As soon as they were outside, Emma and Caitlin practically sprang to hop in the back-seat. Lexi rolled her eyes at the two as she slid in the front seat next to JC. She smiled, "So subtle, aren't they, Josh?" JC, who had noticed what Emma and Caitlin had done, said, "About as subtle as my friends."

Lexi turned in her seat so she was facing her friend and her sister. "We know what you're trying to do. It's not going to work. Josh and I are friends. That's what we both want. Get that through your meddling skulls, got it?" Caitlin and Emma nodded, fingers crossed underneath their purses. "Even though it's not what we both want." Two hearts thought at the same time.

At Justin's house, Justin, Lance, Joey and Chris were talking about JC and Lexi. Justin said, "I think that if we keep putting them together, they'll realize they still like each other. Lance and Joey agreed. Chris said, "You're wrong, Justin." The three looked at him. "They know they like each other. They just refuse to admit because they both think their feelings are one-sided. They're going to be in pretty close confinement for a while. We're going on tour right after the girls shoot their video. I say we let it happen when it happens. We can't push them. Besides, Emma and Caitlin will be doing that." The other three agreed with him. Lance said, "OK. We won't push them...much."

JC walked in Justin's house, Caitlin, Emma and Lexi trailing behind him. "Hi, kids!" Lexi said brightly. Chris bounced up from his seat. "God!" Lexi smiled and exclaimed, "Satan!" They hugged each other. Laughingly, they pulled apart. The rest of the guys were all standing in a line, looking at them. Lexi demanded, "What? You want hugs, too?" They nodded. Lexi grinned and shrugged, "OK!" She hugged first Justin, then Lance, then Joey. When she got to JC, however, she just turned around. She couldn't bare to hug him. Though hurt, JC did understand her position. When they had hugged before, when she came to after fainting, it had nearly killed him. Noticing the tension, Justin said, "My mom should hae dinner ready. Let's go."

Things were going well at dinner, until Justin's mother complimented Lexi's earrings. "Those are very unique earrings dear, very pretty. May I ask where you got them?" Not sure what earrings she was wearing, she pushed her hair behind her ears and felt the earrings. She was wearing the silver stars JC had given her. "Thank you, Lynn. They are pretty, aren't they? But they really aren't that special. Just a trinket memento of my first trip to Orlando." She lied. Lynn nodded. "Well, they're gorgeous." JC was crushed. How could it mean so little to her when it meant everything to him?

Lexi stood, "I hate to eat and run, but I'm feeling a little weak. I'd like to go home. Lynn, it was a pleasure." Lynn smiled, "You to, dear. Come back anytime you like." Lexi smiled, "I'll take you up on that. Goodbye." She was at the doorway when Caitlin said, "JC drove us here, Lexi." Lexi shrugged, "I'll catch a cab." Lynn said, "Don't be ridiculous. JC will take you home." Lexi was surprised. "He will?" JC was just as surprised, "I will?" Lynn nodded sternly. "He will." JC shrugged and grinned. "I guess I will."

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