Emma, Caitlin, and Lexi were sitting Indian-style in a circle on the large stage. They were early and all alone in the arena. Emma shook her head and said, "Let me get this straight. You told him that it'd be best if you forgot the past and started new. Good plan, except for one thing." Lexi asked warily, "Which is?" Emma and Caitlin looked at each other and then at Lexi, "You love him!" They said together. Lexi stood. "Loved. Past tense, y'all. I loved Josh, I don't know JC. Besides, if he loved me, would he have agreed to it?" Emma and Caitlin sighed. Caitlin said, "I guess not." Emma said, "It was a long time ago. You are both better off forgetting about it." Lexi nodded. "I know." She smiled, "Now, let's play some poker." She pulled a deck of cards out of her pocket and smiled. She sat down again and dealt the cards.

In the van on the way to the arena, Chris said, "You are so stupid, JC!" JC rolled his eyes. "Thanks so much Chris." Lance said, "I agree with him, JC. You're dumb. You told Lexi you didn't love her. You're not only dumb, you're a liar." "I didn't tell her I didn't love her. I just agreed with her when she said we should have a fresh start. It was her idea. Besides, I don't love her. I loved Alexis. I don't even know Lexi. And, even if I did love her. She doesn't love me. While else would she have suggested a new beginning." Justin said, "Ya gotta admit, y'all. Da man's got a point." Joey said, "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I agree with Justin." JC said, "Just leave it be. It's over." They got out of the van and walked into the arena just in time to witness a very interesting show.

Lexi threw her cards down, "Full house! Beat that!" She jumped up and started dancing around. Caitlin threw her cards at Lexi. "You cheated, you little brat!" Lexi jutted out her chin defensively. "I don't have to cheat. I'm the best." Caitlin jumped up, "I'm gonna kick your Brooklyn butt into oblivion!" Lexi laughed, "Don't go making fun of my Brooklyn butt. You've got one too." Caitlin shrieked and lunged for Lexi. Lexi laughed and jumped off the stage and started running around the arena, Caitlin right behind her. Emma narrated, "And they're off. It's Lexi down Row 5 with Caitlin on her heels. Caitlin grabs on to Lexi's shirt. That has to be a penalty. And Lexi stumbles! Caitlin overpowers her. Can it be she's bringing out her secret weapon? Yes! Caitlin is tickling Lexi. Leave it to her to use Lexi's weakness against her. And Lexi is pulling Caitlin's hair! Where will the chaos end?" Emma looked up and saw the guys in the back of the arena. She smiled and waved, motioning for them to be silent. Lexi shrieked between bursts of giggles, "Caitlin Marie Hunter! If you don't stop this right now, I'm going to tell mom where you really were on Spring Break senior year!" Emma said, "Ooh! Low blow from Lexi!" Caitlin sighed and stood up, "You little witch." Lexi stood up and straightened her black tee shirt. "Thanks." They heard sparse applause and looked up to see the guys in the back. Caitlin blushed but Lexi bowed, "Thank you, thank you. You've just witnessed the 2:15 showing of, 'Sisters From Brooklyn.' I hope you enjoyed the show. We're here all week. Be sure to tip your waitress." The guys laughed. Lexi grinned, "Greetings and salutations to you all. Superman, Platinum, Satan, Albino, Josh." She listed them off as she nodded to each of them. Joey said, "You're from Brooklyn?" Lexi nodded, "Born and raised. We all were." Emma and Caitlin nodded. Lexi went to sit by them on the stage until things were set up. The girls followed her. Lexi got comfortable and asked, "Why'd you want to know?" Joey exclaimed, "I'm from Brooklyn too!" Emma, Lexi and Caitlin all asked, "Really?" Joey nodded. "That's so cool!" Lexi exclaimed. Joey nodded, "Heck, I might have even seen you around." Lexi stretched out her legs, "I dunno. Brooklyn's a big place." "True, of course. So were y'all in the Great -." Lexi and Emma finished with him, "Paint War of 1990?" Joey nodded. Lance asked, "You mean there actually was a great paint war? We thought you made that up, Joey!" Joey stuck out his tongue at him. Lexi said, "That paint war was the best. I got a really cool scar, want to see." She pulled up on leg of her sweatpants and showed them the jagged scar on her knee. "I was pushed down in the riot when the cops came." Joey said, "Man, a lot of kids got arrested. Were you a Bloody Angel or a Snowy Devil?" Lexi motioned to Emma said, "We were both Bloody Angels." She explained to the 4 confused guys, "Bloody Angels used red paint. Snowy Devils used white. What about you, Superman?" "Bloody Angel. You're looking at Commander Superman in the Double B Brigade." He said proudly. Emma and Lexi both widened their eyes. "We were commanders in the Double B Brigade too!" Joey said, "No way! I can't believe it! What were your names." Emma replied, "I was Commander Purple Toes." She giggled and said, "Lexi was Commander Jazzy Heart." Joey mimicked, "'Lousy, incompetent imbeciles! I will not hesitate to surrender you to the enemy! Do it, right! It isn't that hard, you idiots!' Is that right? Is that it?" Lexi blushed, "Yep, that was me." "Wow, this is a really weird coincidence. I can't believe it. I don't remember you though, Caitlin." Lexi laughed, "Caitlin dodged the draft. She had a book report due." Justin laughed, "Yo, draft dodging, brigades, commanders. Y'all make it sound like dis thang was a real war." Lexi glared icily at him; "It was a real war. To us at least. But it was all in good fun." Caitlin said, "Need I remind you that The Paint War sent Lucas into therapy?" Lexi said, "He got better, didn't he? He only still goes to that therapist because he thinks she's cute." JC said, "OK, enough traveling down memory lane. Back to reality and the reality is you girls have to practice so we can." Lexi glared at him, "Jeez, Josh. Are you like the group Daddy or something?" Chris said, "As a matter of fact, he is." Lexi laughed. "All right, then. We'll go rehearse. Come on girls." Smiling, she tossed her pink streaked hair back and led the other two to the stage.

The guys sat and watched them practice. Joey said, "I think they're good. I like them too, they're cool." Chris nodded, "They're funny. Especially Lexi. Look at her up there." Lexi was dancing around ridiculously while they waited for the sound crew to finish setting up. Lance said, "They seem nice. Especially Emma…" He trailed off. Justin asked, "Yo, you like her, G?" Lance shrugged, "She's cute and she's seems nice and she definitely has a good sense of humor." Emma called from the stage; "She also has a good sense of hearing! Stop talking about me! By the way Lance, you're cute too!" Lance blushed furiously as the guys laughed at him.

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