” Joey says. Then as I was talking to Amy, my best friends, someone comes up to me and covers my eyes.“ Guess who?”

“ The sexiest guy in the world!” then he uncovers my eyes and turns me around. “ Oh, it’s just you Justin.”

“ Oh thanks.”

“ I’m kidding. What up, did you bring me something?”

“ Yep this.” Then he dips me and kisses me. “ Wow, that was one of the best presents you’ve gotten me. I love it.” “ Well I’m glad. It’s so cool that you got all of our friends together, I’ve missed everyone.”

‘ Hey that’s it I’ll get them a bunch of pictures and make an album out of it.’ I thought to myself.

The party ended around 12:00 and it was time to decide where to sleep. “ Okay there are two bed that you could sleep on and four coaches and Lance and Chris want to sleep on the floor, you two are freaks.”

“ Well that’s just the way I am.” Chris says joking. “ Yeah, so what is your point?” Lance says agreeing with Chris. “ Nothing just pointing out the obvious.” I say in laughter. “ Ashley am I going to be in here?” J.C asks. “ If you want, I don’t care.” I answer. “If anyone wakes me up before 8:00, they will be in serious trouble!”

“ Ohhh, I’m SOO scared.” Joey says. “ You should be,” I said. “ I’m going to bed see you in the morning,good night.”

“ NIGHT” all.


Day 2
“ Ashley get up Joey is about to start cooking and you know how scary that is. We have to hurry and go out!!!” Chris says as he bangs on mydoor. “ Okay, okay, I’m up, I’m up” I says still lying in my bed. About an hour later I came out of my room after a nice hot shower and getting everything else done in my room.

“ Hey sexy, how are you this lovely morning?” Justin says as he comes and gives me a hug and good morning kisses. “Justin.” I said “You smell so good, I could just hold you in my arms all day.” Justin said. About two minutes pass and I spoke up. “God I must be the luckiest girl in the world to be your girlfriend, you’re so good to me. I love you.”

“Well I love you too. I told the guys to go out with out us so we have about two hours together, what do you want to do?”

“ I don’t know, you want to go to the mall and then see a movie tonight?”

“ That sounds good, let me get my shoes.”

“ I’ll meet you in the car.”

“ It’s great to see Ashley again.” Joey said. “ God you and Ashley are so alike, no wonder you cousins.” Lance said joking. “ What do you mean by that?” Joey asked. “ I don’t know.” Lance replied laughing. “ Goober.” Joey said quietly to himself. “ I wonder what Justin and her plan on doing today? Are they going to the mall?” Chris asked. “ Either that or they’ll stay home and talk about their lives and what they missed out of them.” J.C. said. “ It’s been like ten mouths since we’ve been at the house, everything’s changed, except for her, she’s still the same beauty that we left.” Chris said. With along wait and a lot of fans coming up to them they finally had a chance to eat.

“ Hey Justin, what do the guys want for Christmas?” I asked. “ I don’t know, but I think Joey could use a new wallet, and J.C.’s watchband broke yesterday.” He answered. “ Maybe I’ll get Joey a purse.” I laughed

“ Yeah a superman one.” Laughed Justin. “And J.C. a Barbie watch.” We laughed at our smart remarks and kept walking. “ Hey is that Lindsey and Jarred?” I asked. “ Yeah I think it is.” He answered. “ Jarredddddddd!!!!!!! Lindseyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and they turned around and then I ran up to them to give them a hug. “ Hey Ashley how’s it hangin’? How long has Justin been in town?” Lindsey asked. “ Weren’t you at the party last night?” I asked “ No, I was sick I couldn’t make it.” Lindsey replied “ Oh, well that came in last night, that’s what the party was for, to welcome them back.” I said

“ It was a blast.” Justin said,” I wish that you could have made it.”

“ Oh well.” Lindsey said. “ Hey we were just going to the movies do you want to hang with us?” Jarred asked. “ Sure that’s where we were going, too.” Justin said. We just walked to the Movie Theater in the mall and we decided to see ‘I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER’

“ Let’s go, I’m tired, I want to sleep.” Chris said. They paid for the meal, left a tip and walked out the door.


“ AHHHHHH!!!” Lindsey and I screamed at the same time and I grabbed Justin’s arm. “ It’s okay.” Justin said and he kissed my forehead. “ I know, I was just scared.” I said. We watched the rest of the movie screaming here and there, but I think it turn the guys on when we grabbed there arms. “ That was a great movie, don’t you think?” I asked. “ Yeah, totally.” Jarred said, and Lindsey and Justin agreed. “ Well we will see you two later, okay?” Justin said as we waved bye and headed for our cars.

“ Hello!!!! Is anyone home?” I yelled in my house. “ Shut up I’m trying to sleep!” Chris yelled back. “ Sorry, but its 2:00 p.m. how long have you been home J.C.?” I asked.

“ About 2 or 3 hours, so where were you?” J.C. asked. “ The mall.” Justin said. “ What did you get me?” Lance asked. “ None of your business.” I said holding the bags to my chest. “ I’m going to my room now.” I hide the bags under my bed. I got everyone else’s gifts but I still had to get Justin’s. To me, an album didn’t seem like a good idea. ‘DAMNIT’ I thought, I might as well ask him.” Justin can you come in here.” I invited him into my room to talk.

