Still 1995

At the hotel, Alexis called out, "Em? Where are you, Hon?" Josh picked up a piece of paper on the dresser and called, "Note!" Alexis smiled and took it. She read aloud.

" 'Alexis,
Instead of waiting impatiently for the juicy details of your date with the only one who could make you wear makeup, I went to sightsee and shop with Janine and Beth. I DO expect details when I get back, however. If your dear Josh is there with you, take some pictures with my Polaroid so I can see him. But this is for you as much as me. Capture the memory my smart, savvy, satanic friend. Love always, Emmanuella (Also Known As Emma)'"

Alexis smiled. "That Emma is strange. But she has a good idea there? I'd like the memory." Josh smiled, "So would I."

Alexis dug up the camera and took a few shots of Josh. She gazed at one; "The camera loves you." Josh smiled as he snapped a few shots of Alexis. He looked at the only fully developed one. "Yeah, you too. How would we go about getting one together?" "Oh, there's a timer." Alexis set the timer and sat in Josh's lap as the camera clicked 4 times. They smiled and they examined all the pictures. At 10 O'clock, Alexis said, "You should get going, Josh. I have to pack if I can have tomorrow for whatever." Josh nodded, "I'll come get you at, say, 10 A.M?" Alexis groaned, "I wouldn't wake up that early for anyone else, but for you I will. Sure, 10 A.M." They kissed once more, very passionately. Josh pulled away and kissed her knuckles. He said sadly, "I wish we had more than tomorrow. I think I could fall in love with you." Alexis grazed his ear with her lips as she whispered, "I think I already fell in love with you." She kissed him quickly, "I'll see you tomorrow, Josh."

At 10 O'clock, Josh knocked on the hotel room door. Alexis called, "Enter!" Josh walked in, "Hi, Alexis." Alexis's eyes were red rimmed; she had been crying. "My class is catching an earlier flight. We have to leave for the airport in 15 minutes."

Josh's disappointment was evident. He said, "I wish you didn't have to go, but I have my mom's car. I can drive you to the airport. We can spend a little more time together." Alexis nodded, "I can get Em to tell the chaperones. All right. Want to help me with my suitcases?" Josh grabbed 2, leaving her with one. "C'mon."

At the airport, Alexis was ready to break down in tears again. Josh kissed her and whispered, "No tears. Come on, we can still write and call, right?" Alexis shook her head, "It would be way to painful and you know it, Josh." Josh nodded, "You're right." Alexis thought for a minute. "Let's make a promise. I know that we'll meet again. We have too. I just want you to promise me that when we do, you'll remember me." Josh nodded, "Oh, I promise. I could never forget you. Will you promise too?" Alexis nodded, "I will always remember you. Let's seal it with a kiss." They kissed and kissed until a scratchy voice came over the intercom, "All passengers on Flight 327 Florida to New York must board now." Alexis stood and slung her backpack over her shoulders. She kissed Josh one last time and said, "I love you, Josh." She started to walk away and Josh called loudly, "I love you too Alexis!" Alexis slowly turned, a smile playing on her lips. She blew him a kiss and walked out of his view and out of his life.

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