***Three Days Later…***

Sarah looked out her dorm window for one last time, and locked the door behind her. She didn't know whether or not she was making the right decision. She decided to go on tour with the band. She thought that she was making a stupid move, but she had promised the guys. Sarah always kept her promises.

She stepped outside, and walked to her Jeep. She got in, and prepared for the long drive up the coast to Anaheim. The guys were performing at Disneyland that evening. She wanted to leave early enough to catch the show. She was trying to work on a face to put on when she saw JC. She didn't want him to know that she was hurt. Sarah couldn't keep it in any longer. She spent almost half the trip crying.

" Stop it." She thought to herself. " Why are you acting this way?" She asked herself. " This is stupid. He's over you, so you should be over him too." Sarah thought.

She got to Disneyland, and pulled into the parking lot. She tried to prepare herself for this. When she stepped into the park, she took a deep breath, and went to find the place where the concert was.

Sarah got to the concert area, and walked backstage. After a few encounters with some fans, she managed to get backstage. When she got there, she saw some people that she knew, and she smiled and greeted them. Sarah walked a little more, and saw a group of dancers getting warmed up. She smiled, and then, out of the corner of her right eye, she saw Justin walking towards her. He passed a couple roadies and dancers and politely said hello. Justin bent down to fix the cuff in his pants and when he looked up, he noticed a familiar pair of white tennis shoes. They were white and three baby blue stripes running down them. Justin raised his head a little higher and saw a girl with a huge smile on her face. He immediately noticed who it was and jumped up in excitement.

" Hey stranger." Sarah said and wrinkled up her nose.

" Omigosh Sarah!" Justin yelled and wrapped his arms around her waist.

" Hey J. How's it going?" She asked when he let go of her. She had noticed that he dyed his hair to a reddish-brown color. " Hey, I like your locks."

" These?" He said putting his hand on his hair. " Thanks."

" So, how's life?" She asked and the two started talking.

" I didn't think you were coming out." Justin said to her.

" What's that supposed to mean? Why wouldn't I?" Sarah asked with confusion on her face.

" Well, you know after…you know?" He said and blushed.

" Right, well, I shouldn't dwell on the past should I?" She said and looked around the venue. " So, looks like you guys have it made. How's the schedule going? Not too stressed?" She asked with concern in her voice.

" Yeah. I mean we're a little tired right now. But aside from that it's all good." Justin said. Just then, the others came walking towards Justin and Sarah. JC couldn't make out whom he was talking to because Justin was blocking his view.

" Hey," Chris said catching a glimpse of Sarah, " Is that? It is her!" Chris smiled, and hurried over to Sarah to give her a hug. Chris picked her up and spun her around.

" Kirkpatrick! Stop it now! Put me down!" Sarah screamed, but she had a smile on her face.

" Sarah?" JC whispered to himself. He couldn't believe she came. JC swallowed the lump in his throat that was beginning to form. He saw his ex-girlfriend. She was as beautiful as he remembered. He tried to act calm, but he didn't know what to say when he saw her.

" Hey girl!" Joey said as he picked up Sarah in his arms, and spun her around.

" If you guys don't stop, I'm going to lose my lunch." Sarah said as Joey put her down. She saw Lance coming to give her a hug. " Hold on Lance. Let be get my bearings first." She stood in one place, and looked around. She spotted JC, and tried to not make contact with his eyes. " Okay Lance. Come here." She said as she opened her arms.

"We missed you." Lance said as he gave Sarah a tight hug.

" Air please. I can't breathe." Sarah said, and Lance let her go. JC was standing behind the rest, and stepped forwards. He looked at Sarah and walked up to her.

" Hi bug." JC said calling Sarah by her pet name.

" Hey Josh." She said as she cringed at the sound of his voice. She wanted to give him a kiss, and hold him tightly, but she knew it wasn't going to happen.

JC gave her a hug, and placed his arms around her waist. He took a breath of her hair, and smelled the familiar scent of her apple shampoo. JC closed his eyes, and remembered how this felt. Sarah broke the hug, and stepped away. She turned and looked at the other four.

" Gosh, I've been waiting to see you all for so long." Sarah said as she took a deep breath.

" So, how's college?" Lance asked and leaned forward for her answer.

" Well, it's not all that's cracked up to be. But it's fun." Sarah said and looked at the smiles on her best friend's faces. " So, how's everything with you all? How's the tour?" She asked.

" Great, the fans are great, the places are great, the music is great." Joey said enthusiastically.

" Yeah, and we get a lot of free food." Chris said. Justin shot him a glance, and they all burst out laughing.

" We have rehearsal right now though." JC reminded the others.

" You could stay if you want." Justin said looking at Sarah.

" I'll pass on that one. I'm going to go find something to do. You know try to hunt down Mickey or something. Those teacups are screaming my name. I'll catch you all later though." She said and said bye to all of them. JC laughed at her little joke. She walked away, and heard footsteps rushing up to her.

" Hey." Justin said as he ran after her. " Are you okay?" He asked.

" Sure I am." Sarah lied. " Why wouldn't I be?"

" You’re my best friend Sarah. I know when you're lying to me." Justin said and looked at Sarah in the eye.

" It's just awkward. I don't know how to act around him anymore." She whispered.

" Be yourself, Sarah. That's all you need to be." He said and put an arm around her. He gave her a hug, and Sarah's eyes began filling with tears.

" Do you still love him?" Justin asked.

" Yeah I do." She said sighing. "A lot, but I can't change how it is. Although, I wish I could." Sarah said turning her back again.

" Are you coming on tour with us this summer?" Justin said. He hoped she would answer with a yes.

" I don't know right now. I'm thinking about it. I don't know if it's the right thing to do." Sarah said.

" You have to Sarah. It's tradition, You've come with us for the past two years." Justin reminded her.

" Things have changed, Justin. " Sarah said. " Go practice. I'll be back don't worry." She said.

" Where you going?" Justin asked.

" I'm in Disneyland. I'm going to go have fun." She said spinning around "You know try and take my mind off my problems." Sarah said. She was aching inside. " Happiest place on earth J. Happiest…" She put on a fake smile to try and reassure her friend. She needed time to figure things out. She wanted to be alone.

" Alright, you be careful." Justin said.

" See you J." Sarah said, and she walked out the door.

***The same afternoon***

" Wow." Lance said as he walked back to the dressing room with the others. " It's great to see Sarah again. Isn't it?" He asked the others.

" Yeah, I really missed that girl. She so funny." Chris said as he sat down in front of one of the mirrors.

" I thought I was going through Sarah withdrawal. I can't get enough of her. I'm so glad she's finally here. This summer's gonna be awesome." Joey said.

" I don't know if she's coming or not." Justin said. The others stopped what they were doing. JC's eyes widened. He looked shocked.

" What are you talking about?" JC asked Justin.

" She hasn't made up her mind yet." Justin said sadly.

" Since when does she have to think about it?" Asked Chris.

" Since we broke up." JC whispered. He knew that she must have felt awkward earlier." I see now." Chris said quietly.

" I don't want her to feel like she doesn't belong." JC said, and sighed.

" She shouldn't. I mean we knew her before you two got together." Joey said.

" I need to talk to her." JC said as he got up. " I need to find her."

" You'll never find her JC. She's out in the park somewhere. You won't be back on time." Chris said.

" Don't worry about it. I know where she's at." JC said. He remembered where Sarah always liked to go. " What time is it?" JC asked.

" 2:30, why?" Lance asked.

" Good, the parade is on now." JC said. " I'll be back." With that JC ran out the dressing room door, and out into the park.

* * * * *


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