That night Miranda knew her father wouldn’t be home until at least 10, so she signed on the computer around 8 o’clock hoping that Scott was on. As soon as her buddy list popped up she noticed he was on and received an IM from him immediately.

Scott: Hey
Miranda: Hey Scott! How are you?
Scott: Great! You?
Miranda: I’ve been better
Scott: What’s wrong sweetie?
Miranda: Oh…ummm…nothing.
Scott: Are you sure? Cuz if you want to talk about it, I’m here for you.
Miranda: I know, I don’t feel like talking about it now.

Miranda knew she should tell him but she didn’t feel that it was right for her to put her problems on someone whose face she had never seen.

Scott: Okay, if you’re sure.
Miranda: Yeah, I’m positive.
Scott: Will you tell me some other time.
Miranda: Yeah, I think I will
Scott: I’m sorry sweetheart I know we didn’t get to talk long but I have to go. I’m truly sorry.
Miranda: It’s okay. E-mail me tomorrow if you get the chance.
Scott: You can count on it.

Miranda watched as Scott’s screen name disappeared from her buddy list. What Miranda didn’t know was that she wouldn’t be receiving anything from him for awhile.

As she was finishing checking her mail she heard her father’s car pull up in the driveway. She signed off fast and remembered to close the AOL window. She crept upstairs to her room and got into bed pretending she was asleep.

She lay awake listening to her father opening and slamming cupboards shut. She knew he was looking for liquor. He must have run out of money from his paycheck, and that’s why he was home so early. The slamming stopped and the house grew quiet. Miranda trembled underneath the warmth of her covers. She heard his footsteps bounding up the stairs. She made sure to keep her eyes shut when he opened the door. "Awww my little whore is sleeping." She heard her Dad mutter. "Until tomorrow bitch!" he said as he slammed the door, and clambered down the stairs. Miranda cried herself to sleep dreading tomorrow.

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