“ What’s up?” Justin asked.

“ Nothing just wanted to talk.” I said.” What do you want for Christmas?”

“ I don’t know?” he said. It was silent for about two minutes; we just looked at each other. Than I leaned over and kissed him. It was one of the best kisses he’s ever given me. Then it stopped when there was a nock at the door. “ Hello? Ashley your wanted on the phone.” J.C. said. “ Tell them I’ll call them back.” I said in anger. “ Okay.” J.C. said as he walked away. “ Do you know now?” I asked “ How about a pass to the Water Park for this summer.” He said, then we laughed. “ What else?” I asked.

“ Whatever is fine.” He said. “ Okay??” I said confused. With a grin on his face he said longingly,” I love you.” Then I smiled and said,” I know… I love you too… sweetie!!!” he left the room laughing. ‘ I wonder who called?’ I thought. “ J.C., who called?” I asked.

“ I think she said her name was Amy, I wrote her number down incase you don’t have it.” He said. I called Amy and asked her if she called me a while ago, and she did. Amy asked, “ Who was that who answered the phone when I called”

“ It was my friend, J.C.”

“ Is that the J.C. from ‘NSYNC, and the hottest one at the party?”

“Yep… Amy’s got a crush, Amy’s got a crush!” I sang, J.C. was standing right behind me and asked, “ are you talking about me, give me the phone.” J.C. stole the phone and started interrogating Amy. “ Are you talking about me … who’s your crush… am I your crush… am I annoying you… tell the truth.” He said annoyingly.

“ Yes… none of your business… oh yes, I LIKE you so much, just kidding… yes, very…now get Ashley back on the phone, now.” Amy said even if she didn’t mean it. “ Amy, it’s late, I’ll call you tomorrow babe.” Click.


Day 3

“Ashley!” J.C. screamed as he burst into my room.

“What did I tell you about mornings!”

“ I know, I know, but I had to talk to you about Amy.” J.C. said enthusiastically. “ She sounded so sweet on the phone and I have got to meet her!” Then I said, “call her up and invite her over.” Before I knew it J.C. was down the stairs, and dialing the phone. You could really tell that J.C was hot for her! “Hello, is Amy there…”

“ This is she…”

“ Hi, this is J.C., do you want to come over and chill with us?” She covered the receiver and under her breath said, “ oh my gosh” then she said calmly, “ I think I can pencil you in.” Simultaneously, they said, “ Okay, cool” Click. As they hang up, Justin said,” Score”, and Amy yells, ” Yes! Oh my god what am I going to wear!”

‘DING DONG’ the bell rang and J.C. raced to the door. “ Hello won’t you come in?” J.C. thought, ‘lovely voice and beautiful, perfect combo. Amy said, “thank you” and walked in.

I said as I walked down the stairs,” hey waz up homie G, how’s it hangin’ my sista’?” She answered with a laugh. “ Well how ‘bout a movie?” J.C. asked everyone. “ Yeah that sounds good, how about The Faculty?” Chris said. “ I guess, is that okay with you Amy?” I asked. “ Yeah I guess.” She said. “ Yes.” J.C. whispered to himself.

Amy and I walked out the door and J.C. stopped the rest of the guys and told them,” I’ve got dibs on the seat next to Amy.”

“ Okay, we know you like her.” Lance said.

“ J.C.’s got a girlfriend, J.C.’s got a girlfriend, J.C.’s got a girlfriend!” Chris sang.

“ Shut up she might hear you.” J.C. whispered. “ I’ll take my car and you and Amy ride in you car, we’ll meet you at the movie theater.” I said to J.C. pushing him and Amy in his car. “ Ashley don’t make it so obvious that I like her.” J.C. whispered to me. “ To late she knows.” I said to him. “ How?” he yelled. “ I told her, besides she likes you, too. Cya there” I said.

“ Ashley I think your plan worked.” Justin whispered to me. “ Really I didn’t do anything they were meant for each other.” I said.

J.C. had his arm around her and Joey’s big head was in her way, but I don’t think she was concentrating on the movie.

“ Omigod are they kissing?” Chris asked. “ Yes.” Lance said. “ Look Justin.” I whispered in his ear. “ WOW!” Justin exclaimed. The movie was over and J.C. and Amy walked out of the movies holding hands. They made such a cute couple. “ It looks like it’s working for you two.” I said. “ You think.” Amy said “ Not often.” I said and we all of us started laughing. Amy and J.C had to get a picture before we left, of coarse.

We started all played pool and foosball. Amy and I kind of suck and the guys were kickin’ our butts. “ Come on you guys go easy on us. Hey Amy remember on ‘WATERBOY’ when that guys says ‘you can do it’ ‘Aw we suck again’?” I asked. “ Yes, that movie was so funny.” Amy said laughing. “ Well… we can do it,” I said. Then Joey scored on us. “ Aw we suck again.” We play tell about 6:30 and then J.C. walk Amy out to her car, and I’m not real sure what happened but I think that J.C. got a long kiss good night from Amy, I could tell by the big smile and lipstick on his mouth.

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