Lexi, Emma, and Caitlin sat watching 'N SYNC rehearse. Lexi said, "They're really good." Emma tore her gaze away from Lance long enough to turn to her friend and say, "Yeah, they're amazing." She went back to watching Lance. Lexi turned to Caitlin and said in a whisper, "Emma's got it bad for Lance. Talk about love at first sight" Caitlin smiled and said, "I think the feeling is mutual." She nodded at Lance. Lexi looked at him just in time to see him trip over his own feet as he stared at Emma." Lexi and Caitlin laughed. Lexi's phone rang. She picked it up, "What do you want?" Her 21 year-old brother Lucas said, "Is that any way to answer the phone, Alex?" Lexi smiled, "Lucas!" She exclaimed. She blushed as the guys sent pointed glares her way. She said in a softer tone, "What's up, boy?" "Nothing much. I got accepted into a college." He said proudly. "That's wonderful!" She stood and went to the back so she could talk louder. "I'm so proud of you. Please tell me it's the college." She could her Lucas's proud grin, "It was. Harvard Law School. I made it, Alex. I made it." Alexis jumped up and down, "Yes, yes, yes! I have to tell Caitlin. Hold on." She screamed, "Caitlin!" The guys glared at her again but she just stuck her tongue out at them. "Caitlin! Lucas got in to law school!" Caitlin shot up. "You mean the law school?" "Yes! He made it!" Caitlin squealed and ran up to Lexi. Caitlin took the phone, "Lucas! I'm so proud of you! I can't believe it!" She listened as Lucas talked and said, "Sure. I'll call you later, little man. Here's Lexi." Caitlin handed Lexi her phone. Lexi said, "I'm so happy for you, Luke." "Thanks, Alex. I appreciate it. That means a lot to me. So, what about you? I heard you fainted yesterday. Why?" Lexi sighed, "You remember Josh?" Lucas said, "How can I forget? You talked about him nonstop." "Well, he's in 'N SYNC. I fainted when I saw him." "That's great, Alex!" "No, it isn't." She looked up at JC on stage, who was sitting talking to Justin. They were on break. "He doesn't love me anymore, Luke. He all but told me so." "I'm so sorry, Alex. But hey, maybe it's for the best." "Maybe. I gotta go, Luke. I'll talk to you later. Congratulations again. We're both so proud of you." "I know, Alex. Tell Emma I said hi. Remember, when you're in Jersey-." Lexi laughed, "I know, bro. Bye." "Bye, Alex."

She replaced her phone. She walked back to where Emma and Caitlin were. She rested her head against the seat. "Lucas says hi, Emma. Hi. That's from Lucas." Emma smiled. "So he's going on to law school? Gonna be a lawyer? That's great." Lexi nodded proudly. "Next time we see him, we're going to get drunk. Right Caitlin?" Caitlin sighed and said, "Yes. We promised him we'd all get drunk if he got in. So when the tour hits New Jersey, we're gonna get plastered." Emma laughed, "Cool, can I join you?" Lexi said, "Of course. He'd love to have you there." Caitlin said hopefully, "Maybe he'll forget." Lexi smiled, "No way. He's been waiting for a long time. He wanted this to be the first time he got drunk. He's not gonna forget about it." Lance, who was listening in, said, "You have a very strange family." Lexi and Caitlin smiled and said together, "We know." Emma just flushed and looked at the floor. Lance sat next to her and said, "What about you, Emma? What's your family like?" Emma's chin quivered and she said, "You've met them already. Lexi and Caitlin are my family." She stood and walked away. Lexi went after her, concerned. Lance asked Caitlin, "What did I say?" They both looked over at Emma who was sobbing uncontrollably as Lexi tried her best to comfort her. Caitlin sighed, "Emma's gonna kill me but I guess I can tell you. Do you swear not to tell anyone." Lance nodded gravely. Caitlin looked at Emma again; "Emma's family wanted her to be a marine biologist like her mother, father and aunts and cousins. Emma majored in Marine Biology. So did Lexi, actually. Emma's whole family disowned her when she went into the music business. She's still sensitive about it. So now, me and Lexi really are the only family she has." Lance frowned and muttered, "That's so stupid though." Caitlin said, "I know that. But Emma just really feels bad about it. Like she deserved to get disowned, which she didn't." Lance stood. "Thanks Caitlin." Caitlin nodded grimly. Lance walked up to Emma and Lexi. Lexi smiled at him sadly and walked away, leaving him alone with Emma. She was still crying and had yet to notice him. He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and sat next to her. He handed her the hanky. She accepted it and finally looked up at him. As soon as her violet eyes locked on his green ones, she looked down quickly and wiped at her eyes. She sniffed and said, "You must think I'm pretty pathetic, huh? Crying over something so stupid." Lance said amazed, "Something so stupid? Oh, I don't think it's stupid at all. I think I'd cry to if it happened to me. I'm just really sorry I brought it up." Wiping her eyes again, Emma said, "Don't be silly, Lance. You didn't know." Lance said, "True, but I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." Emma smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "You're forgiven." She handed the handkerchief. Lance shook his head, "Keep it. In case you need to cry again." Emma smiled, "This has been some rehearsal, huh?" Lance grinned back at her, "That it has. And it ain't over yet." He stood and extended his hand to help her up. She looked at it and hesitated. Smiling at him, she took his hand.

Lexi smiled at the sight before her eyes. She looked at Caitlin and said, "Looks like at least one of us is going to find a romance on this tour." Caitlin grinned. "Maybe two." Lexi said forcefully, "I'm not getting together with Josh. No way in Hell." Caitlin just smiled and said, "Hey, Sissy, a new beginning can mean a lot of things. Maybe even a relationship that lasts more than a day." Lexi said, "I don't even like him anymore. Lay off." She stalked away. Caitlin smiled, "Not a chance in Hell."

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