Sixteen year old Miranda McKellah signed onto AOL hoping to hear the three words "You’ve Got Mail" She hoped that she had received mail from a guy she had been talking to for over a year now. His name was Scott, and he was 23 years old. They had met one night in a chat room. She had lied about her age. She had told him that she was 20 years old. When he found out that she was only 16, he didn’t flip out like she had expected him to. Some of the things he had said to her meant a lot and comforted her when she was down. She clicked on the little mailbox and saw that she had gotten a letter from him. She immediately clicked on it knowing that she had little time before her father arrived home and would throw her off the computer…literally. Inside it read:

Hey Miranda,
I’ve been so busy lately, I’m sorry we haven’t gotten to talk much. I miss talking to you. Do you think you could come on tonight at 8? I’m actually free tonight. Anyways, how is school going? Great, I’m sure. Well, I got to go. Talk to you later.

Miranda hit the reply button and started her letter to Scott.

It’s all right. Like you explained to me before, you’re a busy guy. I understand that. I haven’t been on much lately anyway. I’ll try to come online tonight. If I can’t get on I apologize ahead of time. Oh crap, my dad’s home. I gotta go.
Peace, Miranda

Miranda quickly signed off and ran upstairs into her room and quickly pulled out some homework to make it look like she had been busy working. She heard her father’s footsteps booming down the hall. She knew he wasn’t right. Suddenly, the door to her room opened slamming against the wall. "Where’s your brother?" her father bellowed.

"He’s still at school, Dad. You told me I didn’t have to pick him up today." She replied.

"You know you are supposed to pick him up everyday." He said. leaning over and forcefully pulling her out of the chair she had been seated in at the desk by her hair. Miranda could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Go get him now! From now on when I get home I should expect him to be here." he screamed pushing her out into the hall.

"Yes Daddy." She answered, running out of the house. She quickly got her brother from school and brought him home. She took off his coat and sent her six year old brother Austin, upstairs.

She started to go back up to her room but was stopped by the voice of her father. "Miranda get your ass down here!" he yelled. "Were you online today before I got home?"

She remembered she had forgotten to close the window for AOL. For fear she would cry, Miranda nodded her head silently.

"How many times have I told you not to go on the God damned computer slut?" he said striking her across the face knocking her to the ground..

"I don’t know." She murmured, letting tears slip from her eyes. She quickly wiped them away. She tried to get up from the floor but a blow to her side from his foot knocked her down again. She now cried silently as she lay there watching her father storm out of the house. ‘I need to tell someone’ she thought.

She got up slowly, trying her best to make it upstairs. Just then Austin come to the top of the stairs. "Randy, is Daddy gone?"

"Yeah, he is" she managed to get out. It hurt for her to breathe and the pain was even more excruciating for her to talk.

"Are you okay Randy?" he asked. "Did Daddy hurt you again?"

Miranda didn’t want her little brother to see her cry or know she was in pain. "I’ll be fine Austin. He didn’t hurt me too bad." She said flashing him a fake smile.

"Okay." he said, as he smiled back at her. He walked away from her and Miranda started crying again. ‘If I don’t tell someone soon, I’m going to die before I reach twenty.’ She thought as she entered her room and looked at the black and blue forming on her face.

* * * * *

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