The group arrived at Justin, Chris, and JC’s house. After taking a few pictures JC said, "Let me show you your room." They walked up stairs and went down two doors. "This one is yours, Austin." JC replied, opening a door to a room with white walls and a race car border.

"Thanks JC!" Austin said, jumping up to give JC a hug.

"Your welcome." He stated before they left him in the room to explore. "And this Miss Miranda is your room." he opened the door to reveal a room with light purple walls and a picture of *NSYNC on the ceiling. She laughed when she saw this.

"Did you think I would forget you guys overnight, so you left me a reminder in the morning?"

"Nah, go check out your closet."

She opened the closet to find many outfits, and the whole inside of the door covered with *NSYNC posters. "How come there are so many of Justin?"

"Guess who had a field day putting the posters in there?" She laughed again.

"You know I am going to pay you guys back for all of these clothes right?" she said.

"No, you’re not. I won’t allow it."

"JC, please. I feel bad enough invading your house, your life, your friends lives, and your careers. I want you to understand that I am not incapable of doing things myself and I intend to pay you back in full for the clothing."

"If you wish, Miranda."

"I do…now…"

She was interrupted by a gleeful Austin, "Randy!! Randy! Look what the guys got me!!!" he said holding up a basketball jersey with matching shorts.

"Wow! You be sure to thank them all, okay?"

"Okay." he said, as he headed out of the room.

"Tonight, we’re going out. Wear something nice. Oh and you have an hour." He said, closing the door to the room before she could protest.

Miranda went over to the bed where she had placed her bag. She opened it up and took out her *NSYNC CD. She placed it in the stereo system on the shelf in the corner. She put it to track number twelve and began to look through her closet.


"JC, how is she doing?" Joey asked.

"Fine, she’s a very strong girl. After going through what she has you wouldn’t really expect that." He stated.

"Did you tell her about dinner tonight?" Justin questioned.

"Yeah, she’s upstairs trying things on. She’s listening to "Sailing" too," he chuckled.

"I hope everything fits her all right." Chris commented.

"It should. I was looking at some of the stuff earlier before she arrived, and I was just looking at her. It looks perfect. She also insists on paying for everything we gave her."

"You’re not going to let her, are you?" Justin replied.

"I refused to let her pay for it and then she came back with the comment that she was capable of doing things on her own."

"Come on, we might as well get ready guys. We only have 43 minutes before we have to be at the restaurant." Lance informed the men.

"Thanks, Scoop. You and Joey drivin’ home?"

"Yeah, we are. See y’all later." He said, as Joey and himself walked out of the house.

Justin walked up to Austin’s room and knocked on the door. "Come in," he heard.

"Yo, Austin, we’re going out tonight. You need some help getting ready?"

"Yes, please, Justin."

Justin went into Austin’s drawers with a wide smile spread across his face. He’s just like Jon, he thought. Justin picked out a pair of khakis and a burgundy shirt.

"Let’s try these." He said. Justin helped him get ready. "Whoa, little man, looking good if I do say so myself. Check it out." he said, picking him up so he could see his whole body in the mirror.

"Smooth." He stated, as Justin lowered him. Justin chuckled in response.

"I gotta go get ready. Why don’t you go downstairs and sit on the couch. Everyone else will be down shortly, kiddo."

"Okay, thanks Justin." He said, as he bounded out of the room.

Chris came downstairs next wearing, black pants, and a blue button up shirt. Then came JC who was wearing a pair of black pants, similar to Chris’, and a white tee-shirt with a green nit vest over the top. Justin came down last in a pair of khakis and a (what else?) baby blue shirt. "Where’s Randy?" Austin questioned.

"I’m coming," they all heard a shout from the top of the stairs.

Miranda came down wearing a silver dress that went just above her knee. She had on silver strappy sandals, that guys had picked out to go with that dress. Her hair was placed on top of her head with little tendrils hanging down. "DAYUM girl!" Justin remarked.

"You like?" she asked, shyly yet confidently, doing a spin as if she were on the catwalk.

"I like." Chris said.

Austin rushed over to her. Miranda picked him up in her arms. "Miranda!!" he exclaimed. "I’m glad you’re my sister. You are very pretty," he said smiling.

"Thank you, Tin." She set him down. "Let me see what you have on."

Austin repeated the same spin Miranda had done moments earlier and said, "You like?" Everyone laughed.

