As soon as Matt had dropped Corey off at the front entrance, a secretary buzzed her into the back part of the studio and that's where she ran into Mr. Stephens, president of JIVE, on the way back. "Hello there Corey. It's so great to see you again. Are you excited about today?"

"Yes sir."

He noticed her uncertainty about going into the studio after so many months of not singing, so he moved to reassure her. "I know it all seems a little overwhelming to you now, but as soon as you meet everyone and go through a few songs you'll feel right at home again."

As he talked, they continued down the hallway to the studio. "Corey, this is studio five and this is where we're going to record the last of your songs. It's bigger then the last booth you were in, but this is only for the best. Today we're going to pick the song you want as your first sngle. Once we get that laid out and recorded, we'll work on some of the other songs you picked out and make your debut album. How does that sound?"


He put his arm around her and squeezed. "Everyone says that. I think I should stop asking that question. Your first single will be released and promoted on the airwaves and you'll be rehearsing your performance and recording your album on your off time. It's all a pretty simple strategy. we'll release the first single and make people want more so when your album comes out people will be demanding it."

Corey stood there standing, watching him with a dull expression on her face. Mr. Stephens laughed and opened the door for them. "I know it all seems a little crazy now, but you'll see soon. I'm sure if you have any question we'll be able to answer them."

Corey said goodbye to him as she walked into another room. A young intern led Corey into the sound booth where he introduced her to a wave of people and showed her where all the headphones and equipment were. When he finished giving instructions he stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him with a thud. The room was completely silent at that point and she was all alone inside.

Swallowing hard, she put the headphones on and listened to the sound of herself breathing for a few seconds. When a voice came on inside the headphones, she looked up through the glass for the first time. In the control booth stood Mr. Stevens and about fifteen other people all pushing buttons and running around.

"Are you doing ok in there Corey? We're going to get started in just a few seconds and I wanted to make sure you could hear me. Just speak into the microphone because we can all hear everything you say."

She nodded her head and leaned forward to speak into the mic. "Yes I can hear you."

Mr. Stephens' voice coninued in her headphones. "The music will start and all you have to do is sing your heart out. Are you ready for take one?"

Corey took a few deep breaths and stared ahead. She was used to this, she had already been in this position. "I think so. Yes, I'm ready."

She saw Mr. Stephens nod to a man besides him and Corey heard the first few notes of the song begin. She closed her eyes and let her heart sing.

* * *

After recording, Katelyn had picked Corey up from the studio to go shopping then Katelyn wa taking Corey out to eat.

"How do you like this?" Kate asked holding up the shirt against her chest.

Corey squinted one eye and made a "ify" motion with her hand. "I don't like the design on the sides."

Kate looked at the shirt before putting it back on the rack. "You're right." She turned around and started rummaging through another rack of shirts in the GAP store. "How was recording?" she asked nonchalantly.

Corey shrugged. "Okay, I guess. Mr. Stephens, you remember him don't you? Anyways, he talked with me and said I needed to have the rest of the songs recorded by the end of February. Between then and now I have many photo shoots. One for the CD, another for promotions, and many for magazine starters.

He said once my CD gets released I'll be doing photo shoots, interviews, and TV appearances like twenty-four seven. He also said something about going on a tour," Corey said.

Katelyn looked up when the word 'tour' left Corey's mouth. "Did I hear something about touring? When you go on your tour you'll take your bestest friend in the whole wide world won't you?" she asked batting her eyelashes.

Corey shoved her playfully. "Shut up you weirdo. Of course you'll know you'll be coming with me. It wouldn't be the same." Something went off in Corey's mind and she remembered about the trip to Hawaii. "What time are you leaving for Hawaii tomorrow?"

Katelyn pulled out a lavender sweater and examined it while she talked. "My flight's at noon. You're coming with me right?"

Corey nodded. "Yeah, when are you getting back?"

"I don't know the day of it but January fourth is when I'll return. Are you sure you don't wanna come?" Katelyn asked turning to face her and giving her, her puppy eyes. "Pwease?"

Corey laughed at her and swatted her away. "You're how old again? I can't you know that I would but I can't and I have a clinic appointment the second that I can't miss."

Katelyn sulked. "But I won't have as much fun as I would with you!"

Corey looked at her with a disbelieving look. "You mean to tell me that since I'm not going to be there that you're gonna stay cooped up in your room and avoid all those tan...muscular...cute..."

"STOP! STOP!" Katelyn cried, putting her hands over her ears. "My virgin ears cannot hear those types of details."

"Virgin my ass," Corey mumbled.

Katelyn straightened out her posture and smiled sarcastically at her last comment. "I'm gonna chose to ignore your filthy mouth and go pay for my new shirt."

Corey laughed when a cute guy walked behind the counter and took Katelyn's shirt. Anyone within the store could see Katelyn's body language.

"Sometimes that girl amazes me," Corey mumbled shaking her head.

* * *

"What do you mean you can't come get me?" Katelyn asked over the phone the next day. Corey was still at the studio recording and there was no way she could make it back to Katelyn's then make it in time to the airport for her flight.

"I'm sorry, Katie, but I can't make it. They won't let me go cause they said I need to work on this one bar I kept messing up on," Corey explained.

Katelyn huffed. "I don't care what they said Cordelia!" she said using Corey's full name.

Corey cringed at the sound of her name. "Don't call me that...but I gotta go now Kate. Call me when you get to Hawaii, k?"

"Yeah," Kate sighed. "See ya later."

"Bye." Corey flipped her cell phone closed then smiled at Mr. Stephens.

"Well see you in a week or so?" he asked.

Corey smiled. "Yes, thank you so much for letting me go. I know you're breaking my rules right now, but you don't know how much this means to me."

"I think I do. It's the holidays. You shouldn't have to work. But on one condition. You have to call me and let me know how the clinic went," he said.

Corey nodded as she grabbed her car keys. "Yes sir. And thank you again." She left the building.

After much begging and pleading, Mr. Stephens had given Corey the week off to go to Hawaii with Kate, but only Kate didn't know. Mr. Stephens had called the airport and arranged for her to get a ticket, on JIVE's bill. A week in Hawaii with Katelyn and some of the finest pieces of the male specimen.

A smile tugged at the sides of her mouth at just the thought of the idea.

* * *

Corey rushed through the airport in search of terminal 32c. Her bags had just been dropped off to be loaded onto the plane and her carry-on had just been checked also. She looked up at the terminal she just arrived at and silently thanked God that she had found it.

Her eyes scanned the waiting seats, in search of the tall blond. Her eyes twinkled when she saw Katelyn reading the Sports Illustrated. She remembered a famous quote that she made up.

Nothing's sexier than when a guy wears tight pants. That's why I love football so much.

She laughed to herself as she silently made her way behind Kate's chair. She covered Katelyn's eyes and whispered in a low, husky voice their inside joke. "Doc Scurti wants to play doctor with you tomorrow."

The expression Katelyn held on her face when she turned around was priceless. Katelyn practically hurdled the chair and hugged Corey tightlt.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were still at the studio?"

"Air...I need air Katie..." Corey said as she felt Katelyn squeezing her tighter.

"Sorry," Katelyn said sheepishly.

"This was a surprise. So surprise!" Katelyn looked confused. Corey sighed and motioned to her carry-on.

Katelyn's face broke into a hug grin and she hugged Corey once again. "You're coming? You're coming?"

Corey nodded happily. "Yep. Me and you together in Hawaii."

Katelyn let of her friend and smiled bright at Corey. "Just wait girly. You're not going to regret this. I feel that something big is gonna happen. Something big and will change our lives."

Corey giggled. "Yeah, you're going to find your so-called million soulmates."

Kate hit her and smiled. "Not million, just nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine."

Corey smiled. "The last one will be for me."

* * * * *
