Day 4
Amy, Lindsey, and Jarred came over and since no one could cook, we ordered a ham from Boston Market.” Well this is better then Joey’s cooking.” I said and every one started laughing.

“ Ha ha, shut up! Every ten minutes J.C. would stop Amy under the mistletoe. Chris popped in their Christmas CD in the CD and it was like one big BARNEY SING-A-LONG. At about 7:00 we decided to open presents. I put one aside for Justin. Everyone got exactly what he or she wanted. Justin and I walk outside in the wonderful moon lit night. “ Justin I put this gift aside for you, I wanted to be alone when you open it and I hope you like it.” I said handing it to him. “ Well I kind of did the same.” He said taking a small box out of his coat.

“ You go first.” We said at the same time.

“ I’ll go first, Ashley.” He opened the box.

“ Before you say anything read the inside.” I said stopping him. “ I love you.” He read,” A new watch, now whenever I need a refill of your love I’ll just look at my wrist, you go now.” He said.

“ Omigod.” I said in aww. It was a silver necklace with a ring charm that said ‘JT+AG=LOVE’ I leaned over and kissed him, then he put the necklace on me. We both went inside with big smiles on our faces. I was wondering what J.C. got Amy because I didn’t see it before he wrapped it.

“ What did you two get?” I asked Amy and Lindsey. “ I got this.” Lindsey said. It was a set of all the Tellitubbies; she’s a little obsessed with them.

“ Do you remember at the movies when J.C. and I got that picture, well he got it framed.” Amy said as we looked at it. It was in a bear frame that said I love you, how sweet. “ What did you get the guys?” I asked. “ You mean J.C. and jarred?” Lindsey asked. “ No Chris and Lance… yes them, how did you think I meant?” I said. “ I got him a bunch of candy and South Park stuff.” Lindsey said. “ I got J.C. a Tommy sweater.” Amy said.

“ I got Justin a watch that says ‘I love you’ and he got me this.” I said showing them the necklace. The rest of the night nothing really happened and everyone went home at 10:00. The next few days were pretty boring.

DAY 10
“ Hey Ashley do you know a CJ Johns?” Lance asked as he handed me some of my mail. “ Yeah, why?” I asked as he opened the letter from her. “ Cause here's a letter from her.” Lance said waving one last letter in my face. “ Did you read it? What is it, I haven’t heard from her since the your welcome back party, maybe I should go talk to her.” I read the letter and she was having a New Years party. The letter said:

‘Hey girly, how are you? I’m fine. So I heard that Amy has a boyfriend now, how is it? Is it that one guy that she had her eye on at the party? That one blonde guy at the party Lance, I think is his name, is pretty hot himself. Well got to go here is the invitation to my party, hope to see you there.




DATE: December 31, 1998, NEW YEARS!!!





“ Did you read this?” I asked. “ No…maybe, but didn’t you say ‘MI COSA SUE COSA’?” he asked. “ No, I said ‘YOU MESS WITH ME COSA, YOUR OUT ON YOUR ASSA’.” I said and everyone in the house that heard it started laughing.

“ Well I’ll be back.” I yelled through the house. “ Where are you going.” Lance asked. “ To CJ’s you want to come?” I asked him,” she just lives down the street.”

“ I guess I’ve got nothing better to do.” he said following me out the door.” Which one was she, at the party I mean?” “ She’s the short one with the brown.” I said “ The one that wore the skirt and the blue and black sweater?” he asked “ Yes.” I said “ Oh, she’s pretty.” Lance said “ Lance can we see some romance in your future?” I asked elbowing him. “ I don’t know, I mean she probably doesn’t even like me.” He said blushing. “ Don’t be to sure she said in her letter that that one blonde guy Lance is pretty hot himself.” I said. “ No way your just saying that to get my hopes up.” He said. “ No really I’ll show you the letter when we get home.” I said. It was silent tell we got to her house.

“Hi Ashley, how are you?” CJ asked “ I’m fine, what are you doing?” I asked. “ Just cleaning for tonight.” She said. “ This is Lance, do you remember him?” I asked. “ Yeah, you’re the guy from ‘N SYNC and the party aren’t you?” She asked. Lance just starred at her, ‘ god she is so pretty’ he though.

