Bree pulled into the apartment parking lot and got out of the car locking it. For a minuteshe just stood there leaning up against the car and stared up at the window to her and Justin's apartment.

Bree had been gone on a vacation in Hawaii with her family for 2 weeks. Now she was back and needed to feel Justin's strong arms around her and his lips upon her face. She had missed him so much it hurt her inside.

With a smile upon her face and anticipation in her heart, Bree rushed up the stairs to the door of her apartment. She took out her keys and unlocked the door. Stepping inside a flood of memories came washing over her; the framiliar smells and sounds. Her eyes darted around the apartment searching for Justin, "Justin? I'm home!" Bree called out walking further in and closing the door behind her. She called out to him a few more times and headed to their bedroom.

Bree grabbed hold of the knob and opened the door.

"Jus--" her words were cut off. Bree gasped, dropping the keys on the hardwood floor making a loud clang rebounding off the walls. Her heart shattered in her chest and tears flooded her eyes pouring over her cheeks.

There before her she saw Justin wrapped in the arms of another girl. They looked up at her shocked, Justin jumping up immeditely guilt flooding his face.

"Bree--" Justin called out to her pulling on his pants.

"I cant believe you." Bree said through clenched teeth tears streaming down her face and dripping off her chin.

With that she reached down and picked up her keys and ran from the apartment and down the stairs to her car, Justin calling after her and pleading with her to stop.

Blinded with tears burning her eyes as she sped away and didnt look back.


That was 2 years ago. Bree had moved out and had not spoken or seen Justin since.

Bree shook her head chasing away the flashback as she sat on a park bench watching the birds. She had come here often, to this very bench and watched the same birds whenever she needed to get out and think things through.

She loved Justin, more than anyone in her whole life...and worse, she still did. Now she had on one. Her mind always traveled back to good memories of being with Justin, but always the bad followed the good and ruined it all. Sometimes she would think she saw Jsutin some where watching her but when she took another glance, she realized it was just a figment of her immagination.

Justin tried many times to contact her and explain, but she never gave him a chance. The way Bree had stood there shocked, hurt in her eyes, tears flooding her face , he could almost see her heart brake right before him. Now that he wasnt with her and he realized what he had done to her had broken his heart. He still loved her and he wanted her back. His arms ached to hold her and his lips burned to kiss her.

Bree stood up and walked to her car. She needed to talk to somebody. She needed to feel loved again, she needed a friend. And she knew exactly who she needed to see.


JC just stood there starring at Bree outside of his door not knowing what to say or do. He had missed her terribly since she had left Justin, she had left all the guys. Bree and JC were really close, JC was the one who got her and Justin hooked up. Now she was here. Standing outside his door crying silently starring at him looking like she needed a friend.

JC took her in his arms and held her till she stopped crying. he lead her to the couch and got her a soda. They just sat there in silence, either one not knowing what to say.

"So how have you been?" asked JC opening his soda and taking a gulp.

Bree looked up at him her eyes wet with tears "Fine." she grumbled sipping her Coke.

"The truth." JC said titling her face up to meet his eyes.

"The truth...the truth is...ive been....terrible, miserable, and lonely. Thats the truth." Bree sniffed a tear zig zagging down her face.

JC stared at her then reached out and brushed the tear from her face. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It hasnt been all that easy since he..." she broke off not wanting to say the rest.

"I know..." JC said sympathetically. He searched her eyes and could see she still loved him "You still love him dont you?" he asked squinting his eyes at her.

She was quiet for a minute not wanting to admit to JC and especially to herself that she did "Yes, i do, i still love him" she replied tears falling off her chin.

JC stared into her eyes and said "then do something about it."

"I cant...i'm not ready to see him, let alone forgive him for....for..."

"For what?"

"For breaking my heart!" she cried out angrily. JC winced, Bree's eyes softened "I'm sorry" she said softly.

"Why dont you come with me to a party tonite? We will have fun and you can get your mind off...Justin." JC said gently.

Bree looked at him and smiled softly through her tears "Will Justin be there?"

"No," he lied avoiding her eyes.

"Ok...why not," Bree said thinking that a night out would be just what she needed.

"Plus we have a lot of catching up to do." JC said brushing the hair that had fallen over her eyes.

Bree smiled at him and got up. JC followed her to the door. "I'll pick you up at 8." JC said opening the door for her.

Bree smiled and kissed him on his cheek "Thank you JC"


"Wow, you look wonderful Bree" JC told her when she answered the door. She had chosen a black skirt that came 2 inches above her knees and a V necked black shirt with quarter length sleeves. There were different colors of blue in stars around the collar. Black chunky heels covered her feet and a star anklet lay across her ankle. Her hair lay softly around her face curled slightly and pulled up on the left side with a blue star clip.

Bree smiled and took his arm, heading to his jeep.


Bree had been dancing with JC when Justin walked in. He watched her smile and laugh wishing it was he instead of JC dancing with her. He watched her move to the music and brush the hair away from her face revealing her beautiful pale blue eyes he loved to stare at when he was with her. Justin forgot how much he missed Bree untill he saw her.

Justin stood there watching for the longest time, gazing at her not knowing if he should go to her and cut in.

"JC i'm going to go to the bathroom, ok? I'll be right back." Bree told JC and headed for the bathroom. As soon as Justin saw her dissapear inside he rushed over to JC.

"How is she? Has she said anything about me?" Justin asked anxiously.

"Whoooa nice to see you too Justin," JC said taking a seat at a table. Justin sat across from him.

"Well she's not doing very well...she came to me crying today, so theres a hint." JC said gazing over to the bathroom.

