The next morning Miranda woke up and desperately wanted to take a shower. She grabbed an outfit from the closet and tiptoed into the bathroom. She let the water run, getting it just the right temperature. She slipped in the shower and let out a sigh. I hope we aren’t doing another group outing today, I don’t think I could handle it, She thought. She washed herself and her hair and got out. She dried off her body and got dressed only leaving the towel wrapped around her head. She started looking in drawers for a hairdryer. It was five minutes before she found it in the linen closet. She didn’t want to wake anyone up so she put it on low. It took twice as much time but it was finally done. Miranda walked out of the bathroom only to hear the cry of a young child. She listened intently as it continued. She followed the sound into a room two doors down and across the way from hers. Inside was a small baby boy. She looked around the room and saw the name plate on the wall that read *Stephen* Just then it clicked. Justin’s brother! She picked up the small child and lightly patted his back. She went and sat in the rocking chair in the corner and rocked gently. Stephen calmed down little by little. He wasn’t at all phased by the presence of a stranger. Just as she was about to get up Justin walked in the room. "Oh, Miranda. Did he wake you?" Justin commented.

"No, I was up." She smiled.

"Thanks for taking care of him."

"No problem. He’s a sweet baby."

"Yeah he is. I gotta take a shower. I’ll wake my mom so she can feed him some breakfast."

"Oh no, don’t wake her. I can feed him …" she stopped as she got a whiff of the air. "and change him." she laughed. Justin chuckled as well.

"Are you sure Randa?"

"Positive, now go take your shower." She changed his diaper, then picked Stephen up and walked downstairs with him. She sat him in the highchair next to the table. She searched the cabinets until she found some Rice Cereal(its like oatmeal for babies) She heated it up and mixed it with berry baby food. She let it cool for about five minutes before feeding it to Stephen. When he was done he had it in his hair, ears, and all over his shirt. "It looks like you need a bath handsome." She laughed, wiping as much as she could from his face.

"Miranda?" she heard from behind her.

She turned around to see Lynn. "Hello," she replied sweetly.

"I’m Lynn, nice to meet you." she said, sticking out her hand. Miranda shook it. "Thank you for feeding Stephen."

"Oh your welcome. It was no problem really." "Thank you again. Ummm tonight I have a dinner to go to with my husband, and the guys have an autograph signing then a radio interview, would you mind watching Jon and Stephen for me?"

"No not at all. It’s not like I have anything better to do. This will be good having Jon here, because he can play with Austin."

"I will pay you for it. This is a big help to me."

"No, I will not take your money. You have given me a place to stay, that’s all I need. Thank you so much." Miranda said, as a single tear appeared from her eye.

Lynn gave her a hug. "It’s the least we could do."

"You sit down and relax. I’ll give Stephen a bath for you."

"Thanks." Lynn said, as Miranda took Stephen out of the seat and up to his bedroom. She undressed him out of everything except his diaper. When she was carrying him to the bathroom she heard, "Randy?"

She turned around to see Austin rubbing his eyes. "Hey sleepyhead."

Austin walked over and hugged her leg. "Who’s that?" he asked looking at Stephen.

"This is Justin’s brother Stephen. Isn’t he cute?"

"Yeah, but not as cute as me." Miranda chuckled.

"Did you know Justin also has a 5 year old brother named Jon?"

"No, is he here?"

"Yeah but he’s sleeping. You have to wait for him to wake up. For now, I have to give Stephen a bath, why don’t you go downstairs and introduce yourself to Justin’s mommy."

"Okay. I love you Randy!" he said, as he hurried off. Miranda smiled to herself before entering the bathroom. She turned on the water and let it fill with cool water. She then added some warm water. She took off his diaper.

"Here, Messy." She said placing him in the water.

She washed his hair much to his dismay. When she was done she wrapped a towel around his quivering body. She picked him up and he put a death grip around her neck. As she was carrying him out of the bathroom she bumped into Chris and Justin. "You gave him a bath too?" Justin asked.


"You’re not our nanny you know?"

"I know. I’m baby-sitting your brothers tonight as well."


"Because your mom has some dinner to go to with Paul."

"She doesn’t think I’m capable of taking care of him."

"News Flash, Justin. We have a radio interview and an autograph signing later." Chris stated

"Oops. She’s paying you right?"

"No, I wouldn’t let."

"Why not?" Chris asked.

"Because you guys have let me in your home, I don’t need money. This is me paying you back."

"Well if your sure."

"I am, but right now I have to get him dressed." she said smiling at Stephen. He cooed at her. Chris and Justin exchanged a smile as well. "I’ll bring him down when I’m done."

"Okay," Justin replied as him and Chris headed downstairs.

Five minutes later Miranda carried a quiet Stephen into the family room where everyone was. "Hey everyone." She replied. She set Stephen in the playpen in the corner and went to sit on the couch. Lynn smiled at her warmly.

She sat next to JC and he slung his arm around her a squeezed her shoulder lightly. Austin came over and sat on her lap. Miranda smiled lightly.

"So what are we going to do today?" Justin asked.

"Well, we have the autograph signing at 2. It’s only 10. We could go catch a movie at the mall before then." JC replied.

"Sounds good," Chris replied.

"Miranda you gonna come?"

"No, I have to watch Austin. Thanks anyway."

"Dear, I’ll watch Austin for you. Him and Jon seem to have taken a liking to each other. It should be quite easy." Lynn laughed.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Go have fun." The words have fun rang through Miranda’s head. She couldn’t remember the last time she had fun.

"Thank you." she said. "You be a good boy for Lynn."

"I will Randy!!" he said, a little too loud.

"Okay, Tin." Miranda went upstairs to change. She didn’t have on the best outfit. She had just threw on some clothes she could wear around the house before. She changed into blue-jean bell bottoms, clunky shoes, and a red crop top. Not bad, Miranda. She thought to herself. She hurried downstairs. The guys were waiting for her.

"We called Joey and Lance. They decided to go with us too. Lance is bringing Marie too." Chris said. JC smacked him upside the head. "What?"

Justin glared at him. "Come on. We’re gonna meet them there."

They got in to the car and headed for the mall. Justin drove this time with Miranda next to him in the front seat. They arrived at the mall and Justin asked, "Where are we going to meet them again?"

"The food court." JC stated.

Joey, Lance and Marie were waiting for them when they reached the food court. "Hi guys. Hi Miranda." Joey greeted them.

"Hey everyone," Lance said, an arm around Marie’s waist.

"Hi," they all said.

"Hi," Marie said lightly.

Everyone replied with a "hey" except for Miranda. Justin squeezed Miranda’s hand which had been holding onto since they arrived. This caused her to force out a "hello" They bought 7 tickets to see The Sixth Sense. After the movie they all decided to go back to Justin’s, JC’s, and Chris’ house since they had to go to the autograph signing anyway. After about an hour of being at the hour Marie announced, "Well, I’d love to say but I have a photo shoot."

"Figures." Miranda muttered, meaning it figured that Lance was dating a model.

Justin leaned over and said, "Not so loud hun."

Just then Austin came running in the room. And jumped on Joey! "Oof!" Joey cried.

"Joey will you play with me?" he asked. "I don’t play hopscotch either!" This made everyone in the room, except Miranda, bust out laughing.

She put her head in her hands and replied, "Oh God!"

"I guess we know who owns our video," Lance chuckled.

"I’d love to play with ya buddy, but we actually have to get going. Maybe some other time okay?"

"Okay!’ he said, as he bounded out of the room.

* * * * *

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