"Did you see the bod on that hunk that helped me with my bags?" Katelyn asked as they had just entered their suite.

To say the suite was nice was an insult. The suite was beautiful. Nice plush carpets, two king sized beds, three large polished oak dressers, topped with two walk in closets.

"Wow..." Corey muttered as she sat her bags down. She walked into the next room down the hallway and was blown away.

It was a living room with furnished everything, complete with surround sound, a stereo system, and a large screen TV.

There was a kitchen supplied with a refridgerator, stove, oven, dishwasher, and island that held a few wine bottles and champagne glasses.

"When Daddy said he got me the best, I thought he was joking," Katelyn said.

Corey wasn't one bit surprised. Katelyn's parents were world famous lawyers, handling cases of celebrities mostly. They lived in one of the wealthiest subdivisions in Orlando in a mansion.

"Remind me to tell you father thanks, Katie," Corey said in awe.

Kate laughed. "You're gonna have to remind me to tell my father thanks. I can't believe he did this for me. This is the greatest present and I get to share it with the greatest friend in the world."

Corey smiled. "Hey Katie?"

Katelyn looked up from the bottle of wine she was looking at and smiled at Corey. "Yeah?"

"Thanks for making me come. I'd much rather be here then in Orlando."

Katelyn walked over and hugged her friend. "You're welcome, Shorty." she released Corey and smiled at her best friend who's been through so much in her short span of life. "Let's go to the beach and pick up some hottie. Can you smell that?"

"Smell what?" Crey sniffed, but still didn't smell anything.

"I smell hottie heaven."

The girls laughed as they went back to the other room to find their bathing suits.

* * *

The two girls sat down in the middle of the beach, but closer to the water then what most people were. Their beach chairs were hit by the waves as they rolled into shore. But, once the water went back down into the ocean, they weren't in the water.

"Don't you love this?" Katelyn asked to her left side.

Corey turned her head sideways and smiled at her friend. "Hell yeah. The weather is so nice."

"Who said I was talking about the weather?" Katelyn lowered her sunglasses a little to the tip of her nose. "I was talking about all these men in speedos."

Corey giggled. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you."

Katelyn knew Corey meant nothing by the comment, but it was true. The two girls were nothing a like. Corey was quiet at times and always headstrong, and had to have everythign planned and organized.

Katelyn on the other hand, was loud and never met stranger. She was very spontaneous and liked to do things on a limb. She was a last minute planner and just let things flow.

Katelyn nudged her friend with her elbow. Corey ignored her, thinking she was going to tell her about the newest guy that walked by. After about the tenth time, Corey had it. "What?"

Katelyn smiled. "Just thought I'd tell you a few guys on a blanket about twenty feet away are giving you the 'come hither stare' look."

Corey rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. They're probably staring at you. I mean why would a guy want to stare at me?"

"Why wouldn't he?"

"Do you want a list?" Corey shot back.


"Well...I...I don't have one," Corey stammered. "But why would they?"

"Do you want a list? You're gorgeous, you've got a great body, and you've got one of the best voices in the world, and..."

"STOP! Ok, I get the point but still he probably wasn't staring at me," Corey said stubbornly.

Katelyn smiled. "I'm gonna walk over there and ask him who he was staring at. Twenty bucks says he was looking at you."

Corey grabbed her arm as she stood up and started walking away. "No! Are you crazy?"

Katelyn giggled. "Just a little."

Corey smiled when she saw Katelyn's playful smile on her lips. "You're pure evil, Katie. Pure EVIL!"

"I know," she smiled. She looked over at the guys then smiled at Corey. "Wanna play some volleyball? I brought my ball down." she pointed to the colorful ball in her the blue net bag.

Corey laughed at their inside joke. "COLORS!"

"It wouldn't be a party with out old Colors," she grabbed the ball out of the bag. "You go down that way and I'll go down this way."

Corey obeyed and Kateyn smiled. Her plan was one step away from being completed. "Ready?" she called to Corey who was about fifteen feet from herself. Katelyn set the ball to Corey, before she returned it was a soft spike.

The two girls continued to set, spike, and bumped the ball back and forth for fifteen minutes without one slip- up. When Katelyn knew Corey wasn't expecting it, she would accomplish her goal.

Corey set the ball nicely for Katelyn, who bumped it over Corey's head.

"I got it!" Corey called. Katelyn smiled brightly when she saw that the ball had landed on the guy's blanket.

When Corey saw where Katelyn at hit the ball to, she turned around and threw her friend a dirty look who gave Corey an innocent look as she started her way over to Corey.

Corey blushed when she saw a blond curly haired boy holding her ball.

"Um..that's my ball," Corey stammered.

The guy smiled brightly as he looked at her. "You're pretty good," he complimented as he handed the ball to her.

She blushed a deeper crimson red as she took the ball back. "Thanks."

Just then Katelyn came up and smiled triumphantly. "Well can I join this party?"

Corey narrowed her eyes. "There is no party. I was just leaving. Thanks for my ball," she said to the boy. Corey grabbed Katelyn's arm and drug her away from the boy and his friends that were staring at her.

"I know you did that on purpose Katie. And that was so not funny," Corey said as she put the ball back in the blue net bag.

Katelyn laughed at her flushed appearance. "You look a little flushed, Corey."

Corey looked at her angry, but Katelyn could easily tell she was trying to hold back her laughter. After a few seconds, neither one of them could hold it in and busted out laughing.

They both knew this was going to be the best vacation either of them were going to be and they were glad they could be with each other.

* * *

After many hours in the sun and many hours flirting with the guys on the beach, Katelyn and Corey decided to go it a day. they went back up to their room showered and changed.

"I still can't believe you turned down that guy's offer to take you out!" Katelyn cried, threwing herself backwards onto her bed.

Corey rolled her eyes. "I don't see what the big deal is, Kate. He wasn't that good looking anyways."

"Wasn't good-looking? Are you blind? He was like a Freddie Prinze Jr. clone!" Katelyn cried.

"What about that one guy that asked you out? The one who looked like Brad Pitt? You always told me Brad Pitt was your soulmate," Corey said.

Katelyn smiled dreamily. "He was, but he was just too...too... I don't know!"

Corey turned around to look at her. "I think you have problems."

Katelyn grabbed a pillow and threw it at Corey. "Shut up!" she propped herself up on her elbows. "What do you wanna do tonight?"

"I think I heard that there was a beach party tonight from eight till whenever," Corey informed her, putting the pillow Kate threw at her under her arms and lying on it.

"Wanna do that? This way we can still party and still find out some hot spots here?" Katelyn asked.

"You mean hot guys," Corey corrected.

"Yes, that too," Kateyn grinned. "Anyway, what are you going to wear?"

Corey stood up from her bed and stretched. "Probably just a T-shirt and jean shorts."

"That's it!?" Katelyn cried as if the idea was ludicrist.

"What are you going to wear?" Corey asked confused.

If Corey was confused, then Katelyn was more confused. "Huh? What were we talking about?"

Corey laughed. That was so like Katelyn. "You pulled a Charlie Gordon!"

Kate laughed uncontrollably. The conversation about clothes was forgotten and the topic was the story they had read back in eigthth grade.

* * * * *

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