***That night***

“ Hey Sarah.” Chris said as he walked past Sarah in the hall.

“ Hiya, Chris.” She replied, and smiled. “ You look nice.”

“Oh this?” Chris said, and looked down at his outfit. He wore a pair of black slacks, a blue oxford shirt, and a multicolored blue tie. He spun around, and Sarah laughed at him. “ Aren’t you gonna get ready?” He asked noticing that she was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

“ Yeah, I just had to go pick some stuff downstairs.” Sarah said and held up a small plastic bag.

“ Alright. We’ll meet you at seven sharp.” Chris said, and walked down the hall. Sarah walked into her hotel room, and up to her closet. She pulled out two dresses. She walked to the mirror, and held each dress up to her body. “ Black or Blue?” She asked herself out loud.

“ Blue.” Someone said behind her. Sarah jumped at the voice, and turned around to see its owner. It was JC. He stood leaning on her door post dressed in a semi-formal black suit. She smiled and nodded her head for him to come in. He stepped in and took a seat on her bed.

“ Blue, huh?” She said repeating his words. He nodded his head and smiled. “ Alright then, Black it is.” She threw the blue dress on her bed, and walked into the bathroom to get dressed. She left the door slightly ajar.

“But, I like this one.” JC said, and picked up the blue dress beside him.

“ Then you wear it.” Sarah loudly said from inside the bathroom.

“ Ha. Ha. Bug, why don’t you ever listen to me?” He said.

“ Why don’t you ever listen to me?” Sarah asked the same question.

JC shook his head and laid back on Sarah’s bed. “ De Ja…” He started.

“ Vu.” Sarah said from inside the bathroom.

“ Yeah totally. Remember that time?” He asked hoping she would.

“ Yeah. It was Chris’ birthday, and I was getting ready.” She said, and smiled at herself in the mirror. She could see JC on her bed. He laid on it with his arms folded behind his head.

“ I told you to wear that maroon shirt…” He was going to finish, but Sarah cut him off.

“ But I ended up wearing the navy one.” She said, and he smiled looking up at the ceiling.

“Josh, well?” She asked, and stepped out of the bathroom. JC sat up on the bed, and his eyes adjusted. When his focus was right, his eyes widened. He didn’t say a thing, so Sarah was worried.

“ What is it?” Sarah asked. “ Too much?” She said examining her outfit.

“ No. No. It’s fine.” JC said. Just perfect. He thought.

“ You sure?” She said. JC looked at his former girlfriend, and fell into a trance. She stood before him in a simple black dress. It has spaghetti straps, and fell just in the middle of her shins. It’s silk clung to her petite body perfectly. She wore a pair of black platform shoes, and her hair was left hanging to the middle of her back. She smiled at him waiting for a response.“ Yes. I’m sure.” JC said.

“ Okay, let’s go. We’re gonna be late.” She said, and walked out her door with JC following close behind. Now and Forever Let's Get 'N Fanfiction