After the guys finally finished rehearsing, Justin plopped down next to Lexi and asked, "You're coming to my mom's house for dinner, right?" Lexi looked over at JC and shook her head; "I don't think so, Platinum. I'm just gonna go home. Get some shuteye, read a book, meditate a little, do some writing." Justin exclaimed, "No way! You have to come! Emma and Caitlin are coming. You don't want to be alone, do you?" "I like being alone, Platinum. I don't mind." "You just don't want to be around JC." Justin accused. Lexi stuck her chin out defensively, "What does Josh have to do with any of this? Fine, I'll go." Justin smiled, it had worked. "Good. Go home and change. My mother won't let you in the house like that." Lexi looked down at her loose black shirt and sweatpants. It wasn't her most flattering outfit but it wasn't bad. Justin noticed the confusion and said, "You're all sweaty." Lexi nodded, "Alright then. How do I get to your house? Ugh, wait. We don't have a car. Just give me the address and we'll take a cab." Chris yelled from the stage, "Don't be silly! We can pick you up." Lexi laughed, "That boy's got good hearing." Justin laughed, "He's right though. One of us can pick you up." Lexi shrugged, "You'll have to ask Emma and Caitlin. It's cool with me." Justin smiled, "We asked them already." Lexi smiled and shook her head, "Then it's fine. You know where it is." She looked over at JC and rubbed her eyes. Forgetting about Justin, she mumbled to herself, "This is a bad idea." She went to talk to Emma. Justin snickered, "I think it's a good idea. A very good idea."

Emma said, "Wear the short, black dress, Lexi. That'll catch his attention for sure." Caitlin said, "No, wear the silver dress, it matches your eyes." After that, Emma and Caitlin started fighting over what Lexi should wear. After 5 minutes, Lexi put her hands over her ears and screamed, "SHUT UP!" Caitlin and Emma stopped arguing. Lexi said, "Let's get one thing clear. I don't want to grab anyone's attention. I'm going to wear what I want. And further more, I do not like Josh! I used to but I don't anymore. Are we clear?" Emma and Caitlin nodded. "Good, now go worry about your own clothes and leave me in peace." They left and Lexi said to herself, "Nice going, Lexi. You're lying to your sister and best friend." Sighing, she went to go take a shower.

Smiling deviously, Justin called out, "Yo, JC! Come in here!" JC walked into Justin's room. "What is it?" Justin smiled, "My mom wants me to watch Jonathon for a little while. Do me a favor and pick up the girls, ok?" JC asked confused, "What girls?" Justin sighed, "The Spice Girls, moron. Lexi, Caitlin and Emma, who do you think?" JC knew this could mean an encounter with Lexi, but he couldn't just say no. "Alright man, I'll pick them up." Just said annoyed, "Jesus, ya sound like I asked ya to kill a cat. It's not dat hard. Get in your jeep, jet ta their crib, get them in your car, jive wit them on the way here, and bring them in the house alive. Do it really sound dat impossible?" JC laughed nervously, "No, of course not. I'll go get them now. But first, I thought you were convinced to stop with the Ebonics." Justin blushed, "I didn't even realize I was doing it. I'll be more careful. Now go." JC nodded and left. Justin smiled and sang to himself, "I am a genius, a genius, a genius. I am a genius and JC is in love."

JC nervously knocked on the door to the house. Emma opened the door wearing a blue skirt and a green top with ¾ sleeves. She smiled, "Why, JC. Fancy meeting you here. Come in." JC smiled and walked in the house. Caitlin walked out of the kitchen, "Who was it Emma? Oh." She smiled mischievously, "Hello, JC." JC nodded. Caitlin was wearing a long, simple black dress and black sandals. She said, "We're just waiting for Lexi. Would you be a dear and go get her, she refuses to talk to us at the moment." She didn't mention that he was the reason. JC squirmed but was again in a position where he couldn't say no. He just nodded and went upstairs. Emma and Caitlin smiled, "We're geniuses, Emma." Emma smiled back, "But Lexi's gonna kill us." Caitlin waved it off, "So we'll be dead geniuses."

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