Miranda’s father and opened up the door and became completely shocked. "Sir, you’re under arrest. You have…" Everything else was a blur to Miranda as tears of joy and sadness flooded her and her father was taken away by the police. JC walked over to her and embraced her. The others followed his lead and Miranda gladly returned their embrace. Austin came flying down the stairs with tears clearly running down his face. "Randy!" he screeched. "Where is we going to live now?"

The group pulled apart and Miranda picked Austin up. "Well we will probably be put up for adoption." She remarked not wanting to lie to the young child.

Austin pointed to everyone around the room. "What about them?"

Miranda looked at them and really wasn’t sure herself so she plainly said, "I don’t know, Tin. We’ll have to wait and see."

A police officer headed towards Miranda and politely asked to speak with her. "Excuse me Miss…" the conversation trailed off as Miranda and the Police Officer walked outside.


Austin went over to Lance and tugged at his hand. "Lance?" he questioned.

"Thank you. For standin’ up to my Daddy. He not very nice to Miranda and I no like it. I wouldn’t like it if Randy got hurted like my Mommy."

Lance looked at the others questioningly and sighed, but didn’t push the issue about their mother. All he wanted to know right now was what was going to happen to Miranda and Austin. Miranda entered the room and everyone looked up expectantly. "He said, since my Mom and my Dad don’t have any living relatives we have to be put up for adoption. If I was of legal age it would be okay because Austin could actually be put into my custody but that’s not the case and we are left with no choice. I think we are allowed to stay her tonight though." She replied remembering what the officer and lady from CPS had told her. "That means you Cutie," she said poking Austin in the stomach playfully "have to pack stuff. I don’t know how much they will let us take so only take what you really want. Austin nodded before hugging his sister and hurrying himself up the stairs."

Justin was going to speak but Miranda interrupted him by saying, "I’ll miss you guys so much. You have done so much for me and have changed my life in so many positive ways. I hope someday that I will be able to see you all again."

"Miranda. I’m sure they won’t put you in an abusive home and that means that I’m sure your new family will let you talk to us on the phone. Goodbye home doesn’t mean, goodbye friends right?" Miranda nodded knowing Chris was absolutely right.

"My only problem now is that I have to get through my last week of school which is going to be total hell along with failure on my part."

"No it won’t. You’re a smart girl. I’m sure it will be a breeze."

"Too bad you guys can’t come to graduation."

"I wish we could." Justin replied.

"But Justin, we can…"

"SHUT UP CHRIS!!" They all yelled. Miranda looked that them curiously but they just smiled at her nervously.

"Well, we better get going. Here is our number at the hotel. Call us if you need anything."

"Thank you guys so much."

"No problem. Anything for you Randa." Justin replied hugging her and walking out the door not looking back.

The rest of the guys embraced her and followed in Justin’s steps. Before he left, Lance spoke, "Miranda, everything is going to be fine. Call me if you wanna talk. I’m in room 579." He smiled warmly at her and headed out to the car. Miranda couldn’t help but smile, but what she really wanted to do now was cry and she couldn’t figure out the reason why.

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