Justin looked down "Oh, i kinda figured that." he said quietly.

"She's still in love with you Justin."

Justin's eyes lit up "She is?"

"But her heart is still broken and shes not ready for you to put the peices back together," JC replied sternly.

"Oh," Justin sighed "what should i d--" JC cut him off by looking over to the bathroom again. Jusitn followed his gaze and saw Bree standing there tears rolling down her face. Justin stood up to go to her but Bree turned and ran out of the building. Justin pushed through the crowds chasing after her.

Bree ran on and on trying to block out the cries from Justin pleading with her to stop. She kept running until her heel caught in a crack and she fell forward. Justin rushed forward trying to get to her in time but she already fell and her purse slammed against the ground spilling the contents on the sidewalk.

"Bree!" Justin cried touching her shoulder trying to help her up.

"Dont touch me!" Bree cried through her tears. Justin kneeled down beside her and took out a kleenex to clean up her bloody knee.

Bree looked up at him with eyes filled with so much pain and anguish Justin's heart split in half. He wished he could take out the pain and put in happiness and joy. His heart broke.

Bree sat up and pulled her knees to her chest laying her head on them.

"Here" he whispered handing her her purse. Bree took it but didnt look at him, she couldnt. She was afraid if she did she would fall for him again and he would break her heart again, and she was afraid she had no heart left to break.

Justin gazed at her trying to find her eyes "Bree, can we please go some where and talk?" he asked softly touching her shoulder again. Bree cringed from his touch feeling like he was burning her skin.

"Please?" he begged "I need you Bree...I love you."

Fresh tears zig zagged down her face when she looked in his eyes and saw all the love they had once shared.

Justin waited anxiously for Bree to rise so he could take her and put the peieces of her heart back together.

Bree nodded and started to rise and Justin quickly reached out to help her up. He took her to a small coffee shop and they sat down in a booth facing eachother.


For a few minutes they just sat there drinking their coffee quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"Bree please let me know i would never hurt you on purpose--" Justin said reaching for her hand.

She quickly snatched it away "But you did Justin, you did." Bree said hurt in her voice and even more hurt in her eyes which she focused on Jusitn. Justin looked down feeling like someone had punched him in his stomach.

He continued on with a lump in his throat "I know but, i missed you so much while you were in Hawaii and i thought that if i...if i.." he trailed off not wanting to say the words.

"Slept with someone else," Bree retorted angrily. Tears of saddness were replaced with tears of frustration and anger.

Another blow, causing the pit in his stomach to get deeper , Justin winced "I thought that if i ...slept with someone else i could pretend it was you and not miss you anymore."

Bree raised her eyes and looked at him disbelievingly her face twisted in anger "Oh that is the lamest excuse i have ever heard!" Bree cried out "And i thought you were truly sorry. I was so ready to fall into your arms and have everything back to normal...boy was i wrong." Bree said angrily, she glared at him, jumped up and left the coffee shop, leaving Justin behind along with her heart.


Bree entered her new apartment crying and plopped on the couch holding the pillow to her face and sobbing so hard it hurt her.

A little while later she turned over and wiped her face. She was so sick of crying, so sick of hurting, she wished it would all go away. After thinking about the whole night she heard a knock on the door, Bree slowly rose and walked to the door, knowing who it was but opening the door anyways.

There in front of her stood the man she loved, the man she hated, the man she wanted to be with, the man she wanted to be so far away from. Justin stood there staring in at her tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Bree, so sorry" he choked out the tears that welled up in the corners of his eyes falling freely.


Bree's heart broke again she desperetly wanted to throw her arms around him and kiss away all the unhappiness and hurt, she wanted to lash out at him and scream at him for breaking her heat, but she couldnt, all she could do is let him in and lead him to the couch.

"Bree, i love you, i love you more than anything... I never wanted to lose you, or hurt you the way that i did. I dont know what to do to make it better, but i will try...I want you back...I want to hold you in my arms and kiss away the saddness, i want your love back. I want you back."

Bree just sat there crying, crying for the love she had lost. Crying for the love she could have again if she only said the words. But she couldnt. She couldnt risk losing her heart again, but she loved him so much.

"What do you want me to do Justin? Say everything's ok and forget the past?" Bree cried through her tears hurting inside.

Justin locked his eyes on hers pleading begging for her to do just that. "I cant do that Justin, i cant. I have no heart left to break, i want to. I so want to love you again and have the things we had, but...." she put her hands to her face and bawled.

Justin scooted closer to her and whispered "Pleas try, i love you."

Bree looked back up at him and knew he was telling the truth. She could see it in his eyes, she could see all the love in his eyes. She threw her arms around him and hugged him so close, both of them sobbing together, not of pain, not of anger, but of love. They held eachother for so long crying away all the hurt and pain they both and gone through.

"I love you Justin, i have loved you for so long." cried Bree still holding onto him. She waited for this moment for so long, her arms ached to hold him to feel his strong arms around her, to feel his breath on her neck.

Finally after an eternity of crying together they let go and faced eachother. "Bree, i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you." Justin said looking so deeply into her eyes.

Bree stared back her eyes following as Justin bent down and pulled out a ring "Will you spend the rest of your life with me Bree? Please be my wife." Justin said slipping the beautiful babyblue diamond ring onto her finger.

Bree stared at him smiling her eyes bright Justin could see all love they once had in her pale blue eyes. Tears of happiness fell down her face as she thew her arms around him and kissed him like they had never kissed before, dreaming of the future as Mrs. Justin Timberlake.


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