After finishing her last week of school Miranda was ready to fly back to Orlando, the place she would now call home. She said goodbye and thanked the Kinsley’s for everything they had done. Even though she had only been there for a short time she and Tom had connected like they were never separated. She promised to keep in touch and left with Austin trying not to cry.

:::After the plane ride:::

"That wasn’t so bad was it?" she asked Austin.

"No, it wasn’t as scary as the first time Randy," he replied still gripping her hand tightly as they approached the baggage claim.

"I don’t see our bags anywhere Tin."

"What is we gonna do now?"

"Have no fear!! Justin is here…I got your bags already," he laughed.

"Justin!! You scared the crap outta me!"

"Randy!!" Austin said while pulling on her jacket. "You said a no-no."

Miranda chuckled. She had said crap. "Oops! I won’t say it again though. I promise." Justin laughed lightly as he watched the two interact with one another. "Are the rest of the guys here?"

"Yup. They’re in the car."

"Okay, let’s go then."

Justin gave the bags to Lonnie and hopped in the car with Austin before Miranda got in. The only seat left was next to Lance. She smiled at him but he didn’t return her smile. They all drove to Justin’s house and helped Miranda and Austin with their things. When Miranda saw Lynn all she could say was "Thank you, so much."

"Your welcome Miranda. Welcome to the family."

Miranda let the tears flow down her cheeks. "Hey y’all want to watch some movies?"

Everyone nodded except for Lance who said, "I’d love to but um, I have to go out."

"Where you going?" Chris asked,

"Um, I just have to check on something." He said. Not wanting to be questioned further he walked out the door.

"He’s been doing that a lot lately." Joey replied.

"Yeah, he has and I know it’s starting to worry me," JC stated.

"How long has he been doing this?" Miranda asked, curiously.

"Ever since we got back here."


"Ye-" Justin was interrupted by the sound of the ringing phone.

"You get it Miranda," JC smiled.

"But it’s not my hou-" she stopped herself after realizing what she was saying. She picked up the phone and answered, "hello?"

"Hi, is Lance there?"

"No, he just stepped out may I ask who is calling?"

"Yeah, this is Marie, is this Miranda?"

"Umm, yeah. Can I take a message for you?"

"Oh no, he was supposed to meet me at Charlie’s about five minutes ago. I just wanted to see if he was running late. Oh, and Miranda?"


"No, hard feelings. Since Lance and I have gotten back together we have been stronger then ever. I think we’ve learned a lot?"

"You--you’re back together?" she stuttered.

"Oh yeah. I’m surprised Lance didn’t tell you."

"It must have slipped his mind. Today has been a busy day. Well, he should be on his way. Goodbye"

"Bye doll." She giggled. Miranda set down the phone and stared at the TV blankly.

"Who was that?" Joey asked.

Miranda didn’t answer. Justin went over to her and punched her playfully, "Who was it Randa?"

"Umm, sorry, it was Marie. She was looking for Lance."

"Why would she be looking for Lance. They broke up a while ago."

"Yeah, umm, well they’re together again. I think that’s where he’s been sneaking off to. I’m tired from the plane ride I think I’m going to lay down and take a rain check on the movies guys, sorry."

"That’s ok." JC sympathized. Now he knew why Lance had been more then cold to them since they had arrived back in Florida.

"Why didn’t he tell us?" Justin thought aloud.

"Cuz we all knew he LIKED Miranda. He also knows that we ARE going to nag him as to where his feelings went. They can’t just fly out the window," JC added.

"I think we should talk to Miranda." Chris commented.

"It would probably be a good idea."

"Miranda?" JC asked while knocking.

"Come in," she answered, All of the guys could see she had been crying by her bloodshot eyes and red cheeks. "Can I help ya?" she asked. They didn’t say anything for awhile so she went back to reading her magazine and singing along with the music.

Let me be the one to catch you when you fall,
Somewhere, there’s a field and a river
Somewhere, you can let your soul run free,
Someday let me be the giver,
Let me bring you peace.

"I’m liking the Pokemon," Justin joked.

"Haha, funny, no!" She joked back.

"Do you wanna talk?"

"No, I’m fine."

"Why are you crying if you’re fine?"

"I just wish he had told me." she said.

"I wish we knew too." Chris stated.

The phone was ringing but no one got up to get it. "My mom will get it." Justin replied.

After having a brief conversation on the phone Lynn called, "JUSTIN!!!!!"

He headed downstairs. When he came back up he replied, "We need to go to the hospital. Lance was in an accident."

* * * * *