“ Lance… are you going to answer her, or just stand there?” I said waving my hand in front of his face. “ What, oh yeah that’s right.” He said.

“ Do you guys want to come in?” CJ asked. Lance followed me in. then we went into the living room and sat on the coach. “ Are you going to be their tonight?” “ Planning on it.” Lance said.

“ Is Dan, your boyfriend, going to be there?” I asked. “ We broke up a long time ago.” She said “ Yes.” Lance whispered. “ What did you say?” I said. “ Nothing.” Lance said. “ Okay we’ll see you tonight.” I said as we walk down the driveway.


“ Ashley will you get me a date with CJ?” Lance asked me. ” No you do it yourself I’m not a match- maker for any of you, get your own dates.” I said complaining. “ Okay, okay I’ll ask her out myself. God go take a nap or something.” Lance said.

“ Not a bad idea.” I said heading to my room. About an hour later I came out of my room, there was Lance, talking to CJ. “ How long has he been on there?”

“ About an hour.” Justin said as he came up behind me and gave me a hug. “ Has he asked her out yet?” I asked. “ Shut up, she can hear you.” he whispered to me. “ I’m about to right now.”

” Then do it.” I said.

” Okay… um CJ… do you like want to go out sometime?” he asked. I saw Lance’s face light up, and then he handed me the phone and said that she wanted to talk to me. Next I hear this loud scream that practically blew my eardrum. “ Omigod!!! I thought he would never ask.” She said. “ I know it has been bugging me too.” I said. “ when are you going out?”

“ Tomorrow.” She said. ” Okay, well its almost 6:00, better let you go. Bye.” I said. “ C-ya.” CJ said and we both hang up the phone. ” Lance I want details when you get home.” I said to Lance.

All night CJ and lance were together, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. “ God, look at them, they’ve known each other for a day and already they’re acting like Ashley and Justin.” Chris says to Joey and I was standing right behind them. “ Is that bad?” I asked them. They turned around in shock and Joey started to mumble. “ What was that Joey?”

“ Yes, girls are icky.” Joey says as he starts to laugh. “How about you Chris, what do you think” I asked turning to him. “ Circle, circle, dot, dot now I got my cootie shot.” Chris sings as him and Joey walk away laughing. “ That wasn’t very nice.” I say to myself as I started over to Justin. “ It’s weird here, I don’t know any one except you guys.” Justin says. “ Well walk up to some one and talk to them, but make sure you come back to me at 11:55, okay?” I said pulling him off the couch. Justin walks up to a group of people and they went crazy. It turns out that they were like the biggest fans and Justin was there favorite 'N SYNC member. I couldn’t help laughing when the started jumping all over him, I had to go save him.

“ Justin what’s happening?” I asked trying so hard not to laugh. “ I don’t know I came over here to talk to people like you said and then they started screaming, now I’m not sure but I think they know who I am.” He said elbowing me in the arm winking. “ I think we better leave them alone till they can talk.” We stepped back quickly as they were getting their camera out of there bags.” Do you want to leave and spend New Years at home alone?” I asked him and he shook his head yes. I went to the guys and told them we’re going home to spend New Years by ourselves and we left.

“ Well now that they are gone who are we going to make fun of?” Chris said joking. “ I know J.C. and Amy.” Joey said as he went to go bug them. He plopped down on the couch next to J.C. and put his arm around him.” Where’s Amy?”

“ She went to talk to some friends and until you came over I was talking to some people too.” J.C. said.” Why don’t you join us and get your arm off me.”

“ God, meany-head are you always this cranky? Or is it because your arm ordainment isn’t her?” Joey said in a baby voice. J.C. and the rest of the people around could help laughing, even Amy laugh at the lame joke about her. It was a slamin’ party and the guys had a great time.

“ Are you glad to be home alone?” I asked. “ Yeah, but I didn’t want to make you leave, I feel bad now.” Justin said as he gave me a hug. “ It’s okay. I didn’t want to make people jealous when I got to kiss the hottest guy at the party at midnight,” I said,” and have you be uncomfortable wasn’t right. Besides I’d rather be alone with you.”

“ Me too.” He said.” What do you want to do now?”

“ I don’t care, I wonder what’s on TV?” I said going to the couch. “ I don’t want you to leave. Think about it, in two days you’ll be gone and we won’t get to see each other for four whole months. Not until April 13, when you come for a weekend and then you have a concert so we probably won’t get to spend more then 12 hours together. Why do you have to be so famous?” I shrugged. “ Well you know you can always call and visit. And I know it going to be hard, I have the same feelings. I don’t know how to say this but……Ashley……I…I… I LOVE YOU!” Justin said.

“ WHAT?” I SAID IN SHOCK,” I mean I love you too.”

“ I can’t live with out you.” he said standing up and pulling me off the couch with him. “ I know, I know I don’t think any one can.” I said joking, then we both smiled and kissed. Just then we heard fireworks, the ball had dropped so we had another reason to keep kissing. “ You know I can’t live with out you to, right?”

“ Right.”

“ Well then every chance I get I’m coming to see you. Call me all the time and tell me when I can see you on TV, tell me if you're coming into town, and never ever leave a detail out in your letters. Promise?”

“ yes, yes anything for you.”

“Happy New Year to you.”

“ And to you too.”

DAY 11
“ Lance I want you to tell me everything, and if you don’t I’ll get it from CJ, okay?” I said picking out a shirt for him. “ Yes mommy, you know, I can dress myself.” He said putting the shirt on. “ Yeah then why are you putting that on?” I asked. “ Well, I was going to wear this one any ways, I think. Oh well, do you know where my jacket is?”

“ Down stairs on the chair by the phone. Get out of hear now, go get your girl.”

“Where do you want to eat?” Lance asked. “ How about Don Pablo’s? I heard that they have good food.” CJ suggested. “ Okay, you lead the way.” Lance said. It was silent the rest of the drive and until they were seated. They started with two sodas and some chips and salsa. “ You look nice tonight.”

“ So do you.” Then just as they were about to order, a waiter comes and spilt a pitcher of water on them and there table.( can you tell it was his first day?) After they got cleaned up and they were seated at a different table the manager came and told them there meal would be free. Since they were all wet they decided to order the most expensive meal. Well since they meals were huge they didn’t finish them, and when they were heading out to the car this guy ran into CJ and spilt rice all over her. Then after her and Lance brushed all the food off about five girls came running up to Lance screaming for autographs, even if they were wet and cold he was still happy to do it. Finally the reached the car and lance drove CJ home. Then as they were at the door they kissed and they agreed that this wouldn’t work out.

“ Well how did it go?” I asked pulling Lance into his room. “ Well it turned out like this, we went to Don Pablo’s and it was a disaster; we had water spilt on us, but we got our meal free. Then in the parking lot CJ got ran into and rice went all over her. Then fans came up to us and started screaming, then we went to her house, I dropped her off and gave her a kiss good night. And oh yeah we’re not going to go out again, we’re just friends.”

“ I guess it’s for the best, even though you could have made a cute couple.” I left and went back to me room and went to bed.


Day 12
“ I don’t want you to leave. I haven’t even been with you for a week, why do you have to go?" Amy said crying in J.C. arms. I could remember when Justin and I were like that, sometimes we still are. “ I know, I know, I don’t see how Justin could have been doing this for the past two years. Just remember 7 months, and when I want to see you or you want to see me, I will send you a plane ticket any time. Just call my cell.” J.C. said as he gave her a kiss and a big hug. He wiped her tears and sat down with her on a bench.

“ I hope you don’t do anything stupid when your on tour. I’m just kidding; well it looks like you can board your plane. I’ll see you in a couple months. Bye.” I said as I gave him a long kiss good-by. “I will write and call as often as I can, and don’t forget about me either. I love you.” Justin said. That surprised me, he has never said it before me. “ I love you too. When did you decide to say it before me?”

“ 10 minutes ago, I’m just playin’ I really never have felt this way until last week when I walked though the door at you house and I saw the you, looking so gorgeous.”

“ Sorry to interrupt, but we have a plane to catch.” Chris said pulling Justin away. “ Wait,” Justin said running to me. He gave me a big hug and the longest kiss,” see you soon.”

“WOW. What was that for? Why am I asking?” then I pulled him close again and gave him another kiss. “Call me when ever you’re near a phone.” ‘Then they went on the plane that will be the last time that we will get to see them in a while’ I thought to my self as Amy and I walked to the car.


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