The next morning Miranda woke up and quickly hopped in the shower. She put on a pair of black bell bottoms and a lavender three quarter length v-neck shirt on. She threw on some sneakers and headed downstairs. The only other people awake were Justin and Austin. She sat in the chair across from the couch they were seated on and gave them a small smile and slight wave. "Miranda!" Austin shouted. "Guess what Justin told me?"

"Wha…?" she said being interrupted by Justin who put his hand over Austin’s mouth.

"Nothing! Kids say the damnedest things don’t they?"

Miranda decided it was too early to argue and left it at that. There was a soft knock at the door and Miranda, being as tired as she was, still got up to answer it. It was Lance and Joey. The gave her a half smile and joined her in the room with Justin and Austin. "JC and Chris aren’t up yet?" Joey asked quizzically.

"No they aren’t. Do you think we should wake them up?" Justin asked throwing both Lance and Joey a glance.

"Yeah maybe we should." Lance said staring at the ground.

"Why do I feel like I’m missing something?" Miranda asked.

"I’ll go get them." Justin answered, ignoring her question.

Miranda just shook her head knowing that they were keeping something from her. Justin came back down with neither Chris or JC behind them. "They coming?" Joey questioned.

"Yeah, they’re getting dressed" Justin paused and picked up Austin and said, "Little buddy, why don’t you go upstairs and wake up Jon."

"Okay Justin!" Austin said sliding from the arms of Justin.

Chris came down the stairs and was soon followed by a tired looking JC. They all sat down and there was a sudden piercing silence in the room. "Guys what is it? What aren’t you telling me and why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, trying hard not to let tears fall.

JC was the first to speak. "Well Miranda we were watching the news last night and…"

"Go on…"

"And…and…you’re Dad reported you and Austin missing."

"Oh no! I need to go home." she cried.

"No you don’t. You’re staying here with us." Justin said fiercely.

"Yes I am. Please send us home. I don’t care how you do it, please, I beg of you, send us home." Miranda sobbed as she pleaded with the five men. They all looked at each other before Justin decided to speak.

"Miranda, if that’s what you want then I guess we have to send you home. We have no choice. Go upstairs…pack whatever you want…have Austin do the same."

"Then I’ll drive you to the airport." JC replied. Miranda didn’t say a word but headed up the stairs to her room. She told Austin that they would be leaving and he immediately started to cry. She comforted him a little before sending him in his room. She went into her room and packed everything she had brought with her along with the Brian McKnight CD Justin had purchased for her the day prior. She left the clothes they bought her there except for the outfit she had on. She then went over the night stand and pulled out a small pad of stationary that JC had given her. She ripped off five pieces and picked up the pen laying on the dresser. She wrote a note to each of them. Each letter contained something different. She went and left them on each of their pillows. She didn’t want Lance and Joey to have them before she left so she left them on Justin’s bed along with his letter. She looked around the room once more and went downstairs.

Austin greeted her with open arms and a tear strained face. "It’s okay honey, shhh." She soothed. She wanted to leave just as much he did but she knew they had to get home. Now for the hard part: saying good-bye. She walked over to Joey first and embraced him without saying a word. She had only known him for a few days but she felt like she had known him her whole life.

"Call us." He said simply. Miranda shook her head "no" and walked away leaving Joey with a saddened expression on his face. Next she went to Chris and hugged him as well this time letting her tears flow. He just comforted her and said a simple good-bye before pushing her in the direction of Lance. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and wrapped her arms around him neck tightly and letting them linger there before pulling away. She replied, "Sorry." and walked towards Justin. Before she could say or do anything he said, "Save it." And hurried upstairs.

JC took her hand and brought her out to the car along with Austin. They both sat in the back seat while JC drove not turning on the radio or making any conversation whatsoever. They got to the airport and JC went to the desk and said only a few words to clerk and walked back over to Austin and Miranda. Miranda now knew that all of them were quite mad at her, and it was defined when JC said, "I’m not waiting for your plane to take off. See ya whenever." He picked Austin up and gave him a hug and set him down. He gave her a quick hug and left her standing there speechless.

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