19 year old Alexis Hunter had no idea where she was. She walked along the streets in Orlando, hopelessly lost. She mumbled to herself, "Well, I think the hotel is on Maple. Or is it Oak. Or was it Monroe? Ugh!" She massaged her temples. "OK, let's try again." Suddenly, she felt a force slam into her and she fell to the ground. She moaned, "This day just gets worse and worse." She turned to yell at the person who had knocked her down and stopped short. She was looking into the most striking blue eyes she had ever seen. She smiled, "And yet suddenly, it gets better." The boy in front of her smiled sheepishly. "I'm really sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." Alexis smiled, "Forgiven, as long as you help me out." The boy smiled, "Anything, of course. I'm Josh Chasez." He extended his hand. She gave him her hand and said, "Alexis Hunter." Instead of shaking her hand, he kissed it. Alexis blushed and said, "I'm hopelessly lost. I know I'm in Orlando, but that's about it." Josh laughed, "Well, where are you trying to get to?" Alexis thought a moment. "Seascape Hotel. On a totally different subject, you look very familiar." Josh said, "Well, on the way to the hotel you can figure out why. I know where it is. Come on." While they were walking, they began talking about themselves. "So do you live here, Josh?" Josh nodded, "And you? You obviously aren't from around here." "That I am not. I live in New York. Born and raised in Brooklyn." Josh nodded, "Yes, I noticed you had an accent. So are you here with your family?" Alexis shook her head. "I'm on a trip with my marine biology class. We have today to do what we want before we leave tomorrow and I got totally lost." "How old are you?" "Oh, 19. You?" "I'm 19 too." "That's cool." Suddenly she sang softly, " 'I saw her first. I'm gonna keep her.'" She smiled, "That's who you are! That guy from the MMC, right?" Josh blushed, "Yeah, that's me." She nodded, "I knew it. Might I say, you look a lot cuter in person." Alexis couldn't believe herself. She was never this forward with guys. Josh blushed again and Alexis said, "You look cute in red." Josh looked confused and Alexis added, "You're blushing." He smiled. "Well, you've been making me blush, let's see if I can do the same." He studied her. She had very long, light blonde hair and smoky gray eyes. He said, "You have very beautiful eyes. Very smoky and mysterious." Alexis blushed, "T-thank you." Josh decided in that instant that he definitely liked her. "And here, Alexis, is your hotel." She looked up at it. "Ah, yes. There it is." Josh hesitated for a minute then asked, "So, have you seen much of this wonderful city?" "All I've seen is a few streets with names I can't remember." Josh smiled, "Maybe I can give you a tour and then walk you back here. You know, so you don't get lost." Alexis laughed, "Why, Josh Chasez. Are you asking me out?" Josh shrugged, "Yeah. If you don't want to though-." Alexis cut him off quickly, "Of course I want to. But I mean you don't even know me. What if I'm some psychopath who kills cute guys with brown hair and sexy eyes?" Josh smiled, "I'll take the risk. Pick you up here in an hour?" Alexis shrugged, "Sure, I'd like that. 1 hour. You aren't here, I'll go by myself, and maybe an even cuter guy will knock me down. No wait, that's impossible. The cutest guy already did." He blushed and she smiled. "It's room 322. Just come on up. OK?" Josh nodded, "Sure. Bye for now."

Josh smiled as he walked back to his house. He had a date with a beautiful girl. Panic struck him and he muttered, "My God, where am I gonna take her?" He ran the rest of the way home.

Meanwhile, Alexis was modeling an outfit for her best friend Emma. "What about this, Emmy?" She was wearing a silvery gray skirt and a black long-sleeved shirt. Emma said, "The skirt is great. It matches your eyes. But the top… I have a better one." She went to her suitcase and pulled out a shiny gray tank top. "Try this one on, Lexi." Alexis went to try on the top. She came back out and Emma clapped her hands. "Perfect! Now, makeup." Alexis shook her head, "You know that I refuse to put that stuff on my face." Emma pouted, "Please. One bad experience shouldn't stop you." Alexis had once worn makeup. But one time, her mascara got smudged and into her eyes, causing an infection. She hadn't worn makeup since. Alexis sighed, "Alright. But no mascara." Emma nodded, "Deal. You must like him, if you're wearing makeup for him." Alexis shrugged. "I guess I do." She picked out silver eye shadow and held it out for Emma's approval. "Definitely. With soft black eyeliner." Alexis whispered, "I'm nervous, Emmy." "Don't worry, Lexi. I'm sure he is too."

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