"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Miranda yelled as she awoke from her *DREAM*. The guys, who had been knocking outside her door immediately came in.

"Miranda!" Justin yelled.

"What is it?" Joey asked.

"Lance…hospital…now…we need to go."

"What are you talking about?" Chris questioned.

"Lance he was in an accident." She pulled Justin down next to her on the bed. "You told us!"

"Miranda! You had a dream! Lance is fine. He’s out with…I mean he’s out remember?"

"It was all so real." She replied starting to cry softly.

"But it’s not. He’s okay. He should be here any minute." JC comforted.

"Are you sure?"

"We’re positive." JC answered, again.

"Why don’t you come downstairs with us? I know you said you didn’t want to but it should keep your mind off things. We got Big Daddy!" Chris replied excitedly.

Miranda couldn’t help but laugh, "All right."

One third of the way through the movie Lance came through the front door. Miranda ignored him. "Umm, guys, maybe I should explain."

"Oh, so nice of you to inform us." Chris replied sarcastically. "Why didn’t you tell us?" Justin asked.

"I don’t think I should be here. This doesn’t concern me. I’ll go up to my room, holler if you need anything."

After she was out of earshot Lance started to speak, "I guess I didn’t tell you all because I didn’t want you to know the real reason I’m back together with Marie."

"Which is?"

"Umm, well, s-sh.."

"T-t-t-today junior." Joey mocked.

"She’s pregnant."

"You got her f**king pregnant?" JC asked. "How irresponsible could you be?"

"I used a.."

"TROJAN MAN!" Chris sang.

"Chris now is not the time!" JC spat.

"We used protection. It must have broken."

"Isn’t she on anything else?"

"She said she’s on the pill I just don’t know how this could happen."

"Well you see when a man and a woman love each other very much and they…"

"CHRIS!!!!" JC yelled.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"Did you tell your parents?" Justin wondered.

"No, how would you like me to go about doing this Mr. Timberlake?"

"Sorry, I thought she was the one that was going to get mood swings."

"Stuff it. How am I going to tell Miranda?"

"Why don’t you tell her the truth?"

"Oh yeah Miranda I f**ked Marie and I got her pregnant that’s why I’m with her. That sounds great."

"Justin," Lynn said entering the family room. "Time to eat. Get Miranda would you? Oh, Joey and Lance will you be joining us for dinner." They both nodded yes and she exited the room.

"For now, I’m hungry, we’ll finish this after dinner."

* * * * *