Backstage at the music hall Caitlin was reading over the arrangements for the tour if they got this job, Emma was prancing around nervously as Lexi talked to her brother Lucas on the phone. As Lexi watched her friend annoyed, she said, "Lucas, please hold on." She put her hand over the phone and shouted, "Emma! For the love of ice cream and peanut butter, sit still!" Emma giggled and sat on the floor. "Luke, I have to call you back after the audition. Emma is driving me nuts and our audition is in like-." She checked her watch, "10 minutes. Ok? Thanks." She held the phone out and said, Caitlin say goodbye to Lucas!" Caitlin looked up and screamed, "Bye, Lucas! Wish us luck!" Lexi hung up her cell phone. Lexi shrieked, "Emma! I hardly get to talk to Lucas as it is! Must you make things more difficult for me?" Emma frowned and her lip quivered. Lexi took a step back, "Oh, no. Don't do that gay-ass pouty thing. Guys love it, but to me it's grounds for murder." Emma giggled. Caitlin stood up and stood next to Emma and Lexi. She said, "I think we look good." Lexi and Emma nodded in agreement. Lexi and Caitlin were sisters but looked very different. Whereas Lexi had smoky gray eyes and blonde hair and was 5'9", Caitlin had black hair, dark green eyes and was 5'6". Emma was an extreme contrast to the two others with long brown hair and hazel eyes that she tinted violet with contacts. She was the shortest of the three at 5 feet even. Lexi smiled, "Come on girls, let's go get us this job."

Lexi, Caitlin, and Emma took the stage. Lexi could hardly see the guys in the dim lighting. First they sang their song, 'Crazy Love.' The guys from 'N SYNC clapped wildly and one called, "You rule!" Then they sang their hit song, 'Day.' The guys applauded wildly again and went up to congratulate them, except JC who was talking to their manager, Johnny Wright. Lexi, Caitlin, and Emma started jumping for joy. They bounced up and down, screaming at high frequencies. "We got it! We got it!" A throat cleared. She smiled, "Hi. I'm Lexi Hunter. This is Caitlin Hunter and Emma Wellington." She studied the 4 guys in front of her. 1 had platinum blonde curls and was about 6 feet tall, one had hair so blonde it looked white and really cool green eyes, one had his hair dyed a ridiculous shade of red and was wearing a Superman medallion, and one had brown and white dreads. She looked at the one with the dreads and said, "You have to be Chris. Or should I say Satan?" Chris smiled at her, "Hi, God! Damn, you're hot!" Lexi laughed, "I think that's a compliment. Thanks" She looked at the others. "Uh, some names to go with faces and ridiculous hair would be nice." The tall one with the curls said, "I'm Justin Timberlake. Nice to meet you." Lexi nodded, "Nice hair. Does it glow in the dark?" Everyone excluding Justin laughed. Justin pouted. "Ugh. Emma, I think you've found a soul mate." Emma smiled sourly; "I'm laughing. Really." Lance extended his hand, "Lance Bass." "Hi. Nice to meet you. You're an Albino, do you realize that?" Lance frowned as everyone laughed at him. "Why does everyone say that?" Lexi smiled, "Well, look at you. Did you have a really terrifying experience? Is that how you got your hair that color?" Everyone laughed. The one with the red dye job said, "Hey, babe. I'm Joey Fatone. Your place or mine?" Lexi groaned. "Both. You go to yours. I'll go to mine." Joey frowned at being shot down as everyone laughed. Lexi smiled at him, "No more pickup lines, please, and I'm sure we'll get along. You obviously have good taste." Joey looked confused. Lexi nodded to the Superman medallion. "You realize that Superman is an excellent superhero. Therefore, good taste." Joey asked, "You like Superman?" Lexi pushed her pink streaked hair behind her ears, exposing her superman insignia earrings. "Cool, aren't they?" Joey nodded, "Hell yeah! You're all right." "I know." She turned to Caitlin and Emma. "Y'all do the 'Get to know each other thing.' I'm gonna call Lucas." She pulled out her cell phone. "Lucas? We got the job. I know. Isn't it great? We're touring the country!" Meanwhile, JC walked up onto the stage. He introduced himself to Caitlin and Emma. "Hi, I'm JC Chasez. Emma and Caitlin looked at each other. Emma cleared her throat, "Chasez, did you say?" JC nodded. Caitlin smiled sweetly. "Nice to meet you. I'm Caitlin Hunter. This is Emma Wellington. And that-." She pointed to Lexi. "Is my sister, Lexi. Met her yet?" JC shook his head and said, "I suppose I'd best make an introduction." He walked over to her. She didn't notice him at first. She said, "OK, Lucas. I know. I'll call you later. Love you, too. Bye." She shut her phone off. JC cleared his throat. Lexi turned around, annoyed. She gasped in pure shock and dropped her phone. "Josh!" She gasped. JC said, "Yes. Do I know you?" He then looked into those smoky gray eyes and asked in a whisper, "Alexis?" Instead of answering, Lexi's eyes rolled up into her head and she collapsed onto the stage.

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