Alexis went by Lexi now. She had streaked her hair with bright pink and chopped it off until it was at her shoulders. She had formed a pop group called Total Imperfection with her best friend, Emma Wellington and her 25 year old sister, Caitlin. They were fresh new talent and quickly climbing the charts.

Emma walked in and shrieked, "Lexi!" Lexi covered her ears, "Emma! Don't do that!" Emma giggled, "Sorry, but what's the great news you have for me?" "Well, if you promise not to go ultrasonic again, I'll tell you." Emma raised her hand, "I swear on my Blackberry Nail Polish." Lexi said with fake shock, "Now, I know you mean it. Alright, Caitlin called." Caitlin Hunter was also Total Imperfection's manager. Emma got excited, "And?" " We are now the official opening act for some boyband I've never heard of." Emma smiled widely, "That's great! What group?" "Their name is 'N SYNC." Emma squealed, " 'N SYNC? We're opening for 'N SYNC? Yes, Yes, Yes!" "Whoa! Calm down, Emma. It isn't definite yet. We have to audition for the guys. But I'd say we've got it. Caitlin said that this producer guy sounded like he really wanted us for the job." Emma hugged her, "I love you, Lexi!" Lexi said seriously, "I'm fond of you to, Emma, but I'm sorry. I just don't think of you like that." Emma pouted, "It's because I'm black isn't it?" Lexi studied her friend, who was as white as she was. "No, dear. I'm sorry, but I'm engaged to Britney Spears." Emma squealed, "But she's plastic!" "I know, but you can't even tell." They both laughed loudly. Wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, Lexi said, "Our audition is tomorrow. I have to call Lou guy back, tell them we're definitely gonna audition." She looked at the number Caitlin had given her. She took out her cell phone and dialed the number. A guy picked up, "Gates of Hell, Satan speaking." Lexi frowned; this couldn't be the producer. She shrugged, "Hi, Satan. This is God. It's getting kind of lonely up here, got an opening for me down there?" The guy on the other end laughed loudly and then asked suspiciously, "Who is this?" "Jeez, try to joke back, see what happens. My name is Lexi Hunter. I'm part of Total Imperfection. Is Lou Pearlman there?" "No. Sorry. My name is Chris Kirkpatrick. I'm in 'N SYNC. Can I get a message to him for you?" "I don't know, are you capable of that?" Chris laughed, "I think I can manage. As long as it isn't more then 3 sentences. Otherwise I may get confused." Lexi laughed, "You're funny. OK, tell Mr. Pearlman that we will be there for their audition tomorrow." "Ok, cool! I look forward to working with all of you! You're cool." Lexi laughed, "And you're strange. Thank you. Bye-bye now. I'll see you tomorrow." "Bye!" Lexi pressed the off button and slipped her phone in her pocket. She smiled, "God help us, Emma. If all the guys in this group are like the Chris character I just talked too, we are in a lot of trouble." Emma smiled, "But it'll be a lot of fun." Lexi frowned, "I know. But I'm not sure I want to have fun."

Emma sighed, "Get over that god forsaken Josh guy, Lexi! It's been 4 years!" Lexi pulled a picture out of her pocket and stared into Josh's blue eyes. "I still love him." Emma sighed, "You knew him for 2 days! 2 DAYS!" "I will meet him again." Lexi insisted. Emma sighed, "I know. Just promise me that you'll try to have fun?" Lexi sighed, "Fine. I'm all for fun. But I'm not gonna forget about Josh just because I'm going to be traveling with 5 guys. If we get this, that is." "Yeah, nice to know you have so much confidence in us." Lexi smiled, "Come on, Emma. Let's go down to Starbucks. There's a café latte with your name on it." Emma smiled. "Let's go."

JC asked, "Who was on Lou's phone, Chris?" Chris smiled, "God." Justin asked, "God? What you be talkin' 'bout, G?" Chris sighed, "Learn English, Justin. That was Lexi Hunter. She's in that group Total Imperfection. She called to confirm that they're auditioning for us tomorrow. I like her. She's weird." Lance groaned, "Just what we need. Another weird person." Lou Pearlman walked into the room. Chris said, "God called you, Lou." Lou looked at him, "Who let him answer my phone?" Everyone pointed at Joey. Joey stuck his tongue out at everyone. Chris said, "Lexi Hunter called to confirm." Lou nodded, "I don't want any of you scaring these girls off. I want them to be the opening act." Justin asked, "Yo, Lou. Don't they sing dat song, 'Day'?" Lou nodded. Justin said, "Dude, dat song is fly!" JC nodded, "I like that song. Don't worry, Johnny. We'll behave." Johnny said, "I know you will. But as for the rest of you…" Lance protested, "Hey!" Lou's eyes narrowed, "Even you, Lance. A certain snowball incident comes to mind." Lance protested, "Well, those girls were really annoying and I didn't want to spend 6 months with them. Neither did anyone else." Everyone laughed. JC asked, "How many girls are there, Lou? 3, right?" Lou nodded. "Emma Wellington, Lexi Hunter and Caitlin Hunter. Caitlin's also the manager." JC said, "Hunter, did you say?" "You know them?" Lou asked. JC shook his head. "The name sounds a little familiar but I'm sure it's just a common name."

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