Everyone flocked around Lexi's unconscious form, except for Emma, who was laughing uncontrollably. Lance looked up at her as she wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes. "Don't you even care that your friend just passed out?" Emma stopped laughing, "Of course I do. But I know she'll be fine. I'm sorry if I seem insensitive but it's just that-." Emma shut her mouth at Caitlin's warning glance. "Never mind. She got a nasty bump on her head. She's gonna be out for a while. Poor thing." JC suggested, "Maybe we should take her to a hospital." Emma and Caitlin shook their heads vigorously. Lexi hated hospitals. Caitlin said, "No. She'll be fine. We just have to get her back to the house." "Which is where?" Justin asked. Emma said, "Other side of town." JC gazed at Lexi's unconscious body and said, "I can't believe it. I can't believe she's here." Emma shrugged. "Believe it." Justin said thoughtfully, "Well, we'll just take y'all home, I guess" Everyone nodded in agreement. Emma smiled and commanded, "Well, someone pick her up and take her out to a car. It'll hafta be yours. We took a cab." JC gazed down at Alexis. He really couldn't believe she was here. He also knew that this could cause problems. He lifted her up in his arms. Emma grinned to herself and whispered to Caitlin, "If Lexi were awake, she'd faint." Smiling, they followed the guys to the van.

Lexi stretched and awoke the next morning. Recalling what had happened the day before, she groaned. "Emma, Caitlin?" She called out. JC popped his head into the room. "Caitlin's at a meeting and Emma is in the shower." Lexi nodded, "What are you doing here, Josh?" JC looked nervous, "I came to talk to you." He gave himself a silent pep talk, 'You can do this, JC. Just tell her. Tell her you don't think of her like that anymore. Tell her. God, she's beautiful. Ugh! Shut up, heart! Tell her. ' Lexi studied the intent look on his face. 'Dear Lord, he's gonna tell me he doesn't love me. Stay calm, Lexi. Tell him first so he doesn't know you still love him. Tell him. He still has the sexiest eyes. Ugh! Shut up, heart! Tell him.' She said, "Josh, I know we have a little, well, history together. But I don't think we should let the past affect the present." The internal struggle between her brain and heart continued, 'I can't believe you said that, Lexi! Take it back before he agrees with you! Shut up, heart! I'm going with my brain on this on! Fine, but you know you love him! Shut up, heart!' JC nodded. "I definitely agree. I mean, it was just one day. We were young and stupid." And the battle waged on inside him, 'You DID NOT just say that! You love her, you idiot and you know she loves you! She doesn't love me and I don't love her! You KNOW that isn't true! Shut up, heart! I'm going with my head on this one. Fine, but you know you love her! Shut up, heart!' Lexi smiled, "I agree. I'm glad we got that settled. Let's just forget the past." JC nodded, "Right, a new beginning. Can I still call you Alexis?" Lexi shrugged, "Sure, it's my name. As long as I can still call you Josh." "Deal." He extended his hand. Lexi shook her head. "No way. Handshakes are for business associates. We're friends." She reached her arms out for a hug. Reluctantly, he hugged her. They thought at the exact same time, 'I don't want this to end." JC pulled away and they smiled at each other. "I'll see you later, we're all having dinner together after rehearsal." Lexi nodded, "OK. I'll see you later, Josh." JC nodded, "Bye, Alexis." JC walked out of the room. As soon as he closed the door, he smacked himself in the head and muttered, "Stupid idiot!" He was completely unaware that on the other side of the door, Lexi was doing the exact same thing.

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