"Yes, I do. You’re very handsome. All those girls are going to steal you away from me."

"Nah, they won’t Randy. Justin picked out my outfit." He said turning his head and giving Justin a quick glance.

"You’ve got good taste, Justin." She compliment.

"Let’s go pick up the guys." JC said. They all agreed and hopped in the car.

"JC!" Austin shouted.


"Can I go get Lance and Joey when we get to their houses."

"Sure. Here go get Joey!" he said opening the car door. Austin ran up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Joey answered and looked straight out and didn’t see anyone. "Joey!" Austin yelled, scaring Joey.

"Oh hey Austin, I didn’t see you there." He announced. "Lemme just get my coat." He replied heading back inside. He came back out and picked Austin up, and threw him over his shoulder. He sat in the back next to Miranda. "Hey sweetie. You look great." He said as he smiled at her.

"Looks like someone’s tired." Chris remarked looking at Austin who had fallen asleep.

"I guess so. He was up quite early this morning," Miranda spoke. "I guess I’ll get Lance," she said as they arrived at his house.

She knocked on the door. He didn’t answer, and she knocked again. He finally came to the door with a girl by his side. "Oh uhhh wow…Miranda….ummm this is Marie." He said. "She’s my girlfriend." The word girlfriend echoed through her head. Why am I acting like this? He is just a friend. Gosh, I just met him today. Why am I jealous that Lance has a girlfriend?

Miranda shook her head and then replied, "Nice to meet you."

"Same here." Marie replied. She gave Lance a kiss. "I’ll see you tomorrow sweetie."

"Bye." Lance said. Miranda had gone back to the car. Lance locked the door and ran to the car. "Hey everyone."

There was murmur of "hi’s" as he took his seat next to Miranda. She felt a tingle when he did so.

:::At Dinner:::

Miranda was silent through most of the meal. The guys had tried making jokes but she wasn’t laughing, she wasn’t even smiling. JC became quite concerned. When they got back to the house that night after Miranda had tucked Austin into bed he asked to talk with her. Joey and Justin had gone clubbing and it was just her and JC.

"What’s wrong Miranda? It’s something because today you were full of energy and quite happy and then at dinner you were just sitting there staring into space."

"Nothing. I just have things on my mind I guess." She replied, looking down.

"Care to share?"

"I don’t think I can tell you."

"Miranda you can tell me anything, and I’ll listen. If you don’t want me to tell anyone I won’t. Whatever you want, I just wish you would tell me. I don’t want to see you like this."

"JC, you’re so sweet. Okay, I’ll tell you." JC nodded and smiled. Miranda continued, "I guess the first thing is because I mean I love this whole idea, about me and Austin coming to stay with you, but what happens of my dad has filed a MPR?(missing persons report) My bruise is almost gone and I only have small marks on my sides. I have no proof he did any of this. That means I will go back into custody of him and he will beat me worse then before."

"Miranda, all you need right now is to stay here with us. If that happens we will think of something when it does. Plus, we will hear something in the news if he reports you and Austin missing. Okay? Now what was the other thing you needed to tell me about?"

"Well, I really don’t know what’s wrong it’s just ever since tonight when I saw Lance with Marie, I guess I got jealous, but I have no reason to be so I feel really stupid."

"It’s not stupid, maybe you have a thing for him."

Miranda shook her head, "No, no. All I have for him is celebrity love. It never bothered me when he was with Danielle why is this bothering me now?"

"I don’t know. But who knows Miranda, I liked this girl once. I only knew her for a week and I had the hots for her and then all of the sudden I find out she likes my best friend. I know it hurts, but I had to deal. And I got stronger. Come on why don’t you get to bed. You’ve had a long day." "All right, thanks again, JC." She said going up the stairs. After Miranda had changed she turned on her *NSYNC CD. This time she turned it to track 5. While she lay in the dark listening intently, there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in," she replied, barely audible. It was Justin.

"Are you okay Randa?"

"Yeah, I’m fine Justin. Just thinking ‘bout some things."

"Wanna talk?"

"No, JC can tell you about it though."

"He did," Justin smiled. Miranda smiled back. "Tomorrow you can finally meet my mom." He said, still smiling.

Miranda nodded silently and started to drift off to sleep. Justin got up to leave and before he shut the door he replied, "What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger, if you love something let it go and if it comes back to you it will be yours forever." He shut the door quietly and left Miranda to think.

* * * * *