Lexi smiled, "Look at Lance blushing down there, Emma. He likes you!" Emma blushed. She said, "He's also 3 years younger than me." Lexi waved that off, "Details. Come on, let's rehearse." The opening strains of 'Day' filtered out and Lexi sang the opening lines. "I met you in a day. And that was how long it took to realize that I loved you." Emma joined her, "The day I left, I thought the pain wouldn't end." Caitlin joined them and they sang together, "Now I'm waiting for the day that I can tell you I love you. I'm waiting for the day, when you'll say you love me."

Lance looked at Joey and whispered softly, "Do you think he knows it's about him?" Joey shrugged, "Probably not. Look at him." They looked at the intent, wistful look on JC's face. Lance said, "He's totally clueless." Joey nodded and said, "But look at Lexi's eyes. That's a mixture of hurt and love if I ever saw one. She loves him but thinks he doesn't love her. She's clueless too."

The song ended. Lexi turned her back on the guys as she brushed a tear off her cheek. Caitlin noticed the action but said nothing, "Hey, Sis. Come on. 'Purple Sky.'" Lexi smiled and shrieked, "Purple Sky!" The song started and the girls broke out into their dance. They ran through 7 other songs before they took a break. Lexi dropped to her knees, "Water. For the love of God, water!" Caitlin hesitated and said, "OK, 20 minutes." Emma gasped, "20 minutes? Girl, are you sure your last name is Hunter, not Hitler?" Lexi said, "If I wasn't so tired, I'd laugh and slap you five." The guys stepped on stage, laughing at them. Lexi ordered, "Superman, bring me some water." Joey asked, "Why am I your slave all of a sudden?" "Because in my state of fatigue, you're the only one I can remember." Joey laughed and went backstage. He came back with two water bottles. He handed one to Lexi and one to Emma. He said to Caitlin, "You're still standing. You can get your own." Caitlin laughed. Chris jumped and said, "I'll get it for you, Caitlin!" Justin, JC, Lance, Joey, Lexi, and Emma all said in unison, "Ooh." Lexi took a big swallow of water and laughed as Chris rushed to hand Caitlin her water bottle. She said aloud to no one in particular, "Someone has a crush on my sister." Chris shrugged, ""Just a spontaneous act of kindness. I was a few years overdue for one." Caitlin smiled and everyone else laughed. Caitlin took a long sip of water and wiped her mouth. "Ok. Break's over." Lexi protested, "It hasn't been 20 minutes. It hasn't even been 10." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I am not singing or dancing until I'm good and ready, or until 15 more minutes are up. Whichever happens to come first." Emma laughed and nodded, "We're on strike!" Caitlin sighed, "Please, not again." She glanced at the guys in embarrassment. Lexi stuck out her tongue at her sister. "This wouldn't happen if you weren't a slave driver. So in a way, this is your fault." Emma nodded, "Yes. We are merely rebelling against your underhanded, praetorian, immoral, Stalin-like dictating ways." Lexi widened her eyes, "Big words, little girl." Emma grinned, "I know. That dictionary you gave me for my birthday really helped." Lexi laughed. JC asked, "You gave her a dictionary for her birthday?" Lexi rolled her eyes at the tone in his voice and ignored the fluttering in her heart. "Yes, I did actually, that and a gold ring. I'm an expert on gag gifts." Justin said, "Yeah, I bet you are." Lexi grinned, "Whoa, he speaks English. Who knew?" Everyone laughed. Chris said, "No one knew." Justin frowned, "Why da y'all make fun of the way thats I talk?" Lexi said, "Listen to you! You aren't black and you aren't from New York! You talk more like a New Yorker than I do." Justin lowered his head, "I don't mean to sound like that." Caitlin said softly, "Yes you do, Justin. And you know it." Emma said, "Now isn't the time to get into that. I think that break is over. Let's get back to rehearsal." Lexi stood and nodded. She looked at Justin's retreating form with his head down in shame. She said, "Hey, Platinum! Come here." Justin walked back to her slowly. She smiled at him and started to talk quietly.

JC watched as Lexi softly talked to Justin and felt a surge of jealousy course through him as she affectionately ruffled Justin's curls. Justin smiled at her shyly and walked off. 'He's sad one minute, then 2 minutes with Alexis and he's fine.' JC thought. 'But she made you feel the same way for the day that you knew her.' He reminded himself. Justin walked over to JC and said, "What up, man? You look like you want to tear someone's face off." JC thought to himself, 'Yeah, yours.' He said aloud, "So, what did Alexis say to you that cheered you up?" Justin smiled again, remembering. "She told me that I didn't have to speak in Ebonics to get attention. She said that I was a good person and I could be loved just for being myself and that I didn't have to falsify myself by talking like I did." JC said, "Pretty strong assumption considering she's known you a day." Justin shrugged, "Yeah, but she's good at seeing people for what they are, you can tell. There's something in her eyes. She can judge people fast, but she does it accurately." JC nodded, his eyes softening as he gazed at his Alexis. He walked away. Smiling to himself over Lexi's words and JC's reaction, he went to talk to Lance and Joey.

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