He saw Angelina, with red, puffy eyes, siting on the floor. Red blood running down her arm. He grabbed a towel, fell to the floor, and tried to stop the bleeding. She said nothing and just watched his every more. Tears were running down her face.

"It hurts Joey. Please make it stop," she said finally in a whisper.

"It's ok Ange. Don't worry. You'll be alright," he said rubbing her back to comfort her and applying pressure on her wrist. The cut wasn't that deep, but deep enough to draw blood. After about ten minutes the bleeding slowed down. Angelina slowly got up. Joey got up and hugged her.

"I don't want to die Joey. I don't want to die," she said inbetween sobs.

"Shhh....," he said soothingly. "It will be fine. You're not going to die." He pulled back a little to look into her eyes. Her normal sparkling blue eyes were now a dark shade of gray. He brushed back a strand of her curly strawberry blonde hair and placed it behind her ear. "Why did you do it, Ange? You really scared me. What would I do without you?" he asked softly.

"I don't know. I thought it was a way out from all the pain that I'm feeling. I figured then, I wouldn't hurt anymore," she said.

"But Ange, then you would be hurting other people. The only way that your going to be able to move over from her death is that your going to have to except it and Cora is dead. I know it's sad that Cora died, but you are still alive and you should be thankful for that."

"I'm the reason that Cora is dead though. If I hadn't have been so stupid then Coara would still be alive today."

"You can't blame yourself forever. It's in the past. Its a huge lost that Cora is no longer here. But you have to keep on living a normal life. Don't just stop everything. You know that Cora would want you to go on with your life."

More tears ran down her face. Joey wiped them away softly wih his thumb. "Let's get a band-aid on this cut of yours ok?" he said smiling softly. She nodded her head yes but said nothing. He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her downstairs.


In the kitchen, Joey put a band-aid on her cut. "There ya go. All better," he said with a small smile.

"Thanks. And thank you Joey for being here tonight. I don't know what might have happened if you hadn't been."

"Let's not talk about that right now," he said. He looked into her eyes, they still had that spark of hope in them. That was something that he had always loved about her. "You're welcome, Ange. Now, it's been a long day and it's getting late. Plus you have a big day tomorrow," he told her, referring to Cora's funeral.

"Yeah I guess I better be getting to bed. Goodnight Joey," she said kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"Goodnight," he said watching her walk up the steps.

Once upstairs, Angelina slipped out of her clothes. She threw on an old shirt and a pair of boxers shorts. And climbed into bed. After about an hour of laying in the dark, tossing and turning, she finally fell asleep. She fell into a deep sleep filled with nightmares.

Joey went up to his room and laid down. Just getting to sleep, he was startled by screams coming from Angelina's room. He quickly got up and ran into her room. He saw her laying in her bed screaming. He figured that it must have been a nightmare. Quickly, he ran up to her and sat on the bed.

"Ange......Ange......wake up.....," he said shaking her a little. "Come on...please wake up...."

She opened her eyes and looked into his eyes. She had a scared expression on her face.

"Whats wrong hun?"

" was horrible...," she said starting to cry.

"Ok....shhh.......don't cry," he said, hugging her closely to his chest. Trying to stop her crying. She cried for a little while longer. He could tell that she was getting tired again. He got up lying her head back down on her pillow. He started to walk out the door.

"Joey, don't leave me," she said almost in a whisper. "Please...don't....what if I have another nightmare?"

"Fine...I'll stay here," he laid down in her bed next to her. She laid her head down on his chest. She quickly fell back asleep.

Parts 5-6