
" Hey there." JC said as he placed a hand on Sarah's shoulders.

" Don't scare me like that." She said as she realized who it was. She didn't even have to turn around to see who it was.

" What are you doing here?" She asked him.

" I needed to talk to you." He said as he sat down next to her. The parade was passing by in the street in front of them.

" How did you know where I was at?" Sarah asked as she brushed a lock of her dark brown hair out of her brown eyes.

" I knew. I just knew." He said back. He looked at her, and she made no move to turn and look at him back.

" So talk Josh. That's what you came here for, right?" She said coldly. JC knew that she was angry with him.

" Please Sarah. I'm really sorry." He said. He couldn't think of anything else to say to her.

" Yeah. You've said that already. So many times, that I'm beginning to think you don't mean it." Sarah said, and she looked up at the clouds.

" Of course I do. Please don't talk like that. I just don't want you to not come with us because of what happened." He said.

" Why Josh?" She asked quietly.

" Bug, I already told you." JC said.

" You know that's not a good explanation for me." Sarah said. A tear formed in the corner of her eye. She tried to fight it, but it fell onto the pavement below. " You knew I was coming out." Sarah was trying to talk through the sobs, and she paused to take a breath.

" Believe me Sarah. I care so much about you. I never wanted this to happen." JC said. He saw that she was crying, and he tried to put his arm around her. Sarah backed away when he tried. " Sarah please…" JC said.

" Don't you know that I felt the same way? I can't even begin to count how many times I dreamed that you would be there to comfort me. I loved you, Josh. I still do," Sarah whispered. She walked away, and disappeared into the crowd. She left JC standing alone.

" Sarah?" He said to himself. He couldn't bear looking at her this way.

***Concert that night***

Sarah sat in the front row at the concert. She always sat in the center. She got wrapped up in the music, and she didn't notice that she was dancing around with the other fans there. Justin looked down at her, and smiled. He thought it was good to see her smiling. The guys took out water guns, and began spraying the crowd. Sarah could hear all the screams from the fans.

Joey looked down at Sarah, and pointed at her. She gave him a look that said "don't even think about it." He ignored the look, and sprayed Sarah with the remaining water in his gun. She shook off the water, and shook her head at Joey. Then she smiled, and laughed.

Through all this JC was looking at her. He knew that under the mask she was wearing, was a girl who had been heartbroken. And he knew that he caused it. JC couldn't help but feel horrible. He had lost his girlfriend, but most of all, he had lost his best friend.

" How's everyone doing?" Justin asked the crowd as he put his microphone out to the audience. The crowd screamed, and Sarah looked back and laughed inside.

"I miss this" Sarah thought to herself. She remembered the tours she was on earlier. She remembered how the guys got so excited by the screams of the audience. She remembered how she would watch JC at rehearsal. He would do every move until it was perfected. Sarah remembered reading the fan mail that they got. She would sit in the dressing room staring at the thing the fans would give them. Sarah remembered how it felt to be part of the group. And she missed it. She missed it all.


" You guys were amazing as usual." Sarah said as she saw the group backstage.

" But you on the other hand." Sarah said as she saw Joey. " You better run, little man." Sarah took off running after Joey, and tackled him from behind. They fell to the ground, but when they did Joey began tickling her. She fell helpless.

" Okay you two. That's enough." Justin said as he tried to pry Joey off Sarah. " You're going to smother her."

" Thanks J. I thought I was going to run out of air for a second." Sarah said and took Justin's hand that he offered her.

" You liked it?" Chris asked Sarah.

" Of course I did. I always have, and I always will." Sarah gave Chris a small hug from behind.

" Where's JC?" Lance said as he noticed that one of the guys was missing. Just after Lance had said that, JC came walking through the dressing room door, and Sarah got up and walked to a chair in front of the mirrors. She picked up a card that was on the table. She saw it was addressed to Justin. She read it over and it was a typical " will you marry me note". Sarah shrugged her shoulders, and let out a small laugh.

"What you reading?" Justin said behind her.

" It's a note from your future wife. She says she loves you, she misses you, she's happy to see you tonight, and oh yeah she thinks you're soooooo cute." Sarah said as she handed the note to Justin. She got up off her chair, and started for the door.

" Where do you think you're going?" Lance said as he stopped Sarah with his arm.

" I need to get some air." Sarah said, and looked at JC.

" I think I left something out on the stage. I'll be back." JC said as he read the expression on Sarah's face.


" Hey you." Sarah whispered as she heard a slight rustle of clothes approach her. She had been sitting outside with her back to the wall. Her eyes were red and stinging with tears. Her face was tired, and she was emotionally as well as physically stressed.

" Hi." JC said as he slid down the wall to sit himself next to her. " Tired?" He asked her.

" Yeah. What are you doing here? And how did you know where I was, again?" She asked.

" I have my ways Sarah. I have my ways." He said with a smile. " You okay?" He said as he noticed her eyes.

" What? I don't look it?" She said sarcastically. " I'll be fine. Just a little tired that's all." Sarah said.

" That's all?" JC asked her. " Why'd you come out here?" Sarah said as she turned to face JC.

" To make sure you were okay." He said. He looked into her eyes, and saw her pain.

" Don't do that." Sarah said.

" What?" JC said.

" Don't look at me like that." Sarah said referring to him staring in her eyes.

" Why not?" He asked.

" You can't anymore." She said as she pushed herself up off the ground.

" Why?" JC asked. " Why can't I look at you like that?" He said with a tone of anger in his voice.

" You know why. Excuse me Josh. I have to go." She said. And with that, she walked away.

She didn't want to leave, but she knew she had to. Her head and her heart were telling her to do totally different things. Her head told her that she was stupid for falling for him, and her heart told her to not let go. She was fighting an inner struggle, and it was wearing her out in more ways than one.


" Hi. I'm Sarah." Said an eighteen-year-old girl. She put out her hand for the older man to shake it.

" Hey, I'm JC." The man said.

" Ah, the birthday boy?" Sarah said.

" In the flesh." JC said.

" The big twenty huh? Well, happy birthday to you." She sang softly.

" I haven't seen you before. I know this must sound rude, but how'd you get to come to the party?" JC said trying to not sound too rude.

" Oh, my uncle is one of your producers. He decided to make me come along." She said as she took a sip from her glass.

" Well, I'm glad he asked you to come." JC said courteously.

" Why's that may I ask?" She said and smiled at the dark-haired, handsome, young man in front of her.

" Then I would have not met you, of course." JC smiled at Sarah.


" That was a bunch of bull." Sarah said as she climbed into bed for the night. She thought back to the first time that her and JC met. But, now two years later, part of her wished they had never met. Another part of her held onto that day, and didn't want to let go.Sarah curled up in a ball, and tried to get used to the hard hotel mattress. She didn't have much of a rest that night. Little did Sarah know that JC was tossing and turning in his own bed. Now and Forever Let's Get 'N Fanfiction