"Would you like any help, Lynn?" Miranda asked as Lynn started to clear the table after dinner.

"Oh, no thank you, Miranda." She smiled at her warmly. By then no one else was in the room except for herself and Lynn. She wandered out into the family room where the guys were lounging around and talking until she walked in and they immediately stopped.

"Talking about me? So sorry, I’ll leave."

JC stood up, "No, Miranda, that not it at all. Why would you think that?"

"Well that’s the first thing any normal person would think when they walk into a room and all the talking stops."

"Well, we weren’t. I think you should sit down because we…I mean Lance...has to tell you something."

Miranda sat down next to JC and Justin and waited for Lance to speak. "Miranda…" he started. "As you know Marie and I are…"

"Together again." She finished for him.

"Well, um, yeah but I want to tell you that um, she’s pregnant." Miranda’s mouth fell open and she let a tear slip down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and stood up.

"Thanks for telling me." she replied before hurrying out of the room not letting the guys see the tears spill.

"Great," Lance sighed as he leaned back in his seat.

"At least she didn’t lash out at you." Joey commented.

"Joe, that’s the least of my problems right now." Just then the phone rang. Lance answered.


"Hey sweetie, I thought you’d be there. Did you tell everyone?"

"Yeah I did."

"They’re okay with it."

"Not exactly, but they’ll have to live with it." He replied letting his eyes scan the room for any reaction from the four other men.

"Oh that’s too bad. Do you think I could come over and chill with y’all? I’m lonely here by myself."

"I don’t think they would mind."

"All right, I’ll be over in um, 20 minutes."

"Okay bye."

"Bye, I love you."

"Yeah," Lance answered before quickly hanging up the phone.

"Marie?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, she’s coming over,"


I fiddled around with my recorder. I pushed the record button and put it up against the speaker of the radio. I then pushed play to make sure it worked. It played back the lyrics I had heard. I smiled. When Lance had told me that Marie was pregnant I felt as though a stake had driven through my heart. That meant that I would not have a chance with Lance, he was going to marry her. I might as well give up now. I heard a car door outside and went to the window only to see Marie step out of the car. Figures, I thought.

I went back to my bed and laid down. I should probably call Tom, I thought again.


Marie had only sat for a few minutes when her beeper went off. "Can I use the phone?" she asked.

"Sure," Chris answered. Marie got up and left the room.


As I picked up the phone I heard voices on the other end. I recognized one as Marie’s but I couldn’t make out the other. I knew it wasn’t right but I kept listening anyway.

"Did you convince him that the kid is definitely his?" I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Lance didn’t get Marie pregnant. Stupid b**ch. Should I use my recorder?

"What did you say?" she asked. I decided I should, I didn’t want to see Lance get hurt. I pushed the record button and sat back on the bed.

"I said, did you convince him that the kid is his?"

"I didn’t need to convince him. He doesn’t know about me and you, nor will he ever."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"Well, after the kid is born I will get into a fight with him over something stupid. Tell him I don’t want to see him again, Go to court tell the judge what an awful father he is. Get custody over the kid, without visitation rights for him, make him pay child support and all that shit and on top of that I’ll sue him for hurting the baby. I’ll be rich, NSYNC will go down the drain because this will be all over the news, we’ll move and you, me and the kid, will live happily ever after."

"How are you going to sue him for hurting the baby if he doesn’t?"

"I’ll do it and say he did. I’ll get an alibi to prove it wasn’t me. Than for sure there is no hope for poor little Lance. They are going to get suspicious, so I’ve got to get going."

"All right, bye. You’re still coming over later right?"

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

After I heard both phones click off, I hung up the phone and pushed the stop button. Now all I had to do was get someone to stumble upon it. Someone nosey. Chris, he would be the perfect person, He always wants to know what I’m doing. Only problem is, how?

* * * * *

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