Still 1995

Emma had no idea how right she was. When Josh knocked on the hotel door an hour later, his palms were slippery with sweat. The door opened and Josh held his breath. Alexis stepped out into the hall. She smiled at him, "Hi." Josh was staring at her. She looked down at herself, "What? Is it that bad? I can change-." "No! Don't. You're beautiful." Alexis blushed. "Thank you. You look pretty good yourself." "Thanks. You ready?" Alexis nodded and Josh extended his hand, "Then, come on. Let's go." Alexis smiled and took his hand.

Alexis and Josh were walking down the street, holding hands. Josh said, "So tell me everything about yourself?" "Alright, but what should we do after those 5 minutes?" Josh laughed. "I'm serious." "Well, I don't really know what you want me to say. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, but I told you that already. I'm really into music, I think of songs like windows to someone's soul. I really like jazz music. Miles Davis is like, my idol." Josh's eyes lit up; "I feel the exact same way." "Really? Not many people do. Most think I'm nuts. Anyway, I'm not just into jazz. I like all kinds of music. I'm into karate. I'm a brown belt. I can take on almost anyone. So don't tick me off." They laughed. "I really like to ice skate, and in-line skating is cool to. But what I love to do most is sleep. Sleep is fun." Josh stopped dead in his tracks. Alexis blushed, "I bet you think I'm insane now. If you want to call this off-." Josh placed a finger to her lips. "Shh. You have very low self-esteem. I don't think you're insane, Alexis Hunter. I think you're perfect."

Alexis smiled and blushed, "You have to be the sweetest guy I've ever met. So, now what about you?" Josh said, "You still haven't told me anything about your family." Alexis sighed, "My family? Well, my dad hasn't been seen or heard from since I was 6. My mom is great. She tries her hardest to do whatever she can for us. She really loves us. I have 1 brother, Lucas. He's a year younger than I am. He's a good kid. I have one sister too. She's older than I am. She's 21. Her name is Caitlin. I'm really close to my grandmother. I spend summers at her house in New Jersey sometimes. Now, don't put it off any longer. Tell me about you."

"Well, I was born in Maryland. I love music and singing and dancing. Basically just performing in general. I have a sister named Heather and a brother named Tyler. I love them a lot. I'm into sports some. Basketball, stuff like that. I love to sleep too. That's why I was so surprised when you said it."

Alexis smiled, "Great minds think alike." Josh smiled, "So, what do you want to do?" Alexis shrugged, "I'm fine just talking to you. But I am kind of hungry. Any good Chinese places around here?" Josh smiled, "I think I like you." Alexis smiled back and kissed his cheek, "Good, because I know I like you."

After dinner, they continued to walk around town. They talked about everything from their favorite colors to their most embarrassing moments. Alexis's eye was drawn to a cart on a street corner advertising handmade jewelry. She strayed away from Josh to gaze at the display of earrings. Josh followed her and the 30ish woman behind cart smiled and said with a light English accent, "JC, darling. What's up?" Josh smiled, "Hi, Marilyn. Nothing much. This is Alexis Hunter, my date. I'm taking her around the city while she's here." Marilyn smiled, "Hi, dear. JC taking care of you?" Alexis smiled, "Yes, he is. I don't think I've ever had a handsomer tour guide." Josh blushed. Alexis said, "I make him do that a lot." Marilyn laughed and asked, "See anything you like, love?" Alexis nodded and pointed to a beautiful pair of silver earrings. They were shaped like stars and had a light pink jewel at each of the 5 tips and dark pink jewel in the center. Marilyn smiled, "Some of my best work." Josh asked, "How much?" Marilyn smiled, "For you, my dear JC? I'll cut the price in half. 20 dollars." Josh pulled out his wallet and Alexis insisted, "Josh, you don't have to." Josh shrugged, "I know I don't have to. I want too." Alexis sighed and said to Marilyn, "Isn't he sweet?" Marilyn laughed, "Absolutely." She bent over and whispered to Alexis. "Why if I was 10 years younger… Nope, never mind, he still wouldn't look at me the way he's looking at you as we speak." Alexis swung her head around to look at Josh, who was staring at her. She smiled and turned to Marilyn; "I only met him like 2 or 3 hours ago too. Can you believe it?" Marilyn smiled, "No, I can't. You look like you've known each other for years." She handed the earrings to Alexis. "I hope you enjoy them. They're one of a kind." Alexis grinned, "Thanks. I know I will. Nice meeting you, Marilyn." "You too, darling. See you, JC." Josh smiled.

As they walked away, Alexis put the earrings on. "Why did she call you JC?" Josh shrugged, "It's my nickname. It's short for Joshua Chasez. Most people call me that." He studied Alexis; "The earrings look absolutely gorgeous on you." Alexis smiled. "Thank you. I love them. Thank you for buying them." She thought for a minute, "If you like people calling JC, why'd you introduce yourself as Josh to me?" Josh shrugged, "I don't know. As soon as I saw you I knew that I wanted you to call me Josh." "Then I'll always call you Josh." He smiled and took her hand again. Alexis said thoughtfully, "You gave me something beautiful after not even knowing me a day. So, I think I'm going to do the same." Josh looked at her, amusement in his eyes, "What are you going to give me?" Alexis took his hand and pulled him to her. She whispered, "This." She brought her mouth to his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Josh's arms snaked around her waist and he pulled her closer to him as they kissed in the middle of a crowded sidewalk. It was Alexis who pulled away. She smiled at him and ran a hand delicately down his cheek as he traced her jawbone with his fingertip. To their surprise, they heard applause and they turned to see a crowd had formed around them. Alexis blushed and Josh said, "I think we should give them an encore performance." Alexis looked into his blues eyes and felt herself drowning. She nodded, "I do believe you're right." They kissed again, even longer this time. They heard the applause as they walked away. "Well, that was interesting." Josh commented. "Yeah." Alexis replied, lost in thought. She said sadly, "We're leaving tomorrow, but not till late. If I pack tonight, I can have the whole day free tomorrow. Would you like to spend it with me?" Josh nodded, "Of course I would. You know, I never met anyone quite like you." "That's because I'm one of a kind; a genuine creation. I'm a smart, savvy, sassy, bitchy little smart ass with a passion for music and a flair for dramatics." She struck a fancy pose, "Eat your heart out." Josh wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Believe me, I am." She leaned her head on his shoulder and they continued to walk around town. Alexis asked, "You want to go back to my hotel. You can meet Emmanuella." Alexis used Emma's full name. "Emmanuella? Nice name. Sure, let's go."

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