Miranda sat on the couch watching MTV while Stephen slept peacefully, and Jon and Austin watched a movie upstairs. It was nearly 6:30 and Lynn and Paul, who she had met for the first time, left over and hour ago. She was watching TRL, the repeat. *NSYNC was once again beaten out by the Backstreet Boys, "Larger Than Life."

"Shit." She muttered under her breath. She watched silently until she heard calls from both Jon and Austin upstairs.

She went upstairs into Jon’s room to see what they needed. "Randy, we’re hungry." Jon said. Miranda thought it was cute that Jon started calling her Randy, like Austin. "Come on downstairs, let’s see what I can give you." The boys raced downstairs. Before Miranda went in the kitchen she checked Stephen. He was still sleeping soundly. She smiled. She entered the kitchen and the boys were already seated at the table. She looked in all the cabinets. She found some Macaroni and Cheese. "Guys, would you like some Macaroni and Cheese?"

"Yeah," they yelled.

"Shhhh, you two. Stephen is sleeping."

"Sorry," they said at the same time and immediately started giggling. She cooked them Mac and Cheese and then went back out in the family are. "Stephen," she whispered rubbing his face gently. He stirred slightly. She patted his back lightly and opened his eyes. He started to whimper. "Oh come here sweetie." She said, as he held his arms up in the air, wanting her to pick him up. She did so and he started to laugh. "What’s so funny?" she replied, as she tickled him tummy. He started to giggle harder. "Come on, you gotta eat."

She placed him in the highchair and pulled it over next to Jon and Stephen. Jon pointed to Stephen and said, "That’s my brudder."

"I know. Randy told me."


Miranda laughed at their conversation while fixing Stephen’s meal. "Let’s see what we have for you." She placed a plate containing a partial jar of banana’s, peas, and some more rice cereal. Stephen ate it gladly. By the end of the meal Jon and Austin had gone upstairs to get ready for bed and Stephen was practically be falling asleep in his food. "Aww poor thing. You’re so tired. That’s what you get for waking up so early." Miranda said picking him up. "Let’s get you ready for bed sweetie." Miranda didn’t hear the guys come in from their interview. Miranda carried him upstairs and the guys followed behind quietly. Miranda undressed Stephen, changed his diaper and put on his pajamas. She set him in his crib on his stomach and started to hum "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" to him softly. After she was sure he was sleeping she kissed his cheek and walked out of the room only to run into Joey. She almost screamed but she stopped herself remembering Stephen. "What are you guys doing home?" she hissed.

"The interview was shorter then we planned." Lance answered. Miranda locked eyes with him but quickly looked away not wanting anyone else to notice. JC did.

"Well, let me just go check on Jon and Austin." She said, as she hurried away.


"She is really good with the kids." JC commented.

"Yeah she is. I’ve never seen my brother fall asleep so quickly." Justin remarked.

"Should we wait for her or head downstairs?" Joey asked.

"Let’s just go downstairs. She probably wants to change out of her clothes." Lance said.

"All right." Chris replied.

They all headed downstairs but Lance lingered behind.

Miranda came down and said, "Well, Jon and Austin are asleep now. They are such cuties."

"What about me? I’m not a cutie?" Justin whined.

"Oh, of course you are! That goes without saying," she said plopping on his lap. Lance was sitting in the easy chair while JC and Joey sat on the love seat.

"Let’s watch a movie." JC suggested.

"We just went to the movies today." Chris exclaimed.

"Then let’s watch TV." Justin said squirming in his seat. JC then busted up laughing.

"What’s so funny?" Justin asked.

"Nothing," JC replied, chuckling slightly.

"I gotta go up to my room for a minute." Justin said, getting up and running out of the room.

"What’s wrong with him?" Miranda questioned.

"I think I have an idea." JC stated.


"Nothing. Anything good on TV?"

"No, I was watching TRL before."

"How’d we do?" Lance asked.

"Number 2."

"Backstreet Boys?" Joey asked.

"Yup." She replied plainly. "Loveline is on now."

"Oh turn it on!" Chris screeched.

"Shh! The baby!" she hissed.

"Sorry," he said.

Justin came back downstairs and sat next to Miranda. "What we watching?" he asked.

"Loveline." She replied laying her head in his lap.

Everyone was watching the TV in silence. "Up Next: Loveline, followed by MTV’s Global Groove." Said the announcer on the TV.

Just then came a commercial, "Hi! We’re NSYNC and we’re on Loveline, next!"

"This should be fun!" Miranda said rubbing her hands together.

"Great job, Chris. You had her turn it on, now we have to watch it." Lance groaned.

"Oh it can’t be that bad watching yourself on TV." Miranda said, making eye contact with Lance yet again. "Why don’t we make some popcorn? Anybody want to help me make some?" she suggested.

"I’d get up but I'm too lazy." JC said.

"Ditto," said Chris.

"Me three," Joey replied.

"I can’t," Justin said.

"Why not?" Miranda questioned.

"Because, I can’t. Just take my word for it." He said, knowing he sounded quite lame.

"Lance?" Miranda asked hopefully.

"Sure. I’m not that lazy!" he said emphasizing the word lazy.

They walked into the kitchen silently. "Do you know where it is?" Miranda asked, looking around.

"Umm, yeah, I think it’s in here." he said opening up the cabinet and pulling out a bag of popcorn.

"Thanks." She smiled. She started to blush but looked away. "So how was the interview?"

"Okay, I guess. It’s the same questions we always get."

"Yeah, I bet you always get sick of the boxers or briefs question huh?"

"Yes, it’s not like all of our fans don’t know by now."

Miranda placed the popcorn in the microwave and turned around and bumped into Lance. She looked up into his eyes and almost melted. She wanted to have his lips against hers for just a second. "Oh, I’m sorry." She said apologetically.

"It’s okay," Lance said backing away. "I’ll get some soda."

"All right." Miranda said turning back towards the cabinet. She opened the cabinet where she had found the bowls earlier. She saw a big enough bowl but with her 5’4" frame she wasn’t able to reach it. Lance came over and reached up for the bowl himself. His side rubbed up against hers. He took the bowl down and set it on the counter. He stared straight into her eyes and slowly leaned down and gave her a soft, gentle, kiss.


There was a quiet knock at the door which the guys barely heard. It was Marie. "Hi, Marie." Chris said politely. "Lance is in the kitchen with Miranda."

"Thanks," she said, as she slipped past him and walked into the kitchen.

She started to cry immediately at what she saw. Lance caught a last glimpse of her exiting the room. "Fuck!" He chased after her, "Marie!" he shouted. He chased her out to her car. "Marie! Please let me explain?"

"You don’t need to explain, Lance. Actions speak louder then words."

"You don’t understand, she kissed me. I pushed her away. I did."

"She may have Lance but I was standing there for a good 15 seconds and you did not push her away in the least."

"Marie.." he said.

"Save it! As far as I’m concerned our relationship as you know it is over. This hurts like hell Lance, I’ve had many a chance to cheat on you while you were away but I didn’t because I loved you and I thought you loved me too. I guess I thought wrong." She kissed his cheek and handed him the promise ring he had given her. Inside it read "Angel."

"Keep it! This is my fault. I understand that, but no matter what you’ll always be my Angel."

As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she wanted to keep the ring. She placed it back on her finger and got in the car. "Goodbye, Lance."

"Bye," he said as he headed back in the house. I guess I’ve really screwed things up now.

* * * * *