***The Next Morning***

The next morning, everyone was sitting around the table in the suite. The routine hadn't changed. Chris was still half asleep holding a cold cup of coffee in one hand. Joey was lying on the sofa pleading for five more minutes. Justin was having a staring contest with his Apple Jacks, Lance was reading about the stock market in the New York Times. JC's eyes were still half closed, and he had his head lying on the kitchen table. Sarah got up off her chair and went to go fill her mug. She walked to the sofa, and nudged Joey a bit.

" Joey, wake up hon." She said quietly.

" Five more minutes, that's all I ask." Joey moaned.

" You told me that five minutes ago." She said and laughed. " Come on superman. Get off your butt." She said and handed him a cup of coffee. "Here. Drink say I. Help you feel better it will." She joked in her best Yoda impression. " Special Jedi potion it is. Get up say I." Joey got up and took the cup from her hands. JC looked up and saw the two joking around. He smiled when he heard her try to sound like Yoda.

" She never could get the voice right." JC whispered. His head fell back in between his arms.

" Thank you master. Now, I am on my way to become a Jedi." Joey said and bowed to Sarah. He let out a laugh, and took a sip of the coffee. " That's strong." He said.

" Don't blame me." Sarah said. " Lance made it." She said pointing to Lance.

" Drug you I did." He said trying to make fun of Sarah.

" Funny that is not." Sarah said and gave him a soft hit in the back of the head. " I'm going to go get ready. See you guys in a few." She said, and took her coffee to her room." Thanks Lance." Sarah said making sure to show him her appreciation for the coffee.

" Sure Sarah." He said behind his paper.


" Okay, no." JC said as he straightened up on the sofa. He and Sarah had just had a Star Wars movie night.

" What do you mean? Return of the Jedi is the best of all three." Sarah said. " I don't see why you think the first one was the best." She said to JC.

" Because my love, without the first one, there would be no Return of the Jedi." JC said and smirked at his comeback.

" And without Return of the Jedi, the plot and the story line would not have made any sense." Sarah smiled and leaned back against the sofa." Who knows, Luke and Lea may have gotten together, and…eww…I don't even want to think about what could have happened." She said and laughed.

" Okay, but…" JC tried to think of something. " Fine, you win this one young Jedi, but you have much to learn." He said.

" Much to learn have I?" Sarah said trying to be Yoda." Forget you that Jedi master I am. More power have I. Force stronger with me." She said.

" Okay, who were you trying to sound like just then?" JC asked as he put his arm around her waist. He pulled her towards him so that she was leaning on him.

" Yoda. Of course." She said and rubbed the arm JC had around her waist.

" No, I am sorry. And for that horrible impersonation, you must die." He said pretending to slash her with his lightsaber.

" Please spare me?" She begged.

" Okay. But, only cause I think you're pretty." He said and kissed her forehead. " But no more Yoda. Okay?" He said.

" Never stop will I." She joked. "Wait, I'm only pretty?" She smiled, and put her hand to JC's face. She looked up at him, and stared into his blue eyes. He wrinkled his nose, and she did the same.

" Attack you now I will." JC said, and he took both hands from her and tickled her. Sarah squirmed around, and tried to fight back. He didn't let her win so easily. She gave up after about five minutes of torture.

" Okay, now kiss and make up we will." She said, and he leaned down and touched his lips to hers.

End Flashback

" Wake up. What's up man?" Justin said staring at his older friend. " You okay?" He asked.

" Huh? Yeah, I'm good." JC said to his curly-haired friend. " I'm okay." He said reassuring Justin.

" Thinking about somebody?" Justin pressed. He knew that ever since Sarah came back, JC couldn't concentrate.

" What? Who?" JC said staring at Justin.

" You know." Justin said nudging JC in the shoulder.

" No, I don't know." JC said, although he did know.

" Sure man." Justin said with a disappointed tone.

" Yeah." JC said after a moment.

" Yeah what?" Justin asked.

" Yeah I was thinking about Sarah." He said. " I know who you were talking about." JC said.

" And?" Justin said getting in JC's face.

" And nothing." JC said. " I was just remembering how she used to try to talk like Yoda. That's all." JC said and laughed again as the picture of Sarah entered his mind.

" That's all." Justin said. " Sure, man." Justin said and smiled as he saw Sarah walking towards them.

" So, did you win?" Sarah asked Justin as she stopped in the hallway.

" Win? Win what?" Justin asked.

" You know. Your daily stare down with your cereal." She said trying to hold in a laugh. She couldn't and had to snicker a bit.

" You think it's funny?" Justin said. " I'll show you what's funny." He said. Justin lunged at Sarah, and began to tickle her. She fell to the floor and was overcome with laughter.

" Josh…" She said trying to fight back. " Help me…" She pleaded and looked in JC's eyes. "Please. Can't…hold…on…much…longer." She said. Sarah let out a breath, and fell silent. She rolled her eyes up, and closed them.

" You killed her." JC said resisting the urge to laugh. " Let's go man." He said to Justin.

" What are we going to do with the body?" Justin asked JC.

" Well, there's a laundry shoot somewhere around here." JC said. Sarah cracked open her eye to see what they were planning.

" I think I see it JC." Justin said. " Yeah, there it is. Here help me with the body." Justin joked.

" I got the head." JC said pretending to pick her up. " Grab her feet."

Sarah didn't want to open her eyes. She wanted to see where this was going. Besides she liked the feeling of having JC hold her. Well, sort of.

" One…Two…Three…" Justin counted off." Hey man, do you think she's really okay?"

" Hmm? There's only one way to find out." JC said. They were now in the hotel suite, and they had brought her to a bedroom. They threw Sarah onto a bed, and she still didn't move.

" How's that?" Justin asked.

" Watch." JC said. Sarah waited until JC made his move. He began to tickle her, and she tried to not move or laugh, but she couldn't help it. She began jerking around, and roared in laughter." See." JC said to his young apprentice.

" Joshua Scott." Sarah warned, and pounced on JC the minute he took his hands off her. She took off his shoes with one hand while trying to hold him down with the other.

" Sarah, please." JC pleaded. " Bug, don't." He begged.

" I'm sorry did you say something?" Sarah asked. " You're not getting away with it Chasez. You didn't help me." She began tickling JC's feet. He squirmed under her, and tried to escape. She held him down, and stopped when she thought he had enough. " Learned your lesson you have." Sarah said again imitating Yoda. " Hurt my feelings you have." She said and pouted. " My Yoda is fine." She said and flashed a smile at JC. " And you?" She said looking at Justin." For this you must be punished." She said, and ran after Justin.

" Okay, I give up." Justin said and kneeled in front of Sarah. " Do with me what you will." He said, and bowed his head down.

" What I will?" Sarah said with an evil smirk on her face.

" Uh-oh." JC said as he heard what had been said. " She can be cruel J. Watch what you say around her." He said. Sarah looked at him and raised her eyebrow.

" Hmm?" Sarah thought. " Okay I have it." She smiled, and giggled.

" Oh, what is it?" Justin said looking up.

" I want you to go out in the hall…with nothing but your boxers on." She said.

" You what? No, I will not do that." He said.

" What I will." Sarah reminded Justin. " I have a witness."

" Hey, I can't ever resist a pretty girl." JC said and shrugged. He realized what he said, and looked at Sarah for her reaction. She looked at him, and back at Justin.

" Go with pride." Sarah said. She pointed to the door, and Justin walked outside taking his shirt and pants off as he went. He set them on a chair beside the door, and walked out to the hall. "I'm only pretty, huh?" Sarah said to JC. "Come on." Sarah said as she grabbed JC's hand to pull him out with her. JC remembered when he said that before, and thought back to that day again.

" Nice legs." Chris said as he saw Justin in the hall.

" Wow, Justin. I never knew that you could look so…what's the word? Sexy."

Joey said and made catcalls after Justin.

" Excuse me, Mr. Timberlake." Lance pretended to be a reporter. " Boxer's or Briefs?" He said pointing a pretend microphone in his face.

JC and Sarah were rolling on the floor laughing. Literally.

" I don't even want to know what happened." Lance said as he stepped over JC and Sarah. The stopped laughing and stood up. They looked like two little kids that got caught from stealing cookies out of the cookie jar.

" Excuse me." Justin said making his way back in the suite. " I hope you're happy now." He said to Sarah.

" Very." Sarah said. " Thank you J." She said and smiled at him. He smiled back. They walked into the suite and sat down in the living room. Sarah told the others what happened and the room instantly filled with laughter.

" You had to be there." Was all that JC could say without bursting up again.JC watched as Sarah retold the story, and he watched her laugh and smile. He was glad that she was laughing again. The past couple days he hardly heard her laugh at all. This was a good sign for her and for him. Justin saw the look on JC's face and shook his head. Now and Forever Let's Get 'N Fanfiction