Chapter Three

Miranda woke up the next morning and took a shower. She got out and looked at the purple mark that had appeared on her face. "Nothing a little concealer won’t fix." She said to no one in particular.

Miranda thought of the stories she could tell her teachers for the cause of her bruise if it was mentioned. She had already used the "fell down the stairs" and "ran into the wall" excuse. She didn’t know what to say now. She finished getting dressed grabbed her books and Austin and headed out the door.

"Does your face hurt?" Austin asked.

"You can see the bruise on my face?" Miranda questioned.

"Yeah. It looks pink and purple Randy. Does it hurt."

"Just a little, Austin." She answered throwing him another fake smile.

"Okay, but Randy?" he said as they approached his school.

"Yes?" she prodded.

"If I kiss it do you think it will feel better?"

"I’m sure it will feel a lot better." She said kneeling down to his level.

He placed a kiss on her cheek and said, "Feel better."

"I will now," Miranda assured him.

Miranda watched her brother enter the building before heading towards the high school. She knew if Austin could see the bruise then her teachers would be able to see also.

Miranda went to her locker and took out her first, second, and third period books. She was soon greeted by her friend Karlee. "Hey Randa. Oh my God." She gasped as she saw the side of her face.

"Hi," Miranda said.

"Miranda what happened?"

"Umm nothing. Just had an accident. That’s all."

"What kind of accident. It looks like someone hit you Miranda." She said sternly. "You know you can tell me."

"No one hit me." she replied quietly. "I was carrying Austin and I fell."

"Are you sure?"

"I’m positive." Miranda snapped. Just then Karlee’s boyfriend Keith and his friend Tyler joined the two girls.

"What happened?" Keith asked, quite concerned.

"Nothing all right! Just leave me alone!" she yelled as she slammed her locker door and stormed off. Her three friend stood there in shock.

After her first period class, the guidance councilor approached her. "Miranda, do you think you could come to my office for a little bit. We need to talk."

"Umm…sure, what for?" she questioned.

"Just come dear, and don’t worry about Mr. Wygel, I already told him you wouldn’t be there for second period today."

"Okay," she said, silently following Mrs. Perch to her office.

"Miranda, dear, take a seat if you would." Miranda did so. She knew this whole thing was about the mark on her face. "Sweetie, we’ve noticed you’ve been coming to school with bruises all over your face and arms. The first time you told us you had walked into the door early in the morning not being fully awake. The second time you told us that you had fallen down the stairs. Your friend has also reported that the other day in Phys Ed. you had a mark across your back. Who knows how many other bruises you have in placed we can’t see. Miranda, is someone hitting you?" "No, no one is hurting me. Yesterday I fell carrying my brother. I’m a clumsy kid, what can I say?" she laughed nervously.

"Miranda, clumsy kids don’t have red marks across their back, and black and blue faces. I think I will have a talk with your father, see if he knows who is doing this to you." she said, picking up the phone. She dialed the number. "Hello, Mr. MeKellah. Yes I am calling concerning the bruises I have seen on your daughter."

"Oh those. She really is not the most coordinated child. She falls all the time. Just yesterday she fell carrying her brother. That would explain the bruise you see on her face today." He said.

"Oh, that’s the story she told a few of her friends as well. Thank you Mr. McKellah."

"No problem. Good bye."

"Well your father’s story matches yours. I’m going To have to believe you Miranda. If I see another one I’m going to have to call Child Protective Services." She said sternly.

"Why? I’m telling you, I’m a clumsy kid. You can’t call CPS because of that."

"I have reason to believe Miranda that you’re not telling me the total truth." Just the then third period bell rang. "Well, that’s all we can talk for now. Get along to class."

Miranda spent the rest of the day hardly talking to anyone. She said "hi" to Keith, Karlee, and Tyler but that was it. At lunch she didn’t join in on the conversation. She just sat there and looked at her food. No one questioned her, they would just throw her glances that said ,"What’s the matter?" or "Are you okay?" but Miranda shrugged them off and was happy when it was finally time to go home. Today was Friday and her father worked until six and usually didn’t come home until 11:30-12. Miranda picked her brother up and walked home. She took of his coat and offered to watch Pokemon with him.

He declined, and Miranda went upstairs and turned on her *NSYNC CD to track number 12, "Sailing" Miranda often wished that she could just sail away from all her problems and leave everything behind. She started to cry and think about her life, and how much better it could be. Her thoughts were interrupted by the slamming of the front door. "Oh shit! What’s he doing home?" she wondered out loud.

She heard light footsteps running up the stairs. She knew it was Austin. He came racing into her room and jumped on the bed.

"Randy, Daddy’s home and I think he’s mad," he said. "I don’t want him to hurt you." Austin said hugging his sister and letting tears slip down his tiny cheeks.

"It’s going to be okay, Tin." Miranda said using the nickname she had giving Austin awhile back. "You just go in your room and read a book. Don’t you worry about me." she said, forcing herself to smile.

"Why can’t I stay with you?"

"Just go, Tin. I’ll come in your room later, and you can show me how good a reader you are." Austin nodded and slipped off the bed. He walked out the door slowly, turning back once showing Miranda his tear stained face.

Miranda’s father walked up the stairs towards her room. He came in her room and closed the door. "What’s your problem bitch? Now your tattling to your teachers at school." He said smacking her across the face in the same spot he had punched her the day prior.

"No, Daddy. I didn’t say a word."

"So now your going to lie to me too?" he said kicking her in the opposite side. Miranda fell to the floor, hoping he was done.

He picked her up by the hair and only to hit her in the head with his fist. The last thing Miranda saw was the smile on her father’s face before everything went